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2. Describe one way in which each of the items you listed in Part 1 could be at least temporarily disrupted from equilibrium. Can you think of a way your

body could respond to restore homeostasis after one of these disruptions? (3 points) Think about things that stress the body or do not supply the body's needs properly.

Fig: 1

Most Viewed Questions Of Manufacturing Process

(USCS units) A cylindrical work bar with diameter = 4.5 in and length = 52 in is chucked in an engine lathe and supported at the opposite end using a live center. A 46.0 in portion of the length is to be turned to a diameter of 4.25 in one pass at a speed of 450 ft/min. The metal removal rate should be 6.75 in/min. Determine (a) the required depth of cut, (b) the required feed, and (c) the cutting time.

(A) (SI units) A resistance spot welding operation makes a series of spot welds between two sheets of aluminum, each 3.0 mm thick. The unit melting energy for aluminum- 2.90 J/mm'. Welding current-6000 amps, resistance = 75 micro-ohms, and time duration = 0.15 sec. Each weld nugget = 5.0 mm in diameter with an average thickness - 3.5 mm. How much of the total energy generated is used to form the weld nugget?

(USCS units) A face milling operation is performed on the top surface of a steel block that is 12.0in long by 2.0 in wide by 2.5 in thick. The milling cutter follows a path that is centered over the width of the block. It has five teeth and a 3.0 in diameter. Cutting speed 250 ft/min, feed 0.006 in/tooth, and depth of cut 0.150 in. Determine (a) machining time and (b) maximum metal removal rate during the cut. (c) If an additional approach distance of 0.5 in is provided at the beginning of the pass (before cutting begins), and an over travel distance is provided at the end of the pass equal to the cutter radius plus 0.5 in, what is the duration of the feed motion?

(S) (SI units) Peripheral milling is performed on the top surface of a rectangular work part that is400 mm long by 50 mm wide. The milling cutter is 70 mm in diameter and has five teeth. It overhangs the width of the part on both sides. Cutting speed = 60 m/min, chip load = 0.25mm/tooth, and depth of cut = 6.5 mm. Determine (a) machining time of the operation and (b)maximum material removal rate during the cut.

20.25 (SI units) In a turning operation, cutting speed = 200 m/min, feed = 0.25 mm/rev, and depth of cut= 20 mm2/s, and volumetric specific heat = 3.54.00 mm. Thermal diffusivity of the work material(10-3) J/mm3-C. If the temperature increase above ambient temperature (20°C) is measured by a tool-chip thermo couple to be 700°C, determine the specific energy for the work material in this operation.

8.(SI Units) The following flow curve parameters were obtained for a metal alloy in a tensile test:strength coefficient = 550 MPa and strain-hardening exponent = 0.25. The same metal is now tested in a compression test in which the starting height of the specimen = 50 mm and its diameter = 30 mm. Assuming that the cross section increases uniformly, determine the load required to compress the specimen to a height of (a) 45 mm and (b) 35 mm. (3')

a) Which casting process would you recommend for the manufacture of an internal combustion engine block and why? Explain briefly the process that you have selected. b) Pure aluminium around 700°C is being poured into a sand casting mould. The metal level at the top of the sprue (pouring basin) is 32cm above the mould cavity. A circular runner connects the end of the sprue with the mould cavity. i) Assuming that the velocity of liquid metal at the top of the sprue (pouring basin) is zero,what is the velocity of the metal at the bottom of the sprue? ii) What runner diameter is needed to ensure aReynolds number of 2000? You should assume constant pressure in the sprue and no significant friction. Pure aluminum has a density of 2700 kg/m3 and a viscosity of 0.0015 Ns/m? around 700°C. \text { Bernoulli equation } \frac{u^{2}}{2 g}+\frac{p}{g \rho}+h=\text { constant } \text { Reynolds number Re }=\frac{\rho u D}{\mu} c) Explain with the aid of a schematic the electroplating process of nickel onto copper.What are the benefits of coating copper objects with nickel?

13.(SI units) Total solidification times of three casting geometries are to be compared: (1) a sphere with diameter = 10 cm, (2) a cylinder with diameter and length both casting alloy is used in all three cases. (a) Determine the relative solidification times for each geometry. (b) Based on the results of part (a), which geometric element would make the best riser? (c) If the mold constant = 3.5 min/cm? in Chvorinov's rule, compute the total solidification time for each casting. (6')= 10 cm, and (3) a cube with each side = 10 cm. The same

20.18 (SI units) A turning operation is carried out on aluminum. Based on the specific energy values in Table 20.2, determine material removal rate and cutting power in the operation under the following sets of cutting conditions: (a) Cutting speed = 5.6 m/s, feed = 0.25 mm/rev, and depth of cut(b) cutting speed = 1.3 m/s, feed = 0.75 mm/rev, and depth = 4.0 mm.= 2.0 mm; and

Centrifugal casting is a process in which the die is placed on a centrifuge, and the part spun as it cools.• Typically used for parts which have rotational symmetry about an axis. ie.Pipes. Centrifugal Casting Types of Centrifugal Casting Horizontal• Vertical• True Centrifugal• Semi Centrifugal Centrifuging