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Recently Asked psychology lifespan Questions

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  • Q1:Middle to late childhood is marked by the development of "metacognitive" processes. What are metacognitive mental processes? What types of tasks might one introduce to promote their initial development in children?See Answer
  • Q2:I am not looking for a summary of the series. Discuss the topics as shown in the series and include from your textbook and/or additional resources about these lifespan topics a broader perspective. You are welcome to include your own experiences as they relate to the weekly lifespan topics. Please continue to discuss the TEMPERAMENT TYPES of each child. Please share if you are identifying with one or more of the children and why. Maybe there is a parenting style you really like or dislike, share and tell us why.See Answer
  • Q3:BOOK TO REFER: The Essentials of LifeSpan Development-Lives in Context by Tara L Kuther Refer chapter 7 and 8 See Answer
  • Q4:Assignment Instruction Book name - The Essentials of LifeSpan Development-Lives in Context by Tara L Kuther When it comes to school readiness, why is the smallest of the quintuplets, Ben, lagging behind? Can science explain why Declan is such an engaging chatterbox? How will Sofia cope when she has to visit her father in hospital again? Will school be too much for unpredictable Jara'na? What impact will her mother's university qualifications have on Haleema? And is Anastasia heading for her first tussle with authority? Discuss the topics as shown in the series and include from your textbook and/or additional resources about these lifespan topics a broader perspective. You are welcome to include your own experiences as they relate to the weekly lifespan topics. Please continue to discuss the TEMPERAMENT TYPES of each child. Please share if you are identifying with one or more of the children and why. Maybe there is a parenting style you really like or dislike, share and tell us why. Please write a minimum of one paragraph per child and family that was in this episode.See Answer
  • Q5:1. Think of a child whose behavior is currently challenging to you or a past event in which you found a child who was difficulty to work with. Describe in detail the child or the event. How are you currently working with this child or how was the event resolved? After this lecture can you think and explain other alternatives that can/.might have decrease these challenges? Please explain your rationale.See Answer
  • Q6:Describe the ways in which Piaget’s research applies to Jamie’s development. See Answer
  • Q7:Describe the ways in which Vygotsky’s research applies to Jamie’s development. See Answer
  • Q8:Identify factors that could have influenced Jamie's physical well-being during the prenatal, birth and early childhood stages of development. See Answer
  • Q9:Identify factors that could have influenced Jamie’s cognitive well-being during the prenatal, birth, and early childhood stages of development. See Answer
  • Q10:Identify factors that could have influenced Jamie’s psychosocial well-being during the early and middle childhood stages of development. See Answer
  • Q11:Evaluate the sociocultural factors that could contribute to Jamie’s maladaptive behavior.See Answer
  • Q12:Explain why it is important to consider the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial factors in combination (versus separately) throughout the life span when evaluating an individual’s well-being.See Answer
  • Q13:Describe the research or theory that best explains Jamie’s behavior. Explain your response. See Answer
  • Q14:1 Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you have spent your life up until now? 2 How do you feel about getting older and reaching the age of 60? 3 Have you noticed any changes in the way society treats or perceives older individuals, including yourself? 4 What do you believe are some common misconceptions or stereotypes about aging? 5 How do you maintain your physical and mental health as you age? 6 How do you stay engaged and active in your community and society? 7 Have you ever felt discriminated against or treated unfairly because of your age? 8 How do you think society could improve its attitudes and treatment towards older adults? 9 How do you envision your future, both in terms of your personal goals and how you see yourself fitting into society? 10 How do you maintain relationships and connections with loved ones and friends as you age? 11 How do you think the aging population will change in the future? 12 How do you think the aging population will change society? 13 What challenges have you faced as you’ve aged? 14 How have you overcome any age-related challenges? 15 How do you continue to learn and grow as a person as you age? See Answer
  • Q15:Read the journalism story "How Parenting Advice Assumes You're White and Middle Class" (Nielsen, 2017), and the journal article "The Persistent Sampling Bias in Developmental Psychology: A Call to Action" (Nielsen, et. al, 2017). Then write a summary + response paper about the articles addressing the questions provided. Upload your summary to the WEIRD Assignment folder in D2L in the week 1 and 2 Content, or Assignments. In your own words, write a 400-500 word (~1.5-2 page) paper that addresses the following questions: • What do the authors mean by WEIRD? • Why is WEIRD-centric research a problem? In The Conversation article, what does Nielsen say about parenting advice? What does the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology article say we should do in response to this issue? • Paraphrase at least one example from the authors of how development can vary across cultures. What's your response to the ideas in the articles and the proposed solution? How are these articles relevant as we proceed with our study of lifespan development the rest of the semester? Guidelines • Use formal writing format with complete sentences and organized paragraphs, proper grammar and spelling, 12-point font, double-spaced, and 1-inch margins. Do not quote the article. Address these questions in your own words. Upload your completed journal to WEIRD Paper folder in D2L Brightspace. Access the assignment box in Week 1 or 2 Content, or in Assignments, located under the Assessments tab. • Complete the assignment with full academic integrity; the writing must be your own work.See Answer
  • Q16:1. Describe two characteristics of the sensorimotor stage, and two aspects of the preoperational stage, according to Piaget' model. Then share an example from your life where you've seen at least one of these characteristics "live".See Answer
  • Q17:2. Explain the concepts of attention, orientating response, and habituation in terms of an infant adjusting to a new pet. Then give an example of habituation in your own life.See Answer
  • Q18:3. Explain and give examples from your own life of key components of Vygotsky's work: the zone of proximal development, scaffolding, and private speech. Examples could be in a child that you know, or yourself.See Answer
  • Q19:4. Choose one of the following aspects of language development and describe, as well as give real-life examples:/nDeveloping the ability to communicate with other peopleSee Answer
  • Q20:Module #1 Discussion On pages eight to twelve, your textbook introduces a list of "Contemporary Concerns." Building upon, and citing explicitly, a topic introduced in chapter one of your textbook, discuss a way in which you think the psychology of human development is relevant to issues of the contemporary world? Throughout the semester, students are expected to consult the grading rubric. It is accessed by clicking on the handle in the box in the upper right hand corner. Meeting the criteria specified for each comment will improve your grade and ensure success in the course.See Answer

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