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Recently Asked criminal law Questions

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  • Q1:Week 6 Interactive Activity ✔ Action Items Submission Instructions Choose one of the following cases, then analyze the cases in the Questions and Problems. Case A: Chapter 15 (8 and 9) and Chapter 16 (7) in Dynamic Business Law Case B: Chapter 15 (6 and 7) and Chapter 16 (9) in Dynamic Business Law See Answer
  • Q2: Need Discussion Topic 1 After reading the article on the CSI Effect, discuss how juries in trials look at physical evidence. Topic 2 Evidence can be divided into two broad types: (1) testimonial evidence and (2) real, or physical, evidence. Explain the difference between these two types. Link - https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/csi-effect-does-it-really-exist 100 words for each topic APA style intext citations Follow the rubrics attachedSee Answer
  • Q3:Question 1: Should Mary Lee be sent to prison or allowed to remain on probation? See Answer
  • Q4:Question 2: Is there anything else you, as a probation officer, can do to help Mary Lee make a more successful adjustment regarding living within the limits of the law?  See Answer
  • Q5:Question 3: Is it enough for the courts or society to tell someone like Mary Lee not to commit petty larceny, or does our system have a moral duty to provide her with support services that could increase her chance of success? See Answer
  • Q6:Compare and contrast how Cesare Beccaria presents the value of necessity with the goal of happiness for guiding the criminal justice system in societySee Answer
  • Q7:Please answer the following questions. From the first paragraph of the case, what were the doctors convicted of, and what was their sentence? From section B of the case, sections 1 through 7, on trial evidence, very briefly summarize the background of the case leading up to the convictions. Ruan appealed multiple issues related to the trial, including multiple counts of his conviction. Please review count 16 starting on page 61, and very briefly discuss, including what the appeals court did concerning this count. Now please review count 19 starting on page 66, count 1 starting on page 68, and the money laundering charges staring on the bottom of page 71, and very briefly discuss, including what the appeals court did concerning these counts.See Answer
  • Q8:What was Dr. Ruan appealing about to the Supreme Court? (what law and section) What do scienter and mens rea mean, in the context of this case? From the last paragraph of the majority decision, before Justice Alito's concurrence, what did the Supreme Court hold on this issue and why? So, what might happen next in Dr. Ruan's case? Please give your analysis of this case, and develop your analysis. See Answer
  • Q9:For those accused and convicted of any crime, such as Dr. Ruan, certain Constitutional rights are afforded. Please discuss in detail ALL the Constitutional protections given to any criminal defendant such as Dr. Ruan, from at least 4 Constitutional amendments. This question uses materials from ch. 5 and 8 of the textbook and corresponding posted lectures. Please use both the textbook (the constitution itself is in appendix A) and my slides and lectures. The textbook text omits one major constitutional amendment protecting criminal defendants, so please also see my slides. In other words, now please discuss and define ALL the protections given to those accused of a crime under at least 4 amendments to the Constitution.See Answer
  • Q10: Please review the Oklahoma Supreme Court decision available at: https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/oklahoma-supreme- opioids.pdf The same case is also available at: https://law.justia.com/cases/oklahoma/supreme- court/2021/118474.html From the Johnson & Johnson opinion, please very briefly discuss the facts and background of the case. How is public nuisance defined in Oklahoma? What happened to the other co- defendants? According to the Oklahoma Supreme Court, what would have been a better tort claim? From our textbook or lectures, what is the definition of that other, better tort? What did the Oklahoma Supreme court rule, and why did the Oklahoma Supreme Court rule the way it did? See Answer
  • Q11:From the Johnson & Johnson opinion, please very briefly discuss the facts and background of the case. How is public nuisance defined in Oklahoma? What happened to the other co- defendants? According to the Oklahoma Supreme Court, what would have been a better tort claim? From our textbook or lectures, what is the definition of that other, better tort? What did the Oklahoma Supreme court rule, and why did the Oklahoma Supreme Court rule the way it did? See Answer
  • Q12::Please access and review/skim the August 17, 2022 opinion in In Re: National Prescription Opiate Litigation: 4611.pdf (uscourts.gov) Who are the plaintiffs and defendants in these cases? (Jumping ahead to page 6 of the opinion, which defendants settled?) What happened in tracks 1, 2, and 4 (briefly discuss)? In this case, track 3, phase 1, what did the jury decide? In this case, track 3, phase 2, what did the district court have to decide, in this opinion? Please give the definition of this from footnote 3. In the paragraph on page 9, and again on the top of page 10, what did the defendants fail to do, in the judge's opinion? So, from page 11, what did this district court judge have to do in this case? Starting on page 22, very briefly discuss "The Nuisance the Jury Found." In the next section, the court concludes that this nuisance is abatable, and in the following section, abatement versus damages, please very briefly discuss from the first paragraph on page 28 what the abatement remedy in equity is, which this district court in this opinion is ordering. (FYI note 83 cites a case we had presented in class, State Farm v. Campbell). This case most assuredly will be appealed. See Answer
  • Q13:Using your own analysis, what are your thoughts on the legal and ethical aspects of civil opioid litigation? Please develop your analysis in a paragraph or more on this important issue.See Answer
  • Q14:1. Deviance may be defined statistically. 2. Deviance may be defined pathologically. 3. Deviance may be defined sociologically. 4. Deviance is socially created. 5. Deviance is viewed as violating social norms; crime is viewed as breaking the law. 6. Deviance is an act. 7. Deviance is in the eye of the beholder. 8. A behavior may be deviant or not at two different times. 9. A behaviour may be deviant or not depending on the geographic location of the act. In which location would you like to be arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol? Why? 10. There are levels of deviance. 11. Which acts are treated as deviant often depends on who commits the act.See Answer
  • Q15:Crime: List examples from the reading of the following categories of crimes Who Commits Crime? Scanning for information. 1. According to the reading, who breaks legal norms and commits crimes? 2. What crime is most committed in the US? 3. What are two problems with these statistics? a. b. 4. How is additional information about crime in the US collected? 5. What is the main finding based on these statistics? 6. Who commits the most crime? Add the statistics. a. Age, b. Sex 7. Read the section Living Sociology. Do you agree with the following statement? "There is greater social tolerance for males to be deviant and to be involved in crime." ExplainSee Answer
  • Q16:1) 4.2 says "In representing a client, a lawyer shall not communicate about the subject of he representation with a person the lawyer knows to be represented by another lawyer in the matter, unless the lawyer has the consent of the other lawyer or is authorized to do so by law or a court order." What is meant by "authorized to do so by law or a court order?" What are some examples of this authorization? Furthermore, list several examples of what would constitute forbidden communication with a represented party. Detail why this rule is required.See Answer
  • Q17:2)Rule 4.3, in part, declaims "The lawyer shall not give legal advice to an unrepresented person, other than the advice to secure counsel, if the lawyer knows or reasonably should know that the interests of such a person are or have a reasonable possibility of being in conflict with the interests of the client." What is the duty of a lawyer towards unrepresented persons? To what extent may a lawyer advise an unrepresented person? At what point is a lawyer-client relationship formed?See Answer
  • Q18:3)Rule 4.1b states that "a lawyer shall not knowingly: fail to disclose a material fact to a third person when discourse is necessary to avoid assisting a criminal or fraudulent act by a client, unless disclosure is prohibited by Rule 1.6." What is meant by a material fact? What is the intent and purpose of this rule? How does this rule correlate with scriptural commands towards interactions with each other?See Answer
  • Q19:4) In your own words, explain the purpose for the rules governing "Transactions with Persons Other Than Clients." Select two scriptures that support the ethical principles contained in this section explaining how the scriptures support the specific ethical principles.See Answer
  • Q20:2)Rule 4.3, in part, declaims "The lawyer shall not give legal advice to an unrepresented person, other than the advice to secure counsel, if the lawyer knows or reasonably should know that the interests of such a person are or have a reasonable possibility of being in conflict with the interests of the client." What is the duty of a lawyer towards unrepresented persons? To what extent may a lawyer advise an unrepresented person? At what point is a lawyer-client relationship formed?See Answer

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