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Recently Asked educations teaching Questions

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  • Q1:Pretend you are the coordinator in a brand new daycare center for three to six-year-old children. Each age group will be in its own classroom. How would you set the classrooms up so that the students are getting their physical, cognitive, and psychosocial needs met? What would the structure of the daycare be like? What kinds of activities would you implement? Are there specific tools that you would use (Legos, finger paint, etc.). What kinds of social interactions would you promote? What would you want to make sure to emphasize? What might some of your concerns be?See Answer
  • Q2:Part 2: Reflective Questions. You must use examples from your observation. (Minimum of 3 single spaced typed pages).See Answer
  • Q3:Assessment First Assessment The lesson plan is crucial if that is constructed properly and evaluated to achieve its purpose. The tutor will have a better understanding of how to take the class ahead. The best way to understand the student's understanding is by testing their practical understanding. The students can submit their lesson plans on any subject of their expertise. The lesson plan can be evaluated. Goal: The goal is to understand whether they were able to understand the concept of the lesson plan and whether they are able to curate one. The second assessment The tutor can take a class to their own peers to understand the effectiveness of the lesson plan. If there are any alterations, they can do that in the lesson plan. The classes will be evaluated by the faculty and the peer group. As this is the first attempt, the tutors can make changes to the lesson plan. As that will help the students to construct better lesson plans for the future as there is always a gap between the theory and the practical. The assessment has to evaluate whether the goal of the lesson plan is achieved. Based on the lesson plan the students can take the class to their fellow peers and they can evaluate it. The purpose of the task is to achieve the learning objectives and goal. Formative: Written Exam The formative assessment can include a written exam that can have practical questions. Based on the situation, the students have to answer the question. Goal: The goal is to analyze the practical understanding of the student. Summative: Research Paper The summative assessment is the submission of the research paper on the effectiveness of the backward design. The students should analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the backward design. The research should be action-based. Goal: The goal is to research the effectiveness of the backward design process. And have an understanding of whether the students were able to understand the process. See Answer
  • Q4:1. What teaching strategies can you apply that would help a child with learning disabilities in your class not feel frustrated, have anxiety or tension besides giving more time and not being sarcastic? Remember to describe the techniques and how will this improve a child with learning disabilities with their learning and or self esteem. Do not be too brief. (4 points)See Answer
  • Q5:2. what new information did you learn about different learning disabilities?See Answer
  • Q6:In this assignment, write a brief reflection telling me: . One thing you might do differently in your classroom based on what you have learned in this module about cultural identity. How could you help children and families from different cultures feel comfortable and welcome? • Has it given you a new perspective on behavior expectations for children from different cultures? Why or why not? • What can you do to help a child who speaks a different language from you feel comfortable in the classroom? How could you help support that child's development in their home language, while also supporting their English development? • If you don't work with children, tell me if there is something in this module that changed the way you think about cultural identity, bridging cultural differences, and helping children develop as dual language learners. See Answer
  • Q7:What do you already know about the achievement gap in US schools? See Answer
  • Q8:Write a compelling question related to the topic that you want to understand. See Answer
  • Q9:Write five supporting questions that will help you answer the compelling question See Answer
  • Q10:What are the keywords you will use to find sources that address your compelling question. See Answer
  • Q11:Use the SIFT technique to find 5 credible sources that address your compelling question. At least one of the sources needs to have been peer reviewed (can find those in a research See Answer
  • Q12:Identify two perspectives related to your compelling question. See Answer
  • Q13: Use the sentence template resource to write a paragraph that compares and contrasts the two perspectives you’ve identified. See Answer
  • Q14:When you were in grade school, were you encouraged to share your understanding and knowledge in different ways? Were your intelligences honoured? If so, how? How were students who thought, behaved and learned in ways different from the rest of the class treated by other students? By teachers? If you could change anything about the way that you were taught, what would you change and why?See Answer
  • Q15:Part 2: Application Imagine that you have been assigned to support a student in grade 6. Your supervising teacher has given a humanities assignment to the class: to choose and research their favourite Greek God or Goddess, and then write an essay to share their new understandings. Consider the following questions and write a 2-3 page (double spaced) response: Does this learning task acknowledge and encourage different ways of learning? Why or why not? Being mindful of Multiple Intelligences, what are some different ways that the students might represent their understanding of the topic in different ways? (Share 3 specific examples- each highlighting a different intelligence.) Knowing what you know now about different ways that students learn, what would your approach be when working with diverse learning styles? How might you offer support to these learners? (Be specific.) How would you communicate with a teacher that does not provide opportunities for students to use their unique intelligences to demonstrate their understanding?See Answer
  • Q16:• Define your role in differentiating instruction for this student. • Use the checklist in Chapter 9 as a guide to identify the specific steps you must take. ("The EA's Role in Differentiating Instruction for IEPs"- page 92) See Answer
  • Q17:Develop a minimum 700-word outline for a training in which you would teach the skill you identified to other adult learners. Address the following in your training outline: - Create a title that provides learners with a hint at what they will be learning (e.g., "Microsoft Word Tips" or "Making Fettuccini Alfredo"). - Define the desired learning outcomes for the training (i.e., what learners will be able to do upon completion) and how the outcomes will be assessed and/or evaluated. - Describe the setting (e.g., online, classroom, workplace) for the training and how the necessary resources (e.g., materials, computer or software, ingredients) will be used by the instructor and participants. - Describe the changes that obtaining the skill will have on the adult learner, including the type of change (e.g., knowledge, skill, attitude) and how having the skill impacts the way they do things (e.g., more efficient, better cook). - Explain how the training aligns with the andragogical principles of self-directed and transformative learning.See Answer
  • Q18:Write a 275- to 350-word brief analysis in which you compare your training outline with Kolb's experiential learning cycle (Figure 6.2 of Adult Learning Theory), including an explanation of which of the cycle's quadrants best aligns with your training: - Concrete Experience - Reflective Observation - Abstract Conceptualization - Active ExperimentationSee Answer
  • Q20:This week we review the mathematical curriculum that involves, classification, number recognition, counting, algebra, statistics. • What learning materials(toys/books/posters) does the classroom have that allow children to be exposed to math concepts? create a list of them • How math skills are introduced to children in the classroom. Name and describe at least three example that you have witnessed. • How routines can be used to enhance math skills? • What questions can a teacher ask children when they are playing in the block area to enhance their math skills (other than how many?) • How would you introduce math skills when children are playing outdoors? Describe at least three examples.See Answer

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