
Research Assignment (15%): For this assignment we are using the textbook material to analyze leadership styles - in doing so, we'll fulfill the following Course Learning Requirements (CLRs): CLR 1: Analyze

the difference between managers and leaders, in order to identify what skills are needed in specific business situations. CLR2: Identify leadership traits. CRL2: Compare and contrast the effectiveness of leaders. CRL3: Reflect on individual leadership style evaluations. Assignment Overview: In this research assignment you are to find and examine real-life leaders to understand their leadership style and how it contributed to their success. Assignment Instructions Length: Your report is to be a maximum length of 1 and 1/2 single-spaced pages or three double-spaced pages (approximately 750 words). • Format: Your report is to be completed in Microsoft Word (or equivalent) - please do not submit PDF files. Part 1: In this research assignment you are to research and assess real-life leaders. I would recommend that you may wish to consult a site such as as they provide nice short write-ups on a wide range of leaders within the areas of business, military, politics, and sports. (For example, Justin Trudeau has his own write-up on the page at: leadership/) Question A: In leadership theory, what are 'followers? Are they the same as fans, customers or subscribers? Question B: Are leaders capable of demonstrating multiple leadership styles?/nFor part 2, select a leader and examine why they were successful: 1) Section #1: Identify a 'business' leader that you feel is worthy of study. (I recommend checking out the leaders in; Review their career and identify some of the challenges that they faced. Note As part of this assignment, you are to utilize business leaders - do not draw upon the following types of leaders: ALGONQUIN Centre for Continuing COLLEGE & • • • Religious or spiritual leaders Any fictional characters (from books, movies, literature, or cartoons) Any cult figures, activists, or anyone advocating questionable practices 2) Section #2: Based on the leader's career, identify a particular challenge that they faced. Briefly describe the challenge that the leader faced. Identify what leadership style the leader utilized to get them through that challenge. (In this context, leadership styles are either autocratic, democratic or laissez-faire). • Explain why you feel that leadership style was utilized. 3) Section #3: Identify who the leader's followers were during this challenge. Also identify what the followers' 'needs' were in terms of leadership during this challenge. 4) Section #4: Explain why you feel that the combination of leadership style and followers' needs allowed the leader to successfully overcome the challenge that they faced.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2