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Recently Asked nuclear fusion reactor Questions

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  • Q1: 1. Calculate the total binding energy and the binding energy per nucleon of (a) 7Be and (b) 56Fe. An isotope of fission is 1515m, with a half-life of 90 y. How long will it take 0.05 g to decay to 0.01 g? 5. Assume that a source of 60Co can be safely managed if it contains less than 0.01 Ci. How long would it take for a source containing 5 Ci of 60Co to reach this value? 6. Write the following in equation form to show the balance of atomic and mass number and the compound nucleus: (a) 'Li(p, a), (b) Be(d, p), (c) 'Be(p, a), and (d) ºBe(d, a). 9. 10 mCi of 90Sr is separated from a fission product mixture and allowed to sit for 90y to grow in. What is the activity of 90Y at (a) 20 h and (b) 600 h?See Answer
  • Q2:1.6 What is the activity of 1 gm of 235U in [Ci] and in [Bq]? Do the same for 232Pu. 94 1.7 What is the time required for 238U to decay by 1%? 1.8 The nuclide Po emits either an alpha particle or a beta particle with a half-life of 3.10 min. a) Write equations for each reaction. b) Calculate the decay constant for these reactions. c) Determine the number of atoms in a sample if it has an activity of 100 μCi. d) Calculate the activity after 1, and 2 half-lives in [Ci] 1.9 The reaction and decay equations for conversion of 232U to 232 Pu are shown below. 94 232U + n → ²32U+Y 92 232U233Np +_iß 233Np 23 Pu+_iß 93 (Note the notation for ß decay in the equations.) What is the total energy given off in these reactions? [MeV]See Answer
  • Q3:2.1 First, watch the first two parts of The Real Chernobyl on YouTube. This is a mostly a human-interest documentary about the people involved with the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident. Next, read the "Chernobyl Appendix 1: Sequence of Events," available on Canvas. In the space below, provide a three- paragraph summary of the Chernobyl accident, including the main causes, resulting damage, lasting impacts, and lessons learned.See Answer

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