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  • Q1: In the following gas mixture, composition is given by weight percent (a) The composition of the mixture in mole %. (15 pts) (b) The average molecular weight of the gas mixture. (15 pts) (b) The average molecular weight of the gas mixture. (15 pts)See Answer
  • Q2: A batch of leather after drying weighs 500 kg and contains 6% moisture. During the process, leather loses 60% of its original weight. O Draw the flowsheet for this process. Calculate the original moisture content of the leather in terms of kg of H2O/kg of dry leather. Calculate kg of H20 removed/kg of dry leather. ) H2O removed as percent of the original water.See Answer
  • Q3: An electric current is passed through a fluorescent tube. Electrons and ions collide with mercury gas in the fluorescent tube, raising the mercury atoms to higher energy levels. Describe how a fluorescent tube produces visible light. Suggest how this happens. The resistance of the tube decreases when the potential difference across it isincreased.See Answer
  • Q4: Figure 8 shows a simple pendulum suspended from a ceiling that is too high to reach. The height of the ceiling is H. The centre of mass of the pendulum bob is a distance h from the floor when the pendulum is in the rest position. A student uses the pendulum to determine H. The relationship between h and the period T of the pendulum is: T=2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{H-h}{g}} The student wants to use a graphical method to determine both H and g. Describe the procedure that the student should use to collect data that produce accurate determinations of H and g.[3 marks] Describe how the data can be analysed using a straight-line graph to determine H and g.[2 markSee Answer
  • Q5:1. Let P = P(x, y, z), Q = Q(x, y, z), and R = R(x, y, z) be functions of three variables defined on a subset E of space. A vector field over E is defined as the function F(x, y, z) = P(x, y, z) + Q(x, y, z) + R(x, y, z). Determine whether the provided statement is true or false. 2. The gradient of a function f is an example of a vector field. Determine whether the provided statement is true or false. 3. Consider the vector field F(x, y) = xi + 2yj. Which of the following vector fields correctly graphs F(x, y)? Choose the correct vector field. 4. Consider the vector field F = F(x, y) = yi-j. Which of the following vector fields correctly graphs F(x, y)? Choose the correct vector field. 5. Consider the vector field F = F(x, y) = 2i. Which of the following vector fields correctly graphs F(x, y)? Choose the correct vector field. 6. Consider the vector field F = F(x, y) = -4i + 3j. Which of the following vector fields correctly graphs F(x, y)? Choose the correct vector field. 7. Consider the vector field F = F(x, y, z) = zk. Which of the following vector fields correctly graphs F(x, y, z)? Choose the correct vector field. 8. Consider the vector field F = F(x, y, z) = xi. Which of the following vector fields correctly graphs F(x, y, z)? Choose the correct vector field. 9. Find the gradient vector field of function f. f(x,y) = xe^13y (Give your answer using component form or standard basis vectors. Express numbers in exact form. Use symbolic notation and fractions where needed.) 10. Find the gradient vector field of function ƒ. f(x, y, z) = x^7y + 4xyz³ (Give your answer using component form or standard basis vectors. Express numbers in exact form. Use symbolic notation and fractions where needed.) 11. (a) Which of the following correctly describes the vector field F(x, y) = -yi + xj? F(x, y) is a set of vectors tangent to circles centered at the origin. O parallel to the y-axis. O parallel to the x-axis. O parallel to radius vectors of circles centered at the origin. (b) Which of the following correctly describes the magnitude of a vector in the field F(x, y) = -yi + xj? The magnitude of each vector in the field O is proportional to the distance of the vector from the x-axis. O equals the radius squared of the circle. O equals the radius of the circle. O is proportional to the distance of the vector from the y-axis. 12. Consider a very small object of mass m kg. The distance from this object is denoted by r and measured in meters (m). The gravitational potential due to the mass m is the scalar function u = - Gr, where G = 6.67 x 10-¹¹ N m²/kg² and r = xi + yj + zk. If the gravitational field g = -Vu, then what does g equal in terms of G, m, r, and r?See Answer
  • Q6:Question 1 Marked out of 10.00 VL Ton Answer: Toff Given f= 20kHz, Ton: (Ton+Toff) = 0.39 and Ai= 1.44A(p-p). The above waveform represents V₁ in Figure 1, Q: by sketching the waveform for i Calculate the mean value of lil. DA OMASee Answer
  • Q7:Question 2 Marked out of 10.00 VL Ton Answer: Toff Given f= 10kHz, Ton: (Ton+Toff) = 0.33 and Ai= 8.37A(p-p). The above waveform represents V₁ in Figure 1, Q: by sketching the waveform for i Calculate the mean value of li]. R OA OMASee Answer
  • Q8:Question 3 Marked out of 25.00 V₂ Ton Answer: Toff Given f= 18kHz, Ton: (Ton+Toff) = 0.67 and Ai= 4.21A (peak). The above waveform represents v₁ in Figure 1, at steady state. Q: by sketching the waveform for i Calculate the rms value of i. nuw OA OMASee Answer
  • Q9:Question 4 Marked out of 20.00 IB Ic 0 A IAB Answer: B IBC CICA α α T a OA OMA mej amb l m² mak 2π Given I=2.9A, α = π/12 and the ratio of Delta to Star windings is 17 Q: Sketch an accurate waveform for icB and calculate the mean value of licBl. ·αSee Answer
  • Q10:Question 5 Marked out of 15.00 ¡A IB ic 0 A AB Answer: B IBC CICA a T a OA OMA me mb mek 2π ib Given the ratio of Delta to Star windings = 19, I=8.5A and α = π/12 Q: By sketching the waveform for IBA in the above diagram determine its peak to peak value. αSee Answer
  • Q11:Question 6 Marked out of 15.00 VL (V) a 10 Answer: 16 20 8 10 VL Figure 1. OA OMA 12 M R 14 15 Given the above waveform is V₁ in the L-R circuit of Figure 1, a-8V, L=0.011H and R=90 Q: By sketching the waveform of i, find the value of current (i) at t=0.0065s. t (ms)See Answer
  • Q12:Question 7 Marked out of 15.00 VL (V) ++ a -a 6 Answer: VL Figure 1. R 10 12 14 15 Given the above waveform is V, in the R-L circuit of Figure 1, a = 28V, L=0.019H and R=8Q OA OMA / (ms) Q: By sketching the waveform of i, Find the value of current (i) at t=0.0134s.See Answer
  • Q13:Question 8 Marked out of 20.00 The tertiary winding transformer below has vy=20V at 50 Hz. The transformer supplies two impedance, where Z₁ = 530 and Z₂ = 920. Given N₁=50 turns, N₂=250 turns and N3 = 500 turns, calculate current i, 1₁ Answer: N₁ 12 N₂2 13 N3 OA OMA Z1 Z2See Answer
  • Q14:Question 9 Marked out of 20.00 Please refer to module 4 for the following question. E (mWs) 8 7 6 in 3 2 1 O 20 Answer: Turn-on and Turn-off Energy: IGBT 40 60 Ic (A) OW OKW 80 Eon Eoff 100 Refer to the above IGBT turn-on and turn-off energy graph above and the SKM50GB063D datasheet provided (available on studydesk also). Given: Vps -4.600V; Vgs = +/- 15V; Rg = 2202; Ip = 75A; ƒ,= 11.4kHz Calculate the switching loss for the IGBT. 120See Answer
  • Q15:Question 10 Marked out of 20.00 id Answer: TA+ TA A 5PM DA+ 10 DB+ R műt DA- DB E B N Given the above full bridge convertor operates in Bipolar Mode, V₁=133V, E=20V, I,= 1.1A (NB. Assume R is negligible) Q: Calculate the duty ratio D for the above circuit Hint: use a sketch of VAB to check your answer TB+ TB-See Answer
  • Q16:Question 12 Marked out of 20.00 IB B ic c AB Answer: IBC ICA iz a OA OMA b C X y Z && HKH HKH K HKH Given V4B = Vab=V xy=587 V, Id=27A. Assume that the voltage across the load is ripple-free. Q: Calculate the peak value of the 23rd harmonic in i KH KH KH LOADSee Answer
  • Q17:Question 13 Marked out of 20.00 ig B ic c LAB Answer: ind Em ICA Fys X Ov Omv y = & id KH KH KH ** HKH A A A Given a 12-Pulse rectifier with VAB =440V and turns ratio 1:1 Q- Calculate the peak to peak value of the voltage across inductor L L DSee Answer
  • Q18:Question 14 Marked out of 20.00 iB B ic AB Answer: IBC ICA mi 0% a b X y = 1. HKH ** KH KH Given VAB = 440V, Id=45.2A. Assume that the voltage across the load is ripple-free. Q: Calculate the percentage total harmonic distortion in ix ¹d LSee Answer
  • Q19:(1) Photons are quanta of the EM field with energy E, = hf where h is Planck's constant and f is the frequency. What is the momentum of such a photon? If the density of photons in space, all traveling in the x-direction and all with the same energy, is n (with units of m³), then express the energy density, Poynting vector, intensity, and momentum density of the EM field in terms of this number density. If a beam of such photons is absorbed by a sheet of area A what is the radiation force on this sheet in terms of the photon density? (2) Do Griffiths problem 9.18 (parallel or p polarization case), but with relative permittivity &r = 2.8. Use excel or some other software to produce good plots. (3) This is a qualitative essay question requiring several sentences plus maybe a cartoon. Sometimes at night, when there is a thermal inversion (i.e., higher temperatures at higher altitudes, but colder near the ground) sounds from long distances away can be heard. Explain this phenomenon, knowing how the speed of sound varies with temperature and knowing that something like Snell's law should apply to sound waves as well as EM waves. (4) The time-dependent Schrodinger's equation in 1D is: ih 24 at ħ² 2²4 2m əx² +V where y(x,t) is the 1D wavefunction and V is a 1D potential. Assume plane wave solutions in free space (V=0) of form: y(x,t) = wo exp{i(kx-cot)}. Where co(k) is a function of k; that is, the dispersion relation. (a) Find the dispersion relation co(k). (b) From (k) find the phase and group velocities of the wave. (c) Assuming this wavefunction represents a free particle what is its speed? What is its momentum? (d) Now assume that the particle can be represented by a wavepacket. The Fourier transform of the wave function is given by A(k) = Ak¹ rect(ko-Ak) where Ak is << ko. This is a square function. Find y(x,t) for this case. Describe it. What are the uncertainties in momentum and space (i.e., x). That is, is Heisenberg's uncertainty principle holding?See Answer
  • Q20:1. Let P = P(x, y, z), Q = Q(x, y, z), and R = R(x, y, z) be functions of three variables defined on a subset E of space. A vector field over E is defined as the function F(x, y, z) = P(x, y, z) + Q(x, y, z) + R(x, y, z). Determine whether the provided statement is true or false. 2. The gradient of a function f is an example of a vector field. Determine whether the provided statement is true or false. 3. Consider the vector field F(x, y) = xi + 2yj. Which of the following vector fields correctly graphs F(x, y)? Choose the correct vector field. 4. Consider the vector field F = F(x, y) = yi-j. Which of the following vector fields correctly graphs F(x, y)? Choose the correct vector field. 5. Consider the vector field F = F(x, y) = 2i. Which of the following vector fields correctly graphs F(x, y)? Choose the correct vector field. 6. Consider the vector field F = F(x, y) = -4i + 3j. Which of the following vector fields correctly graphs F(x, y)? Choose the correct vector field. 7. Consider the vector field F = F(x, y, z) = zk. Which of the following vector fields correctly graphs F(x, y, z)? Choose the correct vector field. 8. Consider the vector field F = F(x, y, z) = xi. Which of the following vector fields correctly graphs F(x, y, z)? Choose the correct vector field. 9. Find the gradient vector field of function f. f(x,y) = xe^13y (Give your answer using component form or standard basis vectors. Express numbers in exact form. Use symbolic notation and fractions where needed.) 10. Find the gradient vector field of function ƒ. f(x, y, z) = x^7y + 4xyz³ (Give your answer using component form or standard basis vectors. Express numbers in exact form. Use symbolic notation and fractions where needed.) 11. (a) Which of the following correctly describes the vector field F(x, y) = -yi + xj? F(x, y) is a set of vectors tangent to circles centered at the origin. O parallel to the y-axis. O parallel to the x-axis. O parallel to radius vectors of circles centered at the origin. (b) Which of the following correctly describes the magnitude of a vector in the field F(x, y) = -yi + xj? The magnitude of each vector in the field O is proportional to the distance of the vector from the x-axis. O equals the radius squared of the circle. O equals the radius of the circle. O is proportional to the distance of the vector from the y-axis. 12. Consider a very small object of mass m kg. The distance from this object is denoted by r and measured in meters (m). The gravitational potential due to the mass m is the scalar function u = - Gr, where G = 6.67 x 10-¹¹ N m²/kg² and r = xi + yj + zk. If the gravitational field g = -Vu, then what does g equal in terms of G, m, r, and r?See Answer

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