
leadership skills homework help

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Recently Asked leadership skills Questions

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  • Q1:Describe why protecting yourself from this person's influence will help drive positive results for your team or organization.See Answer
  • Q2:describe the person who is trying to influence you please omit names and other sensitive information including yourSee Answer
  • Q3:Lastly, describe the strategies you will use to protect yourself from each of the 3 influence tactics that this person has used or might use on you in the future. Be specific in describing both the specific influence tactics and your strategies for protecting yourself.See Answer
  • Q4:Design a plan for protecting yourself from this person's influence. Identify 3 distinct tactics of influence that this person has tried or might try in the future to influence you.See Answer
  • Q5:1. How can the theories of leadership influence on organizational culture 2. What can be done to reduce this type of unethical leadership in the future?See Answer
  • Q6:Professionalism Rubric In addition to developing students technical and academic skills, BFIT is committed to promoting professionalism within our learning environment. Professionalism encompasses many elements, and includes active, engaged participation in the academic experience, and therefore is an integral part of the grade for this course. To be an active, consistent participant, a student must be present-attending each class, on time. Attendance factors into the professionalism grade. Other factors include accountability; time management; teamwork; preparedness; respectful, ethical behavior, and presentation of work and self. You're used to this by now: you did this for weeks 1-5, now it's time to evaluate your professionalism for weeks 6-10. Remember that I count our class Discussion posts as a way to look at "working in groups" and/or Participation. (Participation is also the contact you and I have via email or comments on posts, etc.) Look closely at the BFIT Professionalism Rubric.pdf Write a brief document (with a standard MLA format heading) stating how you believe you performed in each of the 6 categories as listed on the professionalism rubric (Time Management, Participation, Accountability, Work Groups, Conduct). Note that these rubrics were written for in-person classes. Please address how you think your interactions in an online-only course can still meet these requirements. (You can add this as a separate paragraph at the end or include it in your answers for each of the 6 categories as they come up.) See Answer
  • Q7:Students are to write a paper about themselves using the articles, class lectures, presentations, and videos as a guideline. See Answer
  • Q8:Project Overview: The project is designed to develop the student's understanding of leadership and the ability to evaluate different leadership styles, as well as to help them learn how to develop as future leadersSee Answer
  • Q9:Each student or student group (up to five people or your SLE team) may choose a business article to analyze and use as the basis for your mid-term paper. You should choose any article published in Harvard Business Review or a similar periodical (based on instructor discretion; you can check potential articles with me). The variation in available articles enables you to choose material in which you are particularly interested, and which will benefit you the most. A thoughtful, insightful analysis is expected regarding how the material in your article applies to your business, business plan, or SLE project. Please be thorough in your coverage of the article's materials and its application to your situation, explaining how your situation stands to improve based on the advice and information in the article. You needn't agree with everything in the article, so if you disagree or have observed different dynamics in your own experience, you can express this in the paper as well.See Answer
  • Q10:Describe a community of which you were an active member. Try to relate this community to the four stages of community development as outlined by Peck. Did you experience each stage? If not, why not? What was each one like? How were they similar? How were they different?See Answer
  • Q11:Think about a healthy community that you are or were asso- ciated with and identify its characteristics. Now think about a community you know of that is unhealthy or is in the early stages of community development. What has contributed to the status of this community? How would you go about strengthening this community?See Answer
  • Q12:Communities sometimes are strengthened during times of crisis. Provide an example not already mentioned in this chapter of a community in crisis that became stronger as a result.See Answer
  • Q13:1) You have to search for a real-world case of leadership communication by yourself. The case should be relevant to the topics you learned. For the first case study, the topic you can choose would be one of the topics of the first week (communication leadership / ethos, pathos, and logos / diversity and leadership). Think about the most impressive topic for you. Then, you search for a real-world case that demonstrates or reflects the topic you liked. Isn’t it interesting? 2) Recommended sources of cases would be credible media (e.g., New York Times, Time magazines, etc.) or biography; 3) The main purpose of this assignment is for you to be able to analyze communicative leadership through theories of leadership communication you learned in each designated day; 4) You have to make the title of your case study and provide relevant theory or concept that you picked to analyze your case. You have to put them in the beginning part of your paper as you can see on the case study form. 5) You have to declare the source of information indicating from where you got information about the case. You have to use APA style to declare the reference (source of information). 6) For the “Case Description” section, you should have a detailed description about the case, including history and media report from credible source of information. The amount of writing for this section should be more than 300 words; 7) The “Theoretical Analysis” section should have more than 300 words, demonstrating how the theory(-ies) you have chosen explains the case you have chosen; 8) Grading Criteria includes 1) amount of writing, 2) quality of writing, 3) quality & accuracy of analysis, & 4) APA style. 9) Check each deadline in the course schedule and Moodle. See Answer
  • Q14: Overview To understand the leadership of an organization, it is necessary to understand the individuals in those roles and how they lead. When you are in a leadership role within an organization, you should be familiar with your own leadership style so you know how best to lead others in the organization. Understanding your leadership personality is an important element when it comes to understanding your individual leadership style. Prompt After taking the Big Five personality traits assessment, reflect on the results. Consider how the assessment captured your traits and personality and how the results can be incorporated into your leadership style and approach. What strengths do your personality traits bring to your leadership style, and what are some of your opportunities for improvement? Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria: Results Summary: Summarize your results of the personality assessment and how you think these elements might help or hinder you as a leader. • Describe Results: Explain what elements of your personality assessment results surprised you, if any, and explain how accurate you felt the results were and why. • Leadership Style: Pick two elements of your results ● ● ● Leadership Style: Pick two elements of your results and explain how they impact your leadership style. Importance of Leadership: Describe how leadership impacts organizations and why it is important to understand this impact. What to Submit Your submission should be a 1- to 2-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins.See Answer
  • Q15:Assignment 4 Respond to the following scenario in your paper: You've completed your first year as Chief, and within that time, you've observed most of your personnel at work. Utilizing the leadership skill mix, the planning concept, and various decision-making observations, how can you ascertain who is a leader, a manager, and/or a follower among your supervisory staff? Assignments Assignments are formal, written papers that are designed to help you expand on an important concept(s) and or topic for that week. There are seven Assignments, worth 30 points each. Specific questions are provided for each Assignment. Your paper should cover all particulars of the question(s) and include an example of your understanding of the question(s) in general. Assignments are due to the appropriate Dropbox folder by 11:59 PM CT Sunday of the week assigned. Formal writing means that proper English grammatical, mechanics and spelling rules are expected. The completed Assignment must be submitted as a .doc or .docx file that is a minimum of 300-500 words in length. All references must be cited using in-text citations and a Reference page, following the current APA style guide. Assignments will be submitted to Turnitin; you will be allowed to see your originality reports. Give it 400 words; "In text" Citations; Include at least 1 outside reference. Use provided Textbook excerpts first.See Answer
  • Q16:3 Mechanic S (10 points) Total learning goals. (1-3 points) Many errors in spelling, usage and grammar (1-3 points) 1-19 points student/cours e learning goals. (4-7 points) Good use of spelling, usage and grammar with few errors (4-7points) 20 to 31 points (8-10 points) Excellent use of spelling, usage and grammar. There are no errors (8 to 10 points) 32 to 40 points/n2 Rubric for Reflective Journal Emerging Points are unclear. There are frequent lapses in clarity and accuracy. (1-3 points) Criteria 1. Clarity of points (10 points) 2. Analysis (10 points) 3. Relevanc (10 points) Reflection does not move beyond description of the learning experience(s) (1-3 points) Most of the reflection is irrelevant to student and/or course Developing Minor, infrequent lapses in clarity and accuracy. (4-7 points) The reflection demonstrates student attempts to analyse the experience but writing lacks depth. (4-7 points) Student makes attempts to demonstrate relevance, and details are somewhat meaningful to Advanced The points are clear and expressive. Concepts are explained accurately and make sense to an uninformed reader. (8-10 points) The reflection moves beyond simple description of the experience to an analysis of how the experience contributed to student understandin g of self, others, and/or course concepts. (8-10 points) The content being reflected upon is relevant and meaningful to student and course learning goals. Scor e/n1 MGMT 016: Developing Leadership Presence Assignment 2: Reflective Journal The following document has been formulated to assist students to prepare for Assignment 2: Reflective Journal. It consists of three (3) pages. Students must read ALL pages carefully. Assignment 2: Reflective Journal: (40 marks) (30%) Instructions: ■ In about 500 to 600 words, provide personal reflections on what you are learning and experiencing in the course based on either Module 2: Diversity & Leadership OR Module 3: Change Management & Leadership Explain how the lesson(s) you choose from the Module is/are impacting your personal and professional growth in leadership. ■ Include suitable theories and research findings to support your submission. Assignments must be submitted in Microsoft Word.See Answer
  • Q17:Need support to solve the above 2 Questions based on Rubric table that shows at the end Need the answer related to my work (public hospital) Each question 150 wordsSee Answer
  • Q18:Answer all 3Qs in 5 doubled pages and 6th page with references APA formatSee Answer
  • Q19:Research Assignment (15%): For this assignment we are using the textbook material to analyze leadership styles - in doing so, we'll fulfill the following Course Learning Requirements (CLRs): CLR 1: Analyze the difference between managers and leaders, in order to identify what skills are needed in specific business situations. CLR2: Identify leadership traits. CRL2: Compare and contrast the effectiveness of leaders. CRL3: Reflect on individual leadership style evaluations. Assignment Overview: In this research assignment you are to find and examine real-life leaders to understand their leadership style and how it contributed to their success. Assignment Instructions Length: Your report is to be a maximum length of 1 and 1/2 single-spaced pages or three double-spaced pages (approximately 750 words). • Format: Your report is to be completed in Microsoft Word (or equivalent) - please do not submit PDF files. Part 1: In this research assignment you are to research and assess real-life leaders. I would recommend that you may wish to consult a site such as www.leadershipgeeks.com as they provide nice short write-ups on a wide range of leaders within the areas of business, military, politics, and sports. (For example, Justin Trudeau has his own write-up on the page at: http://www.leadershipgeeks.com/justin-trudeau- leadership/) Question A: In leadership theory, what are 'followers? Are they the same as fans, customers or subscribers? Question B: Are leaders capable of demonstrating multiple leadership styles?/nFor part 2, select a leader and examine why they were successful: 1) Section #1: Identify a 'business' leader that you feel is worthy of study. (I recommend checking out the leaders in www.leadershipgeeks.com); Review their career and identify some of the challenges that they faced. Note As part of this assignment, you are to utilize business leaders - do not draw upon the following types of leaders: ALGONQUIN Centre for Continuing COLLEGE & • • • Religious or spiritual leaders Any fictional characters (from books, movies, literature, or cartoons) Any cult figures, activists, or anyone advocating questionable practices 2) Section #2: Based on the leader's career, identify a particular challenge that they faced. Briefly describe the challenge that the leader faced. Identify what leadership style the leader utilized to get them through that challenge. (In this context, leadership styles are either autocratic, democratic or laissez-faire). • Explain why you feel that leadership style was utilized. 3) Section #3: Identify who the leader's followers were during this challenge. Also identify what the followers' 'needs' were in terms of leadership during this challenge. 4) Section #4: Explain why you feel that the combination of leadership style and followers' needs allowed the leader to successfully overcome the challenge that they faced.See Answer
  • Q20:This posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs. Word totals for this post should be in the 180-200-word range. Whether you agree or disagree, explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the text to support your answer. The entire chapter discussion presents many different elements and components of being a leader- and an essential part of being a Supervisor. As the connection between your company's management team and the company's employees, there are few more important decisions than what leadership style to choose to use as a supervisor. 1. Given all the models of leadership characteristics, styles, theories presented in this chapter, in this post describe what your own "natural" leadership would be- regardless of situation. Using the material in the chapter reading to justify your answer: Clearly identify your own leadership style, Identify in what situations your own leadership style would be effective, and ineffective. 2. What action would you take in a situation where your own leadership style wouldn't be generally considered effective? Do you think it would be appropriate to attempt to modify your own leadership style to the situation, or to keep your own leadership style and just push forward towards a solution. Use MLA as referencing styleSee Answer

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