19:12 < Audit Report Template PHA5015.d... PHA5015 - Integrated Pharmacy Science & Practice Dissemination Audit Report Research SUB Numbentific Disser Faculty of Life Sciences Audit Report Proforma Delete all text
in GREY before submission 5G 1. Introduction Provide details on the problem, the urgency and the relevant standards for this audit. 2. Method Describe how you will collect and analyse the data. 3. Results Provide appropriate analysed data in tables, graphs or other suitable format with some description of your results. 4. Discussion Compare your results with the quality standards. Explore potential explanations for your results. 5. Action plan and recommendations Provide a bullet point list of your recommendations that must be related to your data and interpretation. 6. References Provide at least TWO references to support your proposal. These must be provided in the BRADFORD HARVARD format Dashboard Calendar To-do Notifications Inbox This page contains the key information for the Audit Report, which is component 005 of the PHA5015 module and contributes 5% to your overall module mark. You must pass this assignment (at minimum 40%) in order to pass the module. You will need to to complete a 1000 word audit report, using pre-defined datasets. You will analyse and interpret the data, and determine an action plan of what the appropriate steps should be based on your findings. Your instructions are provided in the brief below, and will be supported with an introductory lecture. You will also be expected to attend a workshop (please see your timetables) which will give you practical support in analysing your data. 19:12 PHA5015 Audit Report 2023-4_ACYR Integrated Pharmacy Science and Practice ASSIGNMENT BRIEF: 5G You must prepare a 1000 word audit report using the template provided. This is an individual assignment. Your team will be given a dataset, and you can work together on the analysis of this dataset, but the assignment you submit must be your own individual work. It will be processed through a similarity checker (TurItIn). Background The national NHS England team have asked Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) to review their drug budget for the current financial year and your ICS has announced several projects in their "Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention" (QIPP) programme for the current financial year. One of the priority areas identified by NHS England has been around management of reflux. Recent data has found that many patients are being co- prescribed Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) in addition to alginate antacids (e.g. Gaviscon®) when there is no clinical need. Preliminary data would suggest that on average, practices within your ICS are within the highest quintile (top 20%) of practices in England for this Dashboard Calendar To-do Notifications Inbox 19:12 PHA5015 Audit Report 2023-4_ACYR Integrated Pharmacy Science and Practice practices within your ICS are within the highest quintile (top 20%) of practices in England for this practice which may be wasteful, or suggest that patients with reflux are inadequately managed. 5G Task 1: Analyse the data All practices within the local ICS have reported on patients who are prescribed PPI and/or alginate antacids within the last 12 months. You have been provided a data set for one of the practices. Complete the following audit activity in class, working with your team to process the data. We anticipate that you will work on this during the TBL workshop (on either 24th or 25th January, depending on your team). You can do the analysis any time, but we recommend making use of these sessions for the analysis as staff will be present to help with any issues. 1. Calculate the mean number of PPI issues in 12 months. 2. Calculate the mean number of alginate antacid issues in 12 months. 3. Determine the percentage of patients who order more than TWO alginate prescriptions in 12 months. Dashboard Calendar To-do Notifications Inbox 19:14 Introduction - set the scene; what are we looking at, why is this an issue worth carrying out an audit for? Q Methods - Imagine you were doing this audit completely yourself, not that we gave you the data. Set out what data was collected in order to carry out the audit, and how you analysed this (note this is not the results of your analysis, but the methods of how to do the analysis). 5G You should probably also set out here what the target is you are aiming for; if you remember we said in the introduction session that a key thing about audits is that you are assessing performance against a set standard, so what is the standard that you are aiming for? Note that we've not told you a set standard you are aiming for, we are looking for you to set a sensible standard. We've given you some clues in the questions we asked you to find answers to: Email . What is the MEAN number of PPI issues over 12 months? ✓ Reply 6 Calendar Feed 00 Apps