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  • Q1: 12:59 <Inbox Type Wing span No of rotors 6 Messages Request for Design Requi... Maximum take of weight Max payload weight Takeoff method Landing method Deployment time Flight distance Specification ا. Vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) TBD (recommended max 1.60 m) 4 (recommended) - TBD 7 kg (max) 2 kg (min) Vertical fully autonomous Vertical fully autonomous 2 min Up to 60 min Endurance Communication range Max flight speed Cruise speed Hovering in (copter mode) Max telemetry range Max flight attitude above sea level (ASL) Max tolerable wind speed (recommended) Operating temp Operating weather condition Control method (to be included) Auto landing accuracy Ground control points (GCP required) Protection from strong electromagnetic shield (EMI shielding) Ability to operate without GPS Multiple landing / takeoff capability (UAV flight path adopted on route, UAV can land and takeoff when and wherever necessary) Command and control link Battery type Battery charge time Up to 60 km Up to 30 km 120 kph 60 kph Yes (Req. up to 20 min) 40 km 6000 m 15 m/s (during takeoff) 12 m/s (during landing) Gusts up to 20 m/s during mission mode -30° to +70° C Moderate rain and extreme heat (UV protection) TBD 0.5 m TBD Required EMI shielding Return to home point Multiple point requirement TBD Suggested: CC 868-869 MHz, 500 mW; FCC 902-928 MHz, 1000 mW Solid state Li-ION Under 40 min Transport case dimensions (L/W/ | TBD H) Transport case weight Data log system Less than 20 kg TBD 12:59 Inbox συμπαγών 6 Messages Request for Design Requi... ا. Endurance Flight distance Communication range Max flight speed Cruise speed Hovering in (copter mode) Max telemetry range Max flight attitude above sea level (ASL) Max tolerable wind speed (recommended) Operating temp Operating weather condition Control method (to be included) Auto landing accuracy Ground control points (GCP required) Protection from strong electromagnetic shield (EMI shielding) Ability to operate without GPS Multiple landing / takeoff capability (UAV flight path adopted on route, UAV can land and takeoff when and wherever necessary) Command and control link Battery type Battery charge time Up to 60 min Up to 60 km Up to 30 km 120 kph 60 kph Yes (Req. up to 20 min) 40 km 6000 m 15 m/s (during takeoff) 12 m/s (during landing) Gusts up to 20 m/s during mission mode -30° to +70° C Moderate rain and extreme heat (UV protection) TBD 0.5 m TBD Required EMI shielding Return to home point Multiple point requirement TBD Suggested: CC 868-869 MHz, 500 mW; FCC 902-928 MHz, 1000 mW Solid state Li-ION Under 40 min Transport case dimensions (L/W/ | TBD H) Transport case weight Data log system Operational modules Less than 20 kg TBD PPK module, ADS — be in receiver (safety system), 4G LTE/3G/GSM- connectivity embedded external antenna Please take the above as general requirements. Regards, Sanjeev 逾/n Project: We have to do e-vtol drone between the seven emirates https://fixar.pro/products/fixar007/ This is link for sample drone design an e-VTOL system for last mile delivery using MBSE approach to capture the requirements definition and design intent of the vehicle alongside domestic airspace regulations. The intended UAS operations is between the seven Emirates in the UAE with the following flight mission requirements Need to do - cad - design airfoil and each part -dimensions, lift calculations, and all other calculations how it met the requirements Notes* All requirements need calculations to prove that it will work You need to design in AutoCADSee Answer

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