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  • Q1: S.6 The plane boundary defined by z = 0 separates air from a block of iron. IfB = 4x – 6ŷ + 82 in air (z > 0), find B, in iron (z < 0), given that u = 5000 H :No surface current is found on the boundary. See Answer
  • Q2: *2.1. For the system shown in Figure P2.1, the springs are un deflected when x = x2 = 0.The input is fo(t). Draw free-body diagrams and write the modeling equations. See Answer
  • Q3: Suppose you are planning to make your own module thus looking for the best solar cell in the market based on your budget. You came across the specification of a typical single junction inorganic solar cell with Voc 0.6V, Isc 3.5A, VMP 0.51V, and IMp 2.95A. Those parameters were obtained at standard testing condition using the I - V curve shown below.The solar cell has an area of 100cm2. Now answer the following design questions: а.Keeping in mind the charging of a 12V Pb-Acid battery by each module, at least how many solar cells a designer like you would like put in a module? b.You are planning to have high packing density in your module, what shape of solar cell you'll prefer? (Point 1) C.What would be the active area (i.e. area covered by solar cells only) of the proposed module? (Point 1) d.How the solar cells in the module in need to be connected to meet the voltage requirement? (Point 1) е.After selecting the right number of cells (from question a), what would be the open circuit voltage of the module? (Point 1) f.What would be the short circuit current density of the module (in mA/cm2)? (Points 2) g.What would be the fill factor of the module? What would be the short circuit current density of the module (in mA/cm2)? h.What would be the fill factor of each solar cell? i.What would be the efficiency of the module? j.What would be the efficiency of each solar cell?See Answer
  • Q4: Answer the following questions: Write down Stefan-Boltzman equation and explain the parameters. What is Sun's actual surface temperature? Calculate the the power density of the sun's surface at its surface temperature.See Answer
  • Q5: In 2018, the population in USA was 328 million, and per capita energy consumption was about309 million British thermal units (Btu). Now answer the following questions: How much total energy (TWh) and power (TW) was consumed in that year in USA? (3+3 = 6) b.Considering module efficiency 20 %, how much area (km^2) of module would have been needed to supply this power, considering solar irradiation 1000 W/m^2? (5) C.What is the % of this area compare to the earth surface? Consider the earth radius 3959miles. (5)See Answer
  • Q6: *2.22. The pulley shown in Figure P2.22 is ideal. Draw free-body diagrams and write the modeling equations.See Answer
  • Q7: A place somewhere in USA has a time difference with prime meridian about 7 hours, 35minutes, 24 seconds exactly. The place has latitude of 32.20 N and solar noon occurs at that place at 12:24, local standard time. Suppose your PV design and installation company has won the bid to set up a solar PV power plant at that place. For the purpose of shadow analysis, your team of design engineers is curious to find out the position of the Sun on 21st July, 2:30 PM local standard time. This way you also get the idea about how to optimize the module/array angel to get maximum solar radiation in summer. Now answer the following questions: What is the longitude of the place (in deg, min, sec)? What is the 'Declination angel' for that day (in deg)? Calculate 'Hour angel' Calculate Elevation angel of the sun Calculate Zenith angel of the sun Calculate Air Mass value at that time.See Answer
  • Q8: Answer the following questions concerning codes and standards: What are the two most common codes and standards that deal with PV systems? What are the main purposes of following codes and standards in designing PV systems? C.A small-scale standalone PV system is connected with a 24 V battery bank. At night time,the only load of the system, a 20 W fluorescent lamp, located 50 feet away from the battery bank provides necessary light for a study room. Specify the wire size needed to keep the voltage drop between battery and lamp under 1%. (Points 5) See Answer
  • Q9: Suppose you are designing a roof top grid connected PV system for home in Kansas City, MO.Peak sun hour (PSH) for Kansas City in summer, winter and yearly average are 5.5, 3.5 and 4.35hours respectively. Record low and high temperature is -28°C and 44°C respectively.Approximate geographical position: Latitude 39°N and Longitude 95 W. The roof of the house is not an ideal one. It faces 600 towards the south from the east. The roof has rise:run ratio of 3:4. Energy consumption information of the house: Yearly 3600 kWh. Maximum energy consumption was found to be in February, which is 350 kWh and minimum is 225 kWh, found tobe in June. Which PSH you'll choose to design this system and why? What would be the module's azimuth angle What would be the module angle? What is the average monthly load? What is the average monthly load? e. If you are supposed to design the system based on monthly load, which load size youе.should prefer to be in the safer side? (Points 2) f.Based on the answer of previous question (6.e), what will be the daily average load? g.Considering no losses what would be the DC system size (i.e. array size), and what would be its unit? (Points 3) h.Based on the losses listed in the table, what would be actual DC system size? (Points 3) i.You are considering DC to AC ratio 1.1 for the system design. Selected inverter has efficiency 97%. Based on this information calculate the ac rating of the inverter and hence the rated DC input power. (Points 2+23D4) j. Use PVWatts, input necessary information based on this problem, write down the annual energy production, highest and lowest monthly energy production. (Points 3)See Answer
  • Q10: 2.23. Repeat Problem 2.22 for the system shown in Figure P2.23.See Answer
  • Q11: 3. Repeat Problem 2.1 for the system shown in Figure P2.3. See Answer
  • Q12: *2.4. For the system shown in Figure P2.4, draw the free-body diagram for each write the differential equations describing the system.See Answer
  • Q13: The below system consists of a stator and rotor each of which having a winding. For the given direction of current in the windings, ) plot the flux lines created by the stator winding only (when there is no current in the rotor winding) Plot the space vector of flux created by the stator and created by the rotor. Determine the direction of the torque induced in the rotor winding. If the rotor is rotating in CW direction, is the machine working as a motor or as a generator?Why? See Answer
  • Q14: In the 2-pole machine shown below, ia = Im cos(@t – 60), i, = Im cos(wt – 180°), and ic = Im cos(wt + 60°). Assume current Im creates a flux density with magnitude of Bm.At wt = 0, plot the flux density vector created by each phase, the resultant flux density||space vector (created by all three phases) and the resultant flux lines. Specify the magnitude(in terms of B.) of each vector. See Answer
  • Q15: Given at the origin and t = 0, an electric field vector is found to be E(0,0)= 3x – ÿ µV/m%3Dinside a dielectric medium with ɛ, = 9. The electromagnetic wave is a LHCP 2.4 GHz plane wave, propagating into the -z direction. Find the corresponding H-field.See Answer
  • Q16: A 159 MHz LHCP electromagnetic wave is incident normally (along the y-direction) from air onto a lossless dielectric medium (Er = 2.25, 0<y<1m) such that Eoi(0,0) at the origin is 5 V/m along the x-direction. Write the wave expressions of the reflected E.(r,t) off the frist surface, and the final transmitted Hi(r,t). Ignore the phase shift due to the finite thickness of the dielectric. If the incoming wave is 2 mW of RF power, what are the reflected power (first reflection only) and the final transmitted power in dBm?only the initial reflections at the first and second boundary. Ignore all multiple reflections See Answer
  • Q17: 5 A periscope consists of two 90-45-45° prisms (as shown in Figure) are made of lossless glass with n = 1.5. The reflection off the inclined planes are 100% (total reflection per Snell's Law), i.e. | T| = 1. (a) What power(in dB) is the transmitted signal through the bottom prism relative to the input? (b) If the incoming signal has a magnetic field given by: H,(x,t) = 23.77 sin(10“t– kx)mA/m, what is the first reflected E-field? What is k?(Final B FI9) See Answer
  • Q18: 7: A wire with current I is bent 90° around a point P. Determine the magnetic field atpoint P. Assume that the straight sections of the wire stretch infinitely far left and downrespectively and assume that the bend is part of a perfect circle of radius R. See Answer
  • Q19: . Draw a diagram for the electrolytic cell and label a. Anode b. Cathode c. Positive & Negative electrodes d. Ions in electrolyte solution e. Direction of electron flow f. Direction of ion flowSee Answer
  • Q20: A plane wave in air with H(r,1) = *2 sin(@t - 4z) mA/m, is incident upon the planar face of a dielectric material with n= 1.5, occupying the half-space z> 0. Write the full expression for the reflected E field and the transmitted H field. What is the reflected power and transmitted power in dB? See Answer

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