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2. Hidden multi-linear functions (part II) [12 points].

Let p be prime and n ≥ 2. Let a2,...,an € Zp and o: Z → Zp be any permutation

(which means that the mapping σ is 1-to-1 and onto). Define f: (Z₂)" → Z, as

f(x₁,x2,...,xn) = 0 (₁ + a₂x₂ +

+ ann mod p),


for all x₁, x2,..., In € Zp. Note that this is similar to the function in question 1, Eq. (1),

except for these two notable differences:

• In Eq. (2), the first coefficient is set to 1 (i.e., a₁ = 1).

mod p

• In Eq. (2), an arbitrary permutation on Z, is applied to a₁ + a22+ + Ann

(whereas, in Eq. (1), the permutation is of the restricted form o(z)=z+ b mod p).

Suppose that you are given access to a black-box that, on input (₁, 2,...,n) € (Z₂)",

produces f(x₁,x2,...,n) as output, but you do not know what the linear coefficients

a2,..., an are, nor the permutation o. Your goal is to determine the linear coefficients

a₂....,an. For this question, it suffices to determine the answer with success probability

at least 1-in all cases (i.e., for every instance f of the form of Eq. (2)).

Give a quantum algorithm that solves this problem making only one f-query (with success

probability at least 1-3). Explain why your algorithm works.

Fig: 1