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  • Q1: 3. An earth fill, when completed, will occupy a compacted volume of 187,000 cu yd. The borrow material which will be used to construct this fill is a stiff clay. In its bank condition,the borrow material has a weight of 114 lb/cu ft. The weight of this soil compacted is 129Ib/cu ft. Compute the required volume of the borrow material in BCY.See Answer
  • Q2: 6. What is the name of the weekly magazine dedicated solely to the construction industry?See Answer
  • Q3: 10. What is lean construction, and from what industry does its concepts stem?See Answer
  • Q4:1. Regarding the Project Launch Phase of Project Execution: A. Explain what the graph in figure IV.A.1 describes and what it takes to achieve the curve on the left versus the curve on the right. B. Ward states that it is ideal for the proposal team to continue as the core project team, why do you think he believes this?See Answer
  • Q5:2. 2020 & New: Explain the formula Ward provides to summarize the purpose of the project launch phase? Which component can either be negative or multiplied by a large percentage and how does that relate to the overall outcome?See Answer
  • Q6:3. & 4. In Section C, Ward provides extensive checklists for how to organize a project. In your own words, provide a brief summary of what must occur during each part of the setup process (do not cut/paste the text in your response): A. Setting up the Project Infrastructure: B. Controlling the Documents: C. Responsibilities: D. Procedures: E. Project Execution Plan: F. Formalities: G. Project Insurance: H. Some Advice:See Answer
  • Q7:5. In Part 4, Section D - Mobilization, Ward refers to Part 5, Section Q - Selecting the Team. Regarding Part 5, Section Q: A. Per Ward, why is getting the right people on the team one of the most important thing the project manager can do? B. Ward provides many best-practice suggestions through this Section on how to Select the Team and on various Team Building strategies. Choose several that stand out to you as key suggestions/strategies and explain why you believe they are important.See Answer
  • Q8:6. A. What are the PBS and WBS? How are they developed? B. What functions does the graphical presentation of the breakdown play? C. What role does the process of developing the PBS and WBS inherently play in the scope definition process?See Answer
  • Q9:7. A. What are the basic project scope documents that Ward indicates should be prepared, reviewed, and issued? B. What does Ward indicate will be the result on the project if the scope is not fully defined?See Answer
  • Q10:9. Answer the following related to Accounting & Payment Processes on a project: A. Why is important that the accounting procedures conform to the contract? B. Why should a "normal invoice" be issued as soon as possible, and why is it important to issue to invoice ahead of the payment due date? C. Why should payment requests have adequate supporting documentation? D. What is "cash-flow", and why is important for the project manager and accountant to monitor cash flow on a project?See Answer
  • Q11:10.A. In Planning & Scheduling what important term is defined as "the sequence of activities with no spare time"? B. What does the addition of time estimates to the WBS network allow the team to analyze? C. When it comes to planning and detailing out the Baseline construction schedule, what are some points Ward makes in how to approach and accomplish this large task? What needs to be done if, after this exercise, it is determined that the end date is not possible?See Answer
  • Q12:11. Once planning of the critical path network is complete, what does Ward indicate needs to be done as the project moves into Execution and Scheduling Maintenance?See Answer
  • Q13:12.Identify several key points Ward makes regarding establishment of control tools and monitoring progress throughout the project. Incorporate analysis of Figure IV.K.1 in your response.See Answer
  • Q14:13. Critical Path A. Why is it important to tack the float on the 2 or 3 "near-critical paths" of the schedule? B. Explain your understanding of why Ward stresses it is critical to "chase progress relentlessly" and "check costs regularly" on construction projects.See Answer
  • Q15:14. Regarding Section L, Variations/Changes/Claims Explain Ward's analogy of changes on a project to stones thrown into a pond.See Answer
  • Q16:15.Variations/Changes/Claims, cont. A. What is the difference between a "change order" and a "claim"? What does Ward note are the only justifiable reasons for changes? Per Ward, how do claims originate and how can they be reduced? B. What additional advice does Ward provide when it comes managing claims and resisting changes?See Answer
  • Q17:16. Highlight several of Ward's key points when it comes to Project Progress Reporting considerations, Progress Report format and content, and Cost Reporting rules and content.See Answer
  • Q18:17.A. In what ways does Ward define the design phase of the project as a "link"? B. With which groups/teams should a detailed review of the basic design package be performed? C. What are some of the very specific design reminders that Ward provides relevant to building projects?See Answer
  • Q19:18. In Section P, Ward states and then reiterates that "subcontract terms" must line up and be compatible with "the main contract" terms. Why is this so important? Provide an example of how it could cost the general contractor money if they fail to ensure this happens? How is this mitigated in the Subcontract Agreement?See Answer
  • Q20:19.A. What are the reasons for subcontracting that Ward provides in the text? B. What are the essential "contracting checks" when selecting, contracting with, and working with subcontractors?See Answer

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