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Recently Asked family and community health nursing Questions

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  • Q1:Assessment task A reflective log, based on a real-life experience focusing on professional behaviour. This is written in the 1st person. What is the purpose of this assessment? The purpose of this assessment is to facilitate early identification of learning needs and to allow you to understand academic writing.See Answer
  • Q2:Write a 250-word reflection on the patient encounter that includes: Questions or challenges you faced Considerations for patients seeking complementary and/or alternative medicine, including naturopathic options Would follow up for this patient be appropriate as a face to face or a telehealth visit? Explain your reasoning. See Answer
  • Q3:Write a 250-word reflection on the patient encounter that includes: Questions or challenges you faced Considerations for patients seeking complementary and/or alternative medicine, including naturopathic options Would follow up for this patient be appropriate as a face to face or a telehealth visit? Explain your reasoning. See Answer
  • Q4:Comparing and Contrasting Topic: Free Healthcare and Paid Healthcare See Answer
  • Q5:Based on Jeb's information, what steps can he take to get back to his health level before he fell? Select all that apply. observed-limps when he walks environmental-professional mover,fell on the stairs Historical-surgery to repair a broken leg and damage to his knee,gained 47 pounds ,worsening stiffness and pain in his left knee and taking over-the-counter pain medicine, but it does not really help Time-sensitive-no longer able to lift heavy objects and needs to take breaks more frequently select all the apply Perform the recommended exercises Change jobs Use crutches when walking Apply for disability Lose weightSee Answer
  • Q6:Discuss the key differences between the four major types of quantitative research designs. Use the article you obtained by searching the databses within the library on each design to elaborate your answer. Provide a brief summary of each article, highlighting the appropriateness of the design to the stated purpose of the study. Please use the following articles: Bloomfield. (2019). Quantitative research design. JARNA: the Official Journal of the Australasian Rehabilitation Nurses' Association., 22(2). https://doi- org.fitchburgstate.idm.oclc.org/10.3316/informit.738299924514584 Siedlecki, Sandra L. PhD, RN, APRN-CNS, FAAN. Understanding Descriptive Research Designs and Methods. Clinical Nurse Specialist 34(1):p 8-12, 1/2 2020. | DOI: 10.1097/NUR.0000000000000493 Gupta, S., & Kumar, A. (2020). The mediating role of positive perceptions on coping strategies and psychological well-being among mothers of children with intellectual disabilities. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 14(6), 263-272. https://doi.org/10.1108/AMHID-02-2020-0004 Abd-Elsalam, S., Salama, M., Soliman, S., Naguib, A. M., Ibrahim, I. S., Torky, M., ... & Elhendawy, M. (2022). Remdesivir efficacy in COVID-19 treatment: a randomized controlled trial. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 106(3), 886. Simons, G., Caplan, J., DiSantostefano, R. L., Veldwijk, J., Englbrecht, M., Bywall, K. S., Kihlbom, U., Raza, K., & Falahee, M. (2022). Systematic review of quantitative preference studies of treatments for rheumatoid arthritis among patients and at-risk populations. Arthritis research & therapy, 24(1), 55. https://doi-org.fitchburgstate.idm.oclc.org/10.1186/s13075-021-02707-4See Answer
  • Q7:Describe ONE of your traits or characteristics that have been shaped by nature and nurture. (Not two different traits where one is shaped by nature and the other shaped by nurture) Explain the possible influences that both nature and nurture have on it. How much of this trait do you think is the result of genes and how much is the result of your environment? Explain your reasoning. For example, if you have a sweet tooth, explain its possible origins in your genetics, culture and childhood experiences.See Answer
  • Q8:The purpose of this discussion is for you to demonstrate your ability to find resources that support local families with various needs. This is an important effort as it helps practice your skills in investigating how communities can support families. For this discussion, you will choose a local county (San Diego County) agency/organization and provide information about that agency to your classmates to enable them to build an array of resources that acquaint them with agencies/organizations that are designed to provide important supports to families who have various needs. You may research agencies that best support your family, a family that you are currently working with, or a family you know. You will be able to view your peer's post. Review those posts and do not duplicate a community agency that has already been posted. Instructions For this discussion, you will not be held to the initial post word count, but it should be understood your post will be detailed and informative. You will have the ability to see other's post before you post. Do not duplicate another peer's resource! Format for your resource, must include the following: 1. Name of community agency (Must be in San Diego County or any of the cities located in San Diego County) 2. Address and phone number of the agency 3. Services available to the targeted participant 4. How/Requirements for the participant to access the resources of the agency 5. Hyperlinked URL for Agency home page.See Answer
  • Q9:What did you learn about the science of play that you did not know before now? Provide specific examples from the video/s.See Answer
  • Q10:Instructions:- • Topic:- Drug users in skid row • 3 paragraphs, 5 sentences in each paragraph, double spaced times new roman Word limit:- 300-400 At least 2 sources cited APA/nOverview As a future community health professional, you will likely be asked to implement intervention and prevention strategies based on data from research in the field. You will make recommendations and seek resources to support health behavior changes needed within the community. Prompt In this milestone, you will address health behaviors, resources, and strategies. These aspects compose Section IV, Educational Information, of the final project. Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed: IV. Educational Information: In the concluding section of your presentation, you will explain how intervention and prevention strategies can be used to support health behavior changes in the community. Specifically, you should address the following: A. Health Behavior: Based on the data and your research of the issue, what changes in behavior should occur in order to see improvement in the issue? For example, setting specific and measurable weight loss goals could be a behavior change when working to reduce obesity. B. Resources: Describe the resources and health services that are available to support these health behavior changes. In other words, what resources could the community use to support the health behavior changes you identified? C. Strategies: How can key prevention and intervention strategies be used to support the changes in behavior that you identified? For instance, you might explain a prevention strategy such as community education aroundSee Answer
  • Q11:• What is an example of evidence used to support the information provided in the video/s? 。 This can be a discussion of a study, statistic/s, area of science, scientific theory, so forth.See Answer
  • Q12:• What are some of the areas of science directly mentioned and/or referred to in the video?See Answer
  • Q13:How do you think the information provided in the video/s may connect or add to human health and wellness and/or societal wellness?See Answer
  • Q14:After watching. write a 1-2 page review. The review should be detailed and demonstrate understanding of both the film and article by citing specific examples of what was learned, analysis of the film should also be included Final paper needs to be APA format in text citations and reference list.See Answer
  • Q15:What role do you play in healthcare? How do you collaborate with nursing? • How could nursing and your discipline work better together? How does this collaboration impact the patients you care for? What disciplines do you collaborate with? Do you collaborate with more than one discipline at a time? • What are three or four actions you believe are essential to having successful collaborations? Do you feel that interdisciplinary collaboration is important for healthcare? • Insert your (3 additional) questions here. You must have at least 3 of your own questions, for example: What do you enjoy most about your role? What is the most challenging part of your role? What type of education/training was necessary for your role? Do you have any mandatory continuing education required for your role?See Answer
  • Q16:To upload your journal, please click on the assignment name in red at the top of the section The purpose of a reflective journal in NURS 4010 is for the student to have the opportunity to reflect on their work in Sentinel City, community fieldwork if assigned and any written assignments that are required as part of that fieldwork/simulation work. These questions should be answered in each journal entry. You may choose to write your response in a paragraph, or use a bullet list, or you may choose to use this template, but ALL points should be addressed by the student. Your journal entry: hould be divided into three sections, and the journal entry should not be more than a total of 500 words TOTAL. NOTE: Each journal entry must address all items listed. If any item is omitted the student may be asked to incorporate the missing information into the entry before the entry will be considered complete. PARTI . . REFLECTIVE JOURNAL . . What is the first thing that comes to mind about the simulation OR community experience? What went right? What would you do differently? O Does the political climate support this outcome? What are the main nursing interventions for this community? Which one would you attempt to change initially? . How would you evaluate the progress of the community toward this outcome? PART II Why would you do it differently? What is the community story in the simulation or community experience? Is there a community story? What is the focused problem in this simulation or community experience? Is the focused problem easily identified? O What is the desired outcome for the community and its people? Thinking in Action: O O Thinking on Action: O Part III What did you do during the simulation or community experience? What information guided your actions? O O Thinking beyond Action: O What actions did you take? What would you do differently in the same situation? What if I did something else in the situation? What have I learned from the situation?See Answer
  • Q17:Name of Community General Appearance of Community (in one sentence) Community Physical Environment Characteristics including: • Boundaries • Area in square feet • Zoning Infrastructure Condition including: Roads Bridges Sidewalks • • Street lights Types of Housing in Community • Condition of housing Signs and Billboards Types of signs and billboards • Condition of signs and billboards Schools and Educational Facilities • K-12 schools Vocational schools Colleges and universities PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT of a COMMUNITY DESCRIPTION OF THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT LIST CHARACTERISTIC OBSERVED IF AN ITEM IS NOT PRESENT IN THE COMMUNITY PLEASE STATE "NOT OBSERVED" City of Brockton, MA The city appears fairly new, the downtown area is very busy and crowded which homeless individuals make up for good amount of it, some old abandoned schools/buildings with ongoing modern architectural constructions. The city is bordered by the followings towns: Avon, Holbrook, Abington, Stoughton, Whitman, East Bridgewater, West Bridgewater and Easton. Area is 21.52 Sq mi/ 55.72 Km2 3 type of zoning: Residential, commercial and industrial business. Most of residential areas roads are in good condition, main roads not so much, though they are under reconstruction/maintenance. Bridges: Not observed. There are sidewalks throughout the city, some are closed for repair. The street lights are in good condition. Different type of housing: Single, duplex, apartment, condo, Co-op, multi family, townhouse. General condition from fair to good condition. There are a lot of newly constructed housings. Commercial and political signs/billboards were observed. Most are located on the west side on the old fair playground which now under construction. There are 24 public and private K-12 schools located in the city. 12 elementary, 8 middle schools and 5 high schools. No Vocational schools observed. 1 Community College (Massasoit Community College) No university./nPlaces of Worship Faith-based community outreach programs Parks and Recreation • Parks eos fall 2023* There is diverse faith based community outreach programs in the city (Churches and temples) The D.W Park has a walking trail. Also served as a green space./nSports fields . Walking trails • Playgrounds • Green spaces Condition of facilities • Stores • Types of stores Indoor Malls • • Strip shopping centers Physical condition of stores • Food Environment •Number, location, density, & proximity of food venues in a defined geographical area, such as full-service grocery stores, convenience stores and corner stores, fast food restaurants, and sit-down restaurants. • Availability of foods in stores, fast food restaurants, other restaurants, and other food take-out venues. • Shelf space allocated to foods within stores in the community. • Pricing and placement of foods within a store or restaurant. • Nutrition information or marketing material with in stores and restaurants. Describe how your observations of the community impact the health of a specific group of community members: children, adolescents, working adults, retired people, frail elders Please choose one group Your answer should not eos fall 2023* The D.W Golf Course. There are multiple playgrounds throughout the city. The facilities are in good condition. There is a vast variety of stores in Brockton. Lots of Corners and convenience stores, single-location retailers, supermarkets, community and warehouse. There are approximately 9 strip shopping centers. 1 indoor mall (Westgate Mall) there is few available rental spaces inside the mall. Physical conditions are good. The vast majority of the stores are fast food stores/restaurant which are located on each geographical sides of the city. There is a growing Cannabis stores thru the city as well. Foods are readily available to customers. Some of the stores have nutritional information, others do not. After my initial physical assessment of the community the specific group that can be impacted by the community is the adolescents:/nexceed 100 words. You will be penalized if this section is longer!See Answer
  • Q18:To upload your journal, please click on the assignment name in red at the top of the section The purpose of a reflective journal in NURS 4010 is for the student to have the opportunity to reflect on their work in Sentinel City, community fieldwork if assigned and any written assignments that are required as part of that fieldwork/simulation work. REFLECTIVE JOURNAL These questions should be answered in each journal entry. You may choose to write your response in a paragraph, or use a bullet list, or you may choose to use this template, but ALL points should be addressed by the student. Your journal entry should be divided into three sections, and the journal entry should not be more than a total of 500 words TOTAL. NOTE: Each journal entry must address all items listed. If any item is omitted the student may be asked to incorporate the missing information into the entry before the entry will be considered complete. PARTI What is the first thing that comes to mind about the simulation OR community experience? What went right? What would you do differently? Why would you do it differently? What is the community story in the simulation or community experience? Is there a community story? What is the focused problem in this simulation or community experience? Is the focused problem easily identified? What is the desired outcome for the community and its people? Does the political climate support this outcome? O What are the main nursing interventions for this community? Which one would you attempt to change initially? O How would you evaluate the progress of the community toward this outcome? PART II Thinking in Action: O Thinking on Action: O What did you do during the simulation or community experience? What information guided your actions? Part III What actions did you take? What would you do differently in the same situation? O Thinking beyond Action: What if I did something else in the situation? What have I learned from the situation?See Answer
  • Q19:exceed 100 words. You will be penalized if this section is longer! 3/nSports fields • Walking trails • • Playgrounds Green spaces Condition of facilities Stores • Types of stores Indoor Malls • • Strip shopping centers Physical condition of stores • Food Environment •Number, location, density, & proximity of food venues in a defined geographical area, such as full-service grocery stores, convenience stores and corner stores, fast food restaurants, and sit-down restaurants. • Availability of foods in stores, fast food restaurants, other restaurants, and other food take-out venues. • Shelf space allocated to foods within stores in the community. • Pricing and placement of foods within a store or restaurant. • Nutrition information or marketing material within stores and restaurants. Describe how your observations of the community impact the health of a specific group of community members: children, adolescents, working adults, retired people, frail elders Please choose one group Your answer should not eos fall 2023* The D.W Golf Course. There are multiple playgrounds throughout the city. The facilities are in good condition. There is a vast variety of stores in Brockton. Lots of Corners and convenience stores, single-location retailers, supermarkets, community and warehouse. There are approximately 9 strip shopping centers. 1 Indoor mall (Westgate Mall) there is few available rental spaces inside the mall. Physical conditions are good. The vast majority of the stores are fast food stores/restaurant which are located on each geographical sides of the city. There is a growing Cannabis stores thru the city as well. Foods are readily available to customers. Some of the stores have nutritional information, others do not. After my initial physical assessment of the community the specific group that can be impacted by the community is the adolescents:/nName of Community General Appearance of Community (in one sentence) Community Physical Environment Characteristics including: • Boundaries • Area in square feet • Zoning Infrastructure Condition including: • Roads • Bridges • Sidewalks • Street lights Types of Housing in Community • Condition of housing Signs and Billboards • Types of signs and billboards • Condition of signs and billboards Schools and Educational Facilities K-12 schools Vocational schools • Colleges and universities Places of Worship • Faith-based community outreach programs Parks and Recreation Parks eos fall 2023* 1 PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT of a COMMUNITY DESCRIPTION OF THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT LIST CHARACTERISTIC OBSERVED IF AN ITEM IS NOT PRESENT IN THE COMMUNITY PLEASE STATE "NOT OBSERVED" City of Brockton, MA The city appears fairly new, the downtown area is very busy and crowded which homeless individuals make up for good amount of it, some old abandoned schools/buildings with ongoing modern architectural constructions. The city is bordered by the followings towns: Avon, Holbrook, Abington, Stoughton, Whitman, East Bridgewater, West Bridgewater and Easton. Area is 21.52 Sq mi/ 55.72 Km2 3 type of zoning: Residential, commercial and industrial business. Most of residential areas roads are in good condition, main roads not so much, though they are under reconstruction/maintenance. Bridges: Not observed. There are sidewalks throughout the city, some are closed for repair. The street lights are in good condition. Different type of housing: Single, duplex, apartment, condo, Co-op, multi family, townhouse. General condition from fair to good condition. There are a lot of newly constructed housings. Commercial and political signs/billboards were observed. Most are located on the west side on the old fair playground which now under construction. There are 24 public and private K-12 schools located in the city. 12 elementary, 8 middle schools and 5 high schools. No Vocational schools observed. 1 Community College (Massasoit Community College) No university. There is diverse faith based community outreach programs in the city (Churches and temples) The D.W Park has a walking trail. Also served as a green space.See Answer
  • Q20:QUESTIONS . What does the term “culture” mean to you personally? Define the term "culturally competent nursing care". How do you deliver this care is delivered in your nursing practice Name at least three cultural considerations that were omitted in the care of this patient. Support each opinion with a different reference/evidence. REMEMBER: ALL INITIAL responses must be in APA format and have AT LEAST two references to support your position. These may be journal articles, newspaper articles, media reports, or reputable websites. Limit your initial essay and all responses to 250 -300 words.See Answer

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