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Recently Asked general biological science and research Questions

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  • Q1: W7 Q5 To combat chronic disease, public health strategies should be targeted towards Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. Individuals Populations Both individuals and populations Neither individuals nor populationsSee Answer
  • Q2:Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. among Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. Men only Women only Both men and women Neither men nor womenSee Answer
  • Q3:W7 Q10 Which of the following did NOT play a role in the decline in heart disease deaths seen since the 1950's? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. Declines in average weight Declines in average blood pressure levels Declines in average blood cholesterol levels Declines in cigarette smokingSee Answer
  • Q4:W7 R5 Homework Unanswered Since the 1960s, death rates for heart disease and stroke have drastically decreased while death rates for cancer have changed very little. Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. b True False Unanswered W7 R6 Homework. Unanswered Men are more likely than women to have multiple chronic conditions. Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. Submit Open in ReacSee Answer
  • Q5:Which risk factor is the leading cause of cardiac disease and stroke in the U.S.? Select an answer and submit. For keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to sflect an answer. a b с W7 R9 Homework Unanswered d High blood pressure High cholesterol Overweight Diet high in saturated fatsSee Answer
  • Q6:Discuss the neurocircuitry of impulsive-compulsive disorders. For this discussion, address how an impulsive act can become a compulsive act. Compare and contrast obesity as an impulsive-compulsive disorder and impulsive-compulsive disorders of behavior. Compare and contrast nicotine and alcohol addictions. For this discussion, emphasize the mechanism of action, receptors, and any pathways involved.See Answer
  • Q7:Complete the table (ignore sex). Phenotype Observed Proportion +(wild-type) Vestigial wings (gg) Black body (bb) VG, BL (ggbb)See Answer
  • Q8: 2(a). With the aid of a diagram, explain what a stress-strain graph is. Parkour (or its "acrobatic" version called Freerunning ) has emerged as a non-combative form of military obstacle course training usually performed in urban landscapes. Many maneuvers involve landing on both feet from heights which normally result in injury if not for the exceptional skill and technique of the participants A person can break the long bones of the leg by jumping from a height and landing on his or her feet on hard ground. The most vulnerable weight bearing bone is the tibia, and the compressive stress on this bone will be greatest at the point where the cross-sectional area is least. In other words, just above the ankle. See Answer
  • Q9: 2(b). What is the maximum compressive force, Fmax, that both tibia (i.e. assume landing on both feet simultaneously so that the impact is distributed equally over both legs) can withstand without compressive fracture? Hint. TheSee Answer
  • Q10: 2(d). Determine the maximum jump height, Hmax,poor fracture of the tibial bones. Hint, Use kinematic equation and Newton's 2"d Law without compressiveSee Answer
  • Q11: An empirical equation is obtained by doing a linear regression fit to a log-log plot of observed wing-beat frequency (fw) compared to body mass (Mp) of many species of bats. The data and corresponding relation are shown in the figure. 1(a). With reference to the above plot, explain what is meant by an allometric scaling law. The largest existing bats (Pteropus) have a body mass of about 2 kg. Fossil remains for an extinct bat species, Pteropus Gigantus, indicate that this bat species had a body mass of about 3.5 kg, but was incapable of flight. 1. The maximum wing-beat frequency (fw,max) which can be achieved within metabolic rate constraints is proportional to Mp 2. The minimum wing-beat frequency (fw,min) Which is required for flight is proportional to Mp-1/6See Answer
  • Q12: 2(e). Determine the maximum jump height, Hmax,good in this case.See Answer
  • Q13: 4(a). Explain what is meant by“accommodation" with respect to the functioning of the human eye. How does the crystalline lens aid in this function? Use diagrams as needed. See Answer
  • Q14: 1(b). Explain how these two scaling laws predict that there is a maximumbat body mass above which bats would not be able to fly.See Answer
  • Q15: 2(f). What is the maximum jumping height, Hmax , using good technique, which will not result in tendon, ligament, or bone injury? See Answer
  • Q16: 4(b). Determine the range of sight(distances from eye over which the images of objects can be focused on the retina) for a normal sighted person underwater? Hint, the index ore fraction of water is 1.33See Answer
  • Q17: 5.11 A metal micro electrode has a tip that can be modeled as being cylindrical.The metal itself is 1 um in diameter, and the tip region is 3 mm long. The metal has a resistivity of 1.2 x 10- N.cm and is coated over its circumference with an insulation material 0.2 um thick. The insulation material has a relative dielectric constant of 1.67. Only the base of the cylinder is free of insulation. a. What is the resistance associated with the tip of this microelectode? b. What is the area of the surface of the electrode that contacts the electrolytic solution within the cell? The resistance associated with the electrode-electrolyte interface of this material is 103 0 for 1 cm?. What is the resistance due to this micro electrode's contact with the electrolyte? c. What is the capacitance associated with the tip of the microelectrode when the capacitance at the interface of the electrode-electrolytic solution are neglected? d. Draw an approximate equivalent circuit for the tip portion of this microelectrode. e. At what frequencies do you expect to see distortions when the electrode is connected to an amplifier having a purely resistive input impedance of 10 MO? You may assume that the reference electrode has an impedance low enough so that it will not enter into the answer to this question. If the amplifier's input impedance is raised to 100 MN, how does this affect theSee Answer
  • Q18: 3. Describe the physico chemical properties of a drug which makes it suitable for formulation as a transdermal patch and explain how the trans dermal patch should be used.See Answer
  • Q19: 1. A drug molecule is being investigated for the chronic treatment of schizophrenia and will shortly enter human trials given the physicochemical properties below suggest the most appropriate route of administration and a suitable dosage form fully justifying your answer Log P = 3.5 Melting point = 144°C Aqueous solubility = 20 mg/L (at 25°C) Volume of distribution 9.6-19.7 L/Kg Oral bioavailability = approx. 20% Extensive first pass metabolism Stable in aqueous solutionSee Answer
  • Q20: 4. In humans, eye colour is determined by a gene that produces a pigment found in the iris. The allele for brown pigment (B) is dominant to the one for blue pigment(b), A blue-eyed man and a brown-eyed woman decide to have a child. 1. What is the father's genotype? 2. What could the mother's genotype be? 3. Let's imagine that they had a blue-eyed baby. Does this help you figure outwhat the mother's genotype is? Use Punnett squares to illustrate yourexample.See Answer

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