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  • Q1:Identify ONE sustainability issue in a Southeast Asia country that affects Singapore. Explain the challenges the issue poses and the responses by the country has thus far. Guiding points: a. Does this current issue affect the future needs of Singapore negatively? How is this sustainability issue related to climate change? b. Choose one of these ASEAN countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, or Vietnam c. How does this sustainability issue create challenges that affect Singapore? So far, how has this country. responded to its own sustainability issue within its country and/or in Southeast Asia?See Answer
  • Q2:Week 2: Task (b) 20 marks Choose another DB member's Task (a) sustainability issue. Make sure the topic you respond to in this task is different from your own topic in Task (a). Southeast Asia as a region could respond to this sustainability issue in Task (a) collectively. Identify and briefly describe the cultural, social, political and/or economic factors of the region that affect their collective responses. Guiding points: a. How do these factors in Southeast Asia as a group affect their responses on this sustainability issue? b. Make sure you are clear about with the definitions and meanings of these four factors: cultural, social, political and economicSee Answer
  • Q3:What technology is out there that could be included in a hotel setting, whether in the guest room or for use elsewhere in the building? Do some research....find out what what's new, what's cutting edge, what could be applicable for a hotel and that will help address an aspect of sustainability (one of the 3Ps/EES). • Explain what this technology is - how will it function in a hotel Housekeeping or Engineering context? • What role will this technology play in helping either one or both of these departments to be sustainable? • Think about some of the below questions (this is get you thinking, it's not necessary to answer all/any of these questions), as they may be relevant, assuming you implemented this technology in a hotel: •What might that mean for how we are constructing our rooms? •What might it mean for how we are operating and maintaining our facility? •What might it mean for how our staff are trained or how they have to work? • Is this technology a "nice to have" or do you think it NEEDS to be included for a sustainable operation? • Is this technology being used by guests and how might this impact the housekeeping or engineering department? • What else do you think you should consider?See Answer
  • Q4:List the Sustainable Development Goals. Elaborate on their importance Pick up one related to our work in the class and find out if did Kuwait do to support that specific SDG For that one, please elaborate on what did the university do to adhere to that specific SDG Suggest a system for the university to follow in order to meet that specific SDGSee Answer
  • Q5:Assignment Tasks: Prepare an executive summary: This summary will include your recommendations for Sustainability actions to be integrated into the company based on your research of the actions taken by companies in your chosen industrial sector (Aerospace, Automotive or Mechanical Engineering). This report should be written in third person not including "T" and be aimed to the Executive Management Group of a large engineering company. In order to support this work the references should include government and academic references. Submission Requirements: Submit a 1000 word report +/-5% which is an executive summary of your plans for a company from your subject area, Aerospace, Automotive or Mechanical Engineering. The suitable references should be listed on a separate page of the report and not included in the word count.See Answer
  • Q6:List the Sustainable Development Goals. Elaborate on their importance Pick up one related to our work in the class and findout if did Kuwait do to support that specific SDG For that one, please elaborate on what did the university do to adhere to that specific SDG Suggest a system for the university to follow in order to meet that specific SDGSee Answer
  • Q7:1) How did the English Planning system change during the early 20th Century to today to embrace the concept of "sustainable development"? Critically discuss implications of adopting "sustainable development" within current Housing Policy or Transport Policy, including examples of specific policies.See Answer
  • Q8:ASSIGNMENT 3 – OUTLINE DIRECTIONS First, the THESIS STATEMENT typically, you would propose a certain solution to a problem and indicate how this solution should be implemented (be specific about the problem, about the solution, and about the implementation) Then, follow these steps: come up with 5 ideas you think will contribute to your thesis statement. In other words, through these 5 ideas, you will try to convince the reader that your thesis statement is logical; that is, the 5 ideas contribute, as a whole, to the thesis statement. Consider the sequence of ideas, whether talking about one idea before another is useful or not. write a topic sentence for each of your 5 ideas; one that summarizes the gist of your idea. go through your sources and find 2 sentences (or pieces of information, such as data) for each of your ideas. Put them in quotation marks and add an in-text citation (for example, (Smith, 2021)). Briefly explain how each of these quotations will back up your idea (for example, if your idea is that rapid urbanization is detrimental (bad) to the environment, see if you can find an author making that same claim or find data that shows precisely that). Be as specific as possible (it’s not enough to say that the quotation will help you support your idea; you need to explain in what way) finally, write 3 supporting sentences of your own (in your own words). Think about what else you could say that add to the topic sentence (for example, if your topic sentence is “urban expansion on agricultural land”, then a supporting sentence could be “Urban regulations have to criminalize any agricultural land degradation activities, and local authorities have to monitor and prevent such activities”. The point of the supporting sentences is to expand on the idea (or topic sentence). You need a single Thesis Statement for the whole Outline, but one Topic Sentence for each of your Ideas! ONLY THE QUOTATIONS YOU USE CAN BE COPIED AND PASTED FROM YOUR SOURCES; EVERYTHING ELSE MUST BE WRITTEN IN YOUR OWN WORDS! Write your Thesis Statement on this page, right below, and then work on each of the Ideas on the consecutive pages, one page per Idea. Feel free to delete the lines, which are there just for guidance (so you know how much you need to write approximatelySee Answer
  • Q9:11. Thorough understanding of the [CEEQUAL or LEED] analysis methods including: good use of the initial and potential scores, detailed evidence referenced and explained in spreadsheet, appropriate critical reflection on strengths and weaknesses of method. This must include reference to at least one case study. Evidence - Add content here References to external sources Add content here - Reflective Summary - a) Personal Achievement/Review: Add content here b) Critical Refection: Add content hereSee Answer
  • Q10:Description Prepare a brief report that explains your research interest related to your field of practice (major), and formulates a researchable question, or questions. Identify at least two peer reviewed journal articles from two different journals related to your research question(s), and compare and contrast methodologies used, and how the research reports have been structured.See Answer
  • Q11:Question 1 Read the following article¹: https://www.asce.org/publications-and-news/civil-engineering- source/civil-engineering-magazine/issues/magazine-issue/article/2022/01/how-to-make- infrastructure-more-resilient-against-climate-change Using the above article as a starting point, write a reflection (500-1000 words) explaining your interpretation of "resiliency" in the context of climate change adaptation. How do we achieve more climate resilient cities? What are some challenges that are likely to arise during this pursuit? Minimum 500 wordsSee Answer
  • Q12:Topic:- Analysing the Effect of Thermal Insulation on Achieving Sustainability in Residential Buildings by Reducing Energy Consumption I have a project title that I want full details about (project idea, problem, goal, data that I need in detail, how to collect it, and how to compare it)See Answer
  • Q13:Topic 2: Carbon Capture Technologies 1. Types of CCUS technology (post-combustion, pre-combustion, oxy fuel) 2. Principles of carbon capture 3. Conversion of grey hydrogen to blue hydrogen production (process explained) 4. Types of CC technologies (absorption, adsorption, membrane, cryogenic) - in brief 5. Performance and cost of different CC technologies 6. Technical challenges and limitations of CC technologies 7. Future developments in CC technology (upcoming technologies) 8. Reference Each point should be in one slide so total 7 and the 8th slide should include all the references that you use itSee Answer
  • Q14: Designing a Green Space in Govan, Glasgow: A Sustainable and Inclusive Approach Engineers without borders, UK Engineering for people : Design Challenge 2022-23 Design project-2 (Alessio Corso) 1 TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Abstract 2. Designing a Green Space: A Sustainable and Inclusive Approach 3. Introduction Background information on Govan and its current green spaces ● Importance of designing a green space in Govan Thesis statement 4. Literature Review ● Inclusive design principles for green spaces Best practices for designing green spaces in urban areas 5. Methodology Research design and methodology Data collection methods Participants and sample size Ethical considerations 6. Results • Analysis of the data collected from the community Identification of the community's needs and preferences for a green space Identification of sustainable and inclusive design principles that meet the community's needs 7. Discussion ● Interpretation of the results and their implications for designing a green space in Govan ● Evaluation of the proposed design based on the sustainable and inclusive design principles 8. Conclusion ● Summary of the report's findings and their implications for the design of a green space in Govan Limitations of the study and areas for future research. 2 9. References 10. Appendix Abstract 3 Engineering has the power to change people's lives in ways that are both profound and deeply touching. From designing prosthetic limbs that enable amputees to walk again to developing innovative technologies that provide clean water and energy to those in need, engineers have the ability to create solutions to some of the world's most pressing challenges. When engineers use their skills and knowledge to create technology that benefits people, they not only improve quality of life but also create hope and inspiration for those who have struggled with adversity. Engineering is not just about machines and structures; it's about using science and technology to make the world a better place for all of us. The creation of green spaces in Govan demonstrates how engineering can positively impact people's lives by improving mental and physical health, creating a sense of community, and promoting sustainability.A green space is not just a park or garden; it is a place where people can connect with nature, spend time with family and friends, and improve their physical and mental health.Engineering for people is about more than just building structures and machines; it's about creating solutions that have a positive impact on people's lives. By engaging with the community and gathering data on their needs and preferences, we were able to design a green space that meets the unique needs of Govan. Our design principles focused on creating a space that was accessible to all, regardless of age, ability, or cultural background.In Govan, a community that is both ethnically and economically diverse, green spaces have the potential to create a sense of unity and well-being among residents. Designing a Green Space: A Sustainable and Inclusive Approach 4 This report explores the design and methodology for creating a sustainable and inclusive green space in Govan. It emphasizes the importance of community participation in the design process and presents the findings of the data collected from the community regarding their needs and preferences. The report suggests various sustainable and inclusive design principles that can be applied to meet the community's needs, such as incorporating natural elements, ensuring accessibility, and providing opportunities for social interaction. The report also highlights the implications of the results for designing a green space that meets the community's needs and contributes to the well-being of the area. However, the report acknowledges certain limitations in the research, such as the small sample size and potential biases in the data collection process. Overall, the report serves as a valuable guide for policymakers and designers looking to create sustainable and inclusive green spaces that promote community well-being. The design of a green space in Govan, Glasgow must take a sustainable and inclusive approach to address the community's needs and promote health, well-being, and social cohesion. Background information on Govan and its current green spaces Govan is a historic community located in the southern part of Glasgow, Scotland. The area has a rich history dating back to the 6th century when it was known as a site of early Christian worship. Over the years, Govan has grown into a diverse community with a strong sense of local pride and culture. Introduction The people of Govan are known for their warm and welcoming nature. Despite being a densely populated urban area, Govan has a strong sense of community and many residents know each other by name. The community is made up of people from a variety of backgrounds, including Scottish, Irish, Pakistani, and Indian. This diversity has contributed to a rich cultural heritage that is celebrated throughout the community. Renfrew O One of the defining features of Govan is its architecture. The area is home to a number of historic buildings, including Govan Old Parish Church, which dates back to the 12th century. The church is a testament to the area's long and storied history and is a point of pride for many residents. Govan also has a number of other notable buildings, including the Pearce Institute, which was built in the early 20th century as a community center. Paisley Q Barrhead Giffnock Glasgow 5 Govan Males: 50.8% - Females: 49.2% Click for more information. Rutherglen Cambuslang Despite its many charms, Govan has faced its fair share of challenges over the years. The area has struggled with high levels of poverty and unemployment, and has been identified as one of the most deprived areas in Scotland. However, the community has remained resilient in the face of adversity, coming together to support each other and work towards a brighter future. One example of this community spirit can be seen in the work of the Govanhill Baths Community Trust. The Trust was formed in response to the closure of the historic Govanhill Baths, which had served as a community hub for over 100 years. The Trust worked tirelessly toSee Answer
  • Q15: Additional Information The most important thing is what information can be collected and analyzed Information and structure about a research topic/n Topic:- Analysing the Effect of Thermal Insulation on Achieving Sustainability in Residential Buildings by Reducing Energy Consumption I have a project title that I want full details about (project idea, problem, goal, data that I need in detail, how to collect it, and how to compare it)See Answer
  • Q16:Individual Component (Total 50 marks) In this assignment, you are required to discuss a real-life sustainability issue in Southeast Asia that affects Singapore by applying different concepts covered in this course each week. The tasks for each week are broken down into (a), (b), and (c). You will receive an individual score for your explanation of the sustainability issue, your application of the concepts to the issue, and your recommended solution to the issue. Each post must adhere to the limit of no more than 150 words (excluding in-text citations and references). Week 1: Task (a) 10 marks Identify ONE sustainability issue in a Southeast Asia country that affects Singapore. Explain the challenges the issue poses and the responses by the country has thus far. Guiding points: a. Does this current issue affect the future needs of Singapore negatively? How is this sustainability issue related to climate change? b. Choose one of these ASEAN countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, or Vietnam c. How does this sustainability issue create challenges that affect Singapore? So far, how has this country responded to its own sustainability issue within its country and/or in Southeast Asia?See Answer
  • Q17:Need to check grammar, formatting and paraphrasing the text, if AI content is there, remove it to give a fresh work The offered text's sustainability improvement paragraph addresses numerous key concepts and aims specified in the Abu Dhabi Urban Street Design Manual. This section underlines Abu Dhabi's dedication to sustainability and its incorporation into street design. In less than 800 words, here's a synopsis of this paragraph: The Abu Dhabi Urban Street Design Manual emphasizes sustainability as a critical feature of street design in the Emirate. The guideline acknowledges that the design of urban streets should prioritize the well-being of the community, the environment, and the general quality of life for inhabitants and tourists rather than accommodating automotive traffic. The concept that the best transportation plan is a strong land use plan is one of the basic principles influencing street design in Abu Dhabi. Streets are more than just transportation corridors; they are vital to the communities they serve. They should provide facilities for a variety of activities, such as social contact, outside dining at cafés, children's play areas, and public plazas. By putting these components first, streets may be made more pleasurable and safe for both inhabitants and businesses. In Abu Dhabi, good street design begins with a focus on people. The guidebook notes that outstanding cities across the world have safe and attractive walking environments. Streets in Abu Dhabi should be structured to encourage walking, which not only decreases dependency on vehicles but also benefits public health. This involves the development of shaded and pleasant pedestrian areas that are safe for all users, including women and children, at all times of day and night./n1, good design that outstanding cities across the world have safe and attractive walking environments. Streets in Abu Dhabi should be structured to encourage walking, which not only decreases dependency on vehicles but also benefits public health. This involves the development of shaded and pleasant pedestrian areas that are safe for all users, including women and children, at all times of day and night. The safety of pedestrians, children, the elderly, and those with mobility disabilities is a top priority in street design. Through methods such as speed management, network design, and priority of vulnerable road users, the handbook aims to lower the overall number of accidents, injuries, and fatalities. It also advocates for educational programs, efficient enforcement of current rules, and the implementation of stricter restrictions to improve street safety. The efficient flow of all kinds of transportation, including transit, bicycle, and walking, is required for effective street design. The capacity of the transportation network may be expanded by investing in various modalities. The development of a well-connected roadway network with shorter driving distances aids in the reduction of traffic congestion at intersections and enhances overall traffic flow. The street design in Abu Dhabi is consistent with the ideals of the Emirate's Plan 2030. This vision prioritizes environmental conservation, thoughtful design of the public domain, and the development of cultural identity. The street design handbook/nemphasizes these values by developing streets that promote environmental preservation, economic sustainability, and social well-being. The approach to street design in Abu Dhabi is centered on sustainability. The Emirate intends to drastically cut carbon emissions, alleviate urban heat impacts, and reduce water usage by accommodating all means of transportation, employing careful landscaping and irrigation methods, and improving pedestrian comfort. These activities are consistent with the objectives of Estidama, an Abu Dhabi-based sustainability program. Another important feature of street design is public health. Abu Dhabi acknowledges that well-designed streets may stimulate year-round walking and cycling, resulting in better public health results. This involves focusing on active transportation alternatives to address challenges such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Abu Dhabi street design attempts to make streets pleasurable for all users, particularly pedestrians. The Emirate intends to encourage tourists and enhance non- utilitarian walking levels comparable to other global metropolitan destinations by constructing nice and welcoming streetscapes. Economic growth and tourism are also important goals of Abu Dhabi street design. Streets that increase the value of buildings and promote retail success can attract investment and visitors, adding to the Emirate's overall economic growth. Finally, Abu Dhabi's street design aims to define the Emirate's image as a courteous, Arab, world-class destination. This includes an emphasis on women's privacy and security, family-oriented areas, the preservation of local customs, and the upholding of high international street infrastructure standards. Finally, the Abu Dhabi Urban Street Design Manual emphasizes the significance of sustainability in street design. It prioritizes pedestrians in design considerations, promotes safety, efficiency, and public health, and aims to create pleasurable streets that support economic development and represent Abu Dhabi's cultural character. This strategy is consistent with the Emirate's larger aspirations for urban development and sustainability.See Answer
  • Q18:5. Select a product of moderate complexity, such as a toaster, a desktop telephone, or an overhead projector. 1) Conduct an SLCA on the product. 2) Prepare a report that summarizes your findings, comment on where it was difficult to assign ratings because of lack of information, and propose design changes that would improve the environmental responsibility of product.See Answer
  • Q19:Question 1 For this assignment, you will write a position paper on the Singapore Green Plan 2030. You should study the Singapore Green Plan 2030 in general, its key focus areas / key programmes, and what it states about collective and individual actions.See Answer
  • Q20:Assignment details Case- Khalid Ali Alturki & Sons (Alturki) is a family-owned leading investment and development company that has been operating in Saudi Arabia since 1975. Its subsidiaries and joint venture companies are focused on construction and infrastructure, building materials, real estate, oil field services, renewable energy, information and communication technologies, and general industrial sectors in Saudi Arabia and in the neighboring Arab countries. The company has been selected as one of the 100 fastest growing Saudi companies for three years in a row, and was among the top 10 companies recognized for the quality of its working environment in Saudi Arabia. You have been on boarded as a consultant to evaluate the sustainable initiatives taken up by the company and suggest improvements and new initiatives and CSR activities that can be implemented. 1. Prepare a strategy to address the employee safety concerns that you think can arise in any one of its subsidiary companies. (150 words) (10 marks) 2. Develop a 5 point Sustainable Development Goal for this Organisation briefly describing the relevance of each goal and how the organization can ensure its on track to achieve these goals. (150 words) (10 marks) See Answer

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