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Recently Asked air pollution Questions

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  • Q1:Topic 1 - Cause and solution of Air pollution Question 1 Air pollution has been a concern for many decades and experts in the field have been working to understand the causes in order to reduce them, what are the main causes that we see today and to what extent has the problem been reduced within the context of the EU? Support your views with relevant examples. Question 2 Will electric cars provide a sustainable solution? Electric cars have several benefits over conventional engines, including a significant reduction of local air pollution, especially in cities, as they do not emit harmful pollutants such as hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide but what are the drawbacks and concerns?See Answer
  • Q2:Topic 2 - Air pollution and EU policy Question 3 The WHO state that air pollution at current levels still poses a considerable burden on health in Europe. Many different adverse effects have been linked to exposure to air pollution, including an increased risk of heart disease and a reduction in life expectancy of a year or more for people living in European cities. The evidence is sufficient to strongly recommend further policy action to reduce levels of air pollutants, including particulates, nitrogen dioxide and ozone. In your opinion, what action should the EU be considering? Question 4 Should the EU have more policies in place to tackle reducing air pollution? Could the EU learn from other countries or is it leading in the field? Compare the issues of Air pollution in the EU with another country.See Answer
  • Q3:For this unit, we will complete our study of how to engineer indoor air quality, and we will continue to learn even more air quality engineering calculation steps required for an air permit. As we include our study of air quality for human health considerations, it may surprise you to realize that even noise pollution is considered an ambient air quality pollutant. Suddenly, we find ourselves incorporating safety engineering considerations into our environmental engineering work.See Answer
  • Q4: Unit 8 Question Welcome to Unit 8. In our previous unit, we learned about how to perform statistical modeling for engineered air quality, as well as to finish our air quality permit engineering calculations and analyze those calculated outcomes against the permit limits of the given state's Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) office. For this final unit, we will be learning to utilize pollution control technologies for engineered air quality control. This means that you can now consider the available air pollution control options, and mentally select which technologies would have been most appropriate for the work system that you just quantitatively analyzed for an air permit. Use APA FormatSee Answer
  • Q5:Question 1 An electrostatic precipitator has 3 ducts with plates 12 ft long and 10 ft high. The plates are 8 inches apart. Assuming a drift velocity (Le terminal velocity in an electrical field) of 0.4 ft/s, calculate the efficiency (in fractions, i.e., 0-1) if one duct is fed 40% of the gas and the other two 30% each. The total volume flow rate to be treated is 4000 acfm. Note: In each duct, both inner sides of the plates should be counted for the collection area. Add your answer Integer, decimal, or E notation allowed 199 30 % 20 Points 10 ftSee Answer
  • Q6:Question 2 8 Points A 7-compartment baghouse for a cement kiln operates under the following conditions: K₁ = 0.5 in H₂O/(ft/min), K₂ = 0.001 in H₂O-ft-min/gr, dust loading of 30 gr/ft³, run time = 8 min, cleaning time = 2 min. What is the maximum velocity this baghouse will experience (in ft/min)? Add your answer Integer, decimal, or E notation allowedSee Answer
  • Q7:8 Points Question 2 A 7-compartment baghouse for a cement kiln operates under the following conditions: K₁ = 0.5 in H₂O/(ft/min), K₂ =0.001 int H₂O-ft-min/gr, dust loading of 30 gr/ft³, run time = 8 min, cleaning time = 2 min. What is the maximum velocity this baghouse will experience (in ft/min)? Add your answer Integer, decimal, or E notation allowedSee Answer
  • Q8:Question 3 8 Points A 7-compartment baghouse for a cement kiln operates under the following conditions: K₁ = 0.5 in H₂O/(ft/min), K₂=0.001 in H₂O-ft-min/gr, dust loading of 30 gr/ft³, run time = 8 min, cleaning time = 2 min. What is the maximum pressure drop this baghouse will experience (in inch of H₂O)? Add your answer Integer, decimal, or E notation allowedSee Answer
  • Q9:Question 4 A venturi scrubber is to be used to control dust emissions from a foundry cupola. Stack test results reveal that the emissions must be reduced by 85% to meet emission standards. For a 10,000 acfm scrubber unit, what is the pressure drop (in inch of water) needed to achieve that reduction requirement? Add your answer Integer, decimal, or E notation allowed 16 Points Questions Filter (7)See Answer
  • Q10:Question 5 8 Points A two-bed carbon adsorption system is to be designed to handle 8000 acfm of air containing 700 ppm of hexane. Laboratory studies indicate that carbon can adsorb 8 lb hexane per 100 lb carbon under the conditions at which the system will be operated (net adsorption). If the system is to operate at 90 °F and 1 atm and flow velocity of 100 ft/min, determine the diameter of each carbon bed (in ft). Bed regeneration and cooling will require one hour. Assume carbon density is 25 lb/ft³. The bed depth should be at least 1 ft. Add your answer Integer, decimal, or E notation allowedSee Answer
  • Q11:Question 6 A two-bed carbon adsorption system is to be designed to handle 8000 acfm of air containing 700 ppm of hexane. Laboratory studies indicate that carbon can adsorb 8 lb hexane per 100 lb carbon under the conditions at which the system will be operated (net adsorption). If the system is to operate at 90 oF and 1 atm and flow velocity of 100 ft/min, determine the mass of carbon (in lb). Bed regeneration and cooling will require one hour. Assume carbon density is 25 lb/ft³. The bed depth should be at least 1 ft. Add your answer Integer, decimal, or E notation allowed 8 PointsSee Answer
  • Q12:Question 7 A two-bed carbon adsorption system is to be designed to handle 8000 acfm of air containing 700 ppm of hexane. Laboratory studies indicate that carbon can adsorb 8 lb hexane per 100 lb carbon under the conditions at which the system will be operated inet adsorntion) The system is to onerate at 90 °F and 1 atm and flow velocity of 100 ft/min calculate the pressure dron if 4x10. Questions Filter (7) 4 PointsSee Answer
  • Q13:Question 7 4 Points A two-bed carbon adsorption system is to be designed to handle 8000 acfm of air containing 700 ppm of hexane. Laboratory studies indicate that carbon can adsorb 8 lb hexane per 100 lb carbon under the conditions at which the system will be operated (net adsorption). The system is to operate at 90 °F and 1 atm and flow velocity of 100 ft/min, calculate the pressure drop if 4x10 carbon is used (in inch of water). Bed regeneration and cooling will require one hour. Assume carbon density is 25 lb/ft³. The bed depth should be at least 1 ft. Add your answer Integer, decimal, or E notation allowedSee Answer
  • Q14:Question 1 How would you increase the efficiency of an ESP? A Increase collection surface area. B F Increase air flow rate Increase drift velocity Increase the strength of the electrical field Increase temperature a, c, and d (G) a, d, and e H All of the above (a-e). 4 PointsSee Answer
  • Q15: 3:39 Assignment Details 2024 Spring - Instructions for conducting your investigation: • Do some more research on air quality in your area and think about what types of pollutants might be found where you live. • To further explore the concept of air quality, choose two locations, one inside your home and one outside your home. • Hypothesis: Once you have selected your locations for observation, form a hypothesis about your expectations for measures of air quality in each and how they will compare to each other. Investigation Methods: Dashboard Pre...ous GEOG-1110G-D01-Physical... Submit Assignment Calendar 17 5 To Do Notifications Inbox < 3:39 Assignment Details 2024 Spring - GEOG-1110G-D01-Physical... Investigation Methods: • Materials Needed: 2 white index cards, Petroleum jelly, Marker or pencil, Double-sided tape, and Magnifying glass. • Field Procedures: In each of ● the locations o Prepare to collect air particles with two white index cards. Be sure to label them, "Indoor Air" on one card and "Outdoor Air" on the other. o Using petroleum jelly, coat a thin layer on the center of each index card, spreading it out so that it is about 1/2 an inch from the edges all the way around. Submit Assignment Pre...ous 17 Dashboard Calendar 5 To Do Notifications Inbox 3:40 Assignment Details 2024 Spring - GEOG-1110G-D01-Physical... o Pre...ous Dashboard Place the "Inside" card on a flat surface inside the house like a windowsill or table. The card should be in an open room (not a closet) with the petroleum jelly coating facing up, and should not be moved during the experiment. o Place the "Outside" card on a flat surface outside, such as a patio table or chair. You can use double-sided tape to stick the cards to the surface to keep them in place. o The experiment should be conducted when no rain or snow is being forecast. o Let the cards sit for 3 days o Each day, observe each card Submit Assignment 17 Calendar 5 To Do Notifications Inbox 3:40 Assignment Details 2024 Spring - GEOG-1110G-D01-Physical... o Each day, observe each card for particles. Each particle large enough to view with a magnifying class counts as one particle. Also, note the maximum daytime temperature and humidity. Temperature information can be found here if you are in the Las Cruces area: NWS Las Cruces Weather Info Results: Complete this data table Day Maximum Maximum Temperature Humidity Submit Assignment Pre...ous Dashboard Calendar 5 17 To Do Notifications Number of Particles on Outside Card Inbox 3:40 Assignment Details 2024 Spring - GEOG-1110G-D01-Physical... table included in the writing guide. Lab Report: Complete your formal lab report using this Lab 1 Writing Guide. Your report should include Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and References. Please use the questions answered and information from the writing guide to compose your final draft of your lab report. Do NOT submit the writing guide with the questions and instructions as your lab report. You will be asked to resubmit. Submit Assignment Pre...ous Dashboard Calendar 17 5 To Do Notifications InboxSee Answer
  • Q16: ト i. CVEN 4334 Environmental Project (Presentation and Report) Introduction Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Air pollution Examples Reduction Procedures/Control Methods Air Regulation and Laws in World Related Laws and Regulation in Saudi Arabia Your Understanding and Recommendation Need to make PPT 6-7 slides with the speaker notes Topic-any two pollutants in air Like carbon monoxide -Follow the guidelineSee Answer
  • Q17: 1. A two-bed carbon adsorption system is to be designed to handle 8000 acfm of air containing 700 ppm of hexane. Laboratory studies indicate that carbon can adsorb 8 lb. hexane per 100 lb carbon under the conditions at which the system will be operated (net adsorption). If the system is to operate at 90 °F and 1 atm and flow velocity of 100 ft/min, determine the diameter of each carbon bed (in ft). Bed regeneration and cooling will require one hour. Assume carbon density is 25 lb/ft³. The bed depth should be at least 1 ft. 2. A two-bed carbon adsorption system is to be designed to handle 8000 acfm of air containing 700 ppm of hexane. Laboratory studies indicate that carbon can adsorb 8 lb hexane per 100 lb carbon under the conditions at which the system will be operated (net adsorption). If the system is to operate at 90 oF and 1 atm and flow velocity of 100 ft/min, determine the mass of carbon (in lb). Bed regeneration and cooling will require one hour. Assume carbon density is 25 lb/ft³. The bed depth should be at least 1 ft. 3. A two-bed carbon adsorption system is to be designed to handle 8000 acfm of air containing 700 ppm of hexane. Laboratory studies indicate that carbon can adsorb 8 lb hexane per 100 lb carbon under the conditions at which the system will be operated (net adsorption). The system is to operate at 90 °F and 1 atm and flow velocity of 100 ft/min, calculate the pressure drop if 4×10 carbon is used (in inch of water). Bed regeneration and cooling will require one hour. Assume carbon density is 25 lb/ft³. The bed depth should be at least 1 ftSee Answer
  • Q18: Based on the information provided below, make sure to make the PPT of 6 slide in APA referencing style The Scenario: You have contracted with an industrial organization to engineer and write a state air Permit by Rule (PBR) evaluation for a vehicle painting operation facility. According to the local state laws and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) laws, the facility must have an air permit before construction begins. Once the facility is completed, the construction air permit will then become the operational air permit for the facility. As a result, your client wants the air permit to automatically align the painting operation facility into operational compliance with state and federal air quality laws. Consequently, it is extremely important for you to evaluate the planned painting operation against the PBR requirements in order to meet the air permit criteria, using the state guidance document and considering the equipment and chemicals already planned for the facility operations. You have tabulated the following information from what you have gleaned from each of the materials' SDS documents and equipment technical data sheets as a plan (each "unit" represents a single vehicle): Interior Liner Coating Material 10 gallons coating/unit 2 gallons of solvent/unit Unit Lining Application Unit Lining Curing Interior Liner Cure Unit Lining Design Exhaust Fan Air Makeup Unit Apply interior liners to two (2) units/day Cure interior liners of two (2) units/day Heater fuel source is natural gas-fired drying oven Cross-draft air plenum 10,000 ft/min (CFM) 5760 ft/min (CFM) Filter Openings Coating WV 20.0 ft² each VOC content Coating VM Coating volume Water Content Per gal/coating Work five (5) hours/day and four (4) days/week Work five (5) hours/day and four (4) days/week Heater generates 2.1 million (MM) Btu/hr at maximum 2,500 hrs/year Unit interior is the spray area 1 exhaust fan 1 air makeup system Two (2) filter openings 2.8 lb/gal coating 1.0 gal 1.0 lb/gal Water Density Per gal/water Coating VW Water volume 8.34 lb/gal Calculation Exempt-solvent Content Per gal/coating 0.5 lb/gal Exempt-solvent Density Per gal/exempt solvent 6.64 lb/gal Coating Ves Exempt solvent volume Calculation Additionally, your state's department of environmental quality (DEQ) has provided you the following PBR limits: Potential to Emit (PTE) 100 tons VOC/year Face Velocity 100 ft/min Filter Velocity 250 ft/min VOC/5-hour period 6.0 lbs/hr Short-term Emissions 1.0 lbs/hr Long-term Emissions 1.0 tons/yr From your first visit with your client, these are your notes and process flow sketch reflecting the intended operational design: • • • The client has designed an interior coating spray painting system that allows the interior of each unit to be coated. The operations will involve a stripped-down unit being brought into the facility's shop. The shop is a steel building with a finished concrete floor and a paint booth for each unit. The unit will be placed in the spray booth. The booth will be opened at one end of the booth for makeup air. The exhaust air will flow through an exhaust chamber at the other end of the unit. For each unit, once the liner application operations are completed, the forced curing (drying) operations will immediately commence. Booth Exhaust ChamberSee Answer
  • Q19:Based on the information provided below , make sure to make the PPT of 6 slide in APA referencing style The Scenario: You have contracted with an industrial organization to engineer and write a state air Permit by Rule (PBR) evaluation for a vehicle painting operation facility. According to the local state laws and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) laws, the facility must have an air permit before construction begins. Once the facility is completed, the construction air permit will then become the operational air permit for the facility. As a result, your client wants the air permit to automatically align the painting operation facility into operational compliance with state and federal air quality laws. Consequently, it is extremely important for you to evaluate the planned painting operation against the PBR requirements in order to meet the air permit criteria, using the state guidance document and considering the equipment and chemicals already planned for the facility operations. You have tabulated the following information from what you have gleaned from each of the materials' SDS documents and equipment technical data sheets as a plan (each "unit" represents a single vehicle): Interior Liner Coating Material 10 gallons coating/unit 2 gallons of solvent/unit Unit Lining Application Apply interior liners to two (2) units/day Work five (5) hours/day and four (4) days/week Unit Lining Curing Cure interior liners of two (2) units/day Work five (5) hours/day and four (4) days/week Interior Liner Cure Heater fuel source is natural gas-fired drying oven Heater generates 2.1 million (MM) Btu/hr at maximum 2,500 hrs/year Unit Lining Design Cross-draft air plenum Unit interior is the spray area Exhaust Fan 10,000 ft3/min (CFM) 1 exhaust fan Air Makeup Unit 5760 ft3/min (CFM) 1 air makeup system Filter Openings 20.0 ft2 each Two (2) filter openings Coating WV VOC content 2.8 1b/gal coating Coating VM Coating volume 1.0 gal Water Content Per gal/coating 1.0 1b/gal Water Density Per gal/water 8.34 lb/gal Coating VW Water volume Calculation Exempt-solvent Content Per gal/coating 0.5 1b/gal Exempt-solvent Density Per gal/exempt solvent 6.64 lb/gal Coating Ves Exempt solvent volume Calculation Additionally, your state's department of environmental quality (DEQ) has provided you the following PBR limits: Potential to Emit (PTE) 100 tons VOC/year Face Velocity 100 ft/min Filter Velocity 250 ft/min VOC/5-hour period 6.0 lbs/hr Short-term Emissions 1.0 lbs/hr Long-term Emissions 1.0 tons/yr From your first visit with your client, these are your notes and process flow sketch reflecting the intended operational design: · The client has designed an interior coating spray painting system that allows the interior of each unit to be coated. . The operations will involve a stripped-down unit being brought into the facility's shop. · The shop is a steel building with a finished concrete floor and a paint booth for each unit. · The unit will be placed in the spray booth. . The booth will be opened at one end of the booth for makeup air. · The exhaust air will flow through an exhaust chamber at the other end of the unit. · For each unit, once the liner application operations are completed, the forced curing (drying) operations will immediately commence. Booth Exhaust ChamberSee Answer
  • Q20:Based on the information provided below , make sure to make the PPT of 6 slide in APA referencing style The Scenario: You have contracted with an industrial organization to engineer and write a state air Permit by Rule (PBR) evaluation for a vehicle painting operation facility. According to the local state laws and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) laws, the facility must have an air permit before construction begins. Once the facility is completed, the construction air permit will then become the operational air permit for the facility. As a result, your client wants the air permit to automatically align the painting operation facility into operational compliance with state and federal air quality laws. Consequently, it is extremely important for you to evaluate the planned painting operation against the PBR requirements in order to meet the air permit criteria, using the state guidance document and considering the equipment and chemicals already planned for the facility operations. You have tabulated the following information from what you have gleaned from each of the materials' SDS documents and equipment technical data sheets as a plan (each "unit" represents a single vehicle): Interior Liner Coating Material 10 gallons coating/unit 2 gallons of solvent/unit Unit Lining Application Apply interior liners to two (2) units/day Work five (5) hours/day and four (4) days/week Unit Lining Curing Cure interior liners of two (2) units/day Work five (5) hours/day and four (4) days/week Interior Liner Cure Heater fuel source is natural gas-fired drying oven Heater generates 2.1 million (MM) Btu/hr at maximum 2,500 hrs/year Unit Lining Design Cross-draft air plenum Unit interior is the spray area Exhaust Fan 10,000 ft3/min (CFM) 1 exhaust fan Air Makeup Unit 5760 ft3/min (CFM) 1 air makeup system Filter Openings 20.0 ft2 each Two (2) filter openings Coating WV VOC content 2.8 1b/gal coating Coating VM Coating volume 1.0 gal Water Content Per gal/coating 1.0 1b/gal Water Density Per gal/water 8.34 lb/gal Coating VW Water volume Calculation Exempt-solvent Content Per gal/coating 0.5 1b/gal Exempt-solvent Density Per gal/exempt solvent 6.64 lb/gal Coating Ves Exempt solvent volume Calculation Additionally, your state's department of environmental quality (DEQ) has provided you the following PBR limits: Potential to Emit (PTE) 100 tons VOC/year Face Velocity 100 ft/min Filter Velocity 250 ft/min VOC/5-hour period 6.0 lbs/hr Short-term Emissions 1.0 lbs/hr Long-term Emissions 1.0 tons/yr From your first visit with your client, these are your notes and process flow sketch reflecting the intended operational design: · The client has designed an interior coating spray painting system that allows the interior of each unit to be coated. . The operations will involve a stripped-down unit being brought into the facility's shop. · The shop is a steel building with a finished concrete floor and a paint booth for each unit. · The unit will be placed in the spray booth. . The booth will be opened at one end of the booth for makeup air. · The exhaust air will flow through an exhaust chamber at the other end of the unit. · For each unit, once the liner application operations are completed, the forced curing (drying) operations will immediately commence. Booth Exhaust ChamberSee Answer

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