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2. List the parts of a distillation column labeled below. 1 3 2 4 5 6 7

Fig: 1

Most Viewed Questions Of Mass Transfer

Rectangular channel flow reactors are a useful basis for the development of electro chemical synthesis as part of a green and sustainable chemical manufacturing involving process electrification. A laboratory-scale electrochemical reactor, developed as a rectangular channel flow cell, had length (L) of 30 cm, a cross-sectional width (B) of3.0 cm and a cross-sectional height (s) of 5.0 mm, and was designed so that the flow would be well-developed before it reached the electrodes embedded in the sides of the reactor. Operation of the cell occurred isothermally at293 K, for a liquid electrolyte (of viscosity 1.002 mPa s and density998.2 kg m) for the electrochemical conversion of a reactant. The diffusion coefficient of the reactant in the liquid electrolyte is 2.67 x 10 cm? s at293 K. (a)Explaining all terms and symbols used, define the following. What are the units of kinematic viscosity (v)?kinematic viscosity of the liquid electrolyte at 293 K, providing your answer in the units you have previously given.(b)Calculate the If the equivalent diameter (de) of the laboratory reactor is given byequation (1),(c) \mathrm{d}_{\mathrm{e}}=4 \times \frac{\text { cross-sectional area }}{\text { cross-sectional perimeter }} calculate the value of the equivalent diameter of the reactor, andgive its units. (d)Noting that the Reynolds number (Re) of the reactor is given byequation (2), \mathrm{Re}=\frac{\mathrm{d}_{e} \mathrm{u}}{\mathrm{v}} in which u is the mean electrolyte velocity, use the data provided tocalculate, at 293 K, both the Reynolds number and the Schmidtnumber as a function of the volume flow rate. Comment on yourresults. (e)Use the data provided to calculate the Sherwood number (Sh) as a function of the volume flow rate at 293 K, and then plot Ig(Sh)against Ig(Re) and comment on your plot. For Re < 2000, the Sherwood number is predicted to be related tothe Reynolds number and the Schmidt number by equation (3)(f) \mathrm{Sh}=\mathrm{aRe}^{\mathrm{b}} \mathrm{Sc}^{/ / 3} where a and b are constants. Use your answers to parts (d) and (e)to calculate the values of a and b. Comment on your findings. For Re > 2000, the Sherwood number is predicted to be related tothe Reynolds number and the Schmidt number by equation (4) S h=c R e^{d} S c where c and d are constants. Use your answers to parts (d) and (e)to calculate the values of c and d. Comment on your findings.

3. A hemispherical droplet of liquid water, lying on a flat surface, evaporates by molecular diffusion through still air surrounding the droplet. The droplet initially has a radius R. As the liquid water slowly evaporates, the droplet shrinks slowly with time, but the flux of the water vapor is a nominal steady state. The temperature of the droplet and the surrounding still air are kept constant. The air contains water vapor of fixed concentration at an infinitely long distance from the droplet's surface. • Draw a picture of the physical process, • Select a coordinate system that will best describe this diffusion process, • List at least five reasonable assumptions for the mass-transfer aspects of the water- evaporation process, • Simplify the general differential equation for mass-transfer in terms of the flux NA. • Specify the simplified differential form of Fick's flux equation for water vapor (species A) • Identify the proper boundary conditions, • Write down the differential equation for CA-

a. (4 pts) Explain conceptually why increasing air flow rate lowers the adiabatic flame temperature. b. (8 pts) Determine the theoretical moles of air necessary to completely combust 1 mol/sof acetylene. c. (28 pts) Determine the unknown inlet and outlet specific enthalpies (and the heat of reaction if using heat of reaction method). To help your calculations, please use the inlet-outlet enthalpy table below and explicitly state your solution method and reference state(s) directly on this sheet!! (60 pts; 3 pages) Energy balance with reaction. Among common liquid fuels, acetylene(C2H2) torches burn at the highest adiabatic flame temperatures. It turns out that for our specific application we desire an outlet temperature of 1500°C, which is much cooler than the adiabatic flame temperature. 1500°C is enforced by using a large quantity of excess air.Assume that acetylene burns completely and clean and with a basis of calculation of 1mol/s, determine the % of excess air by solving an energy balance. The inlet acetylene and air gas streams are at 25°C and 1 atm, and the outlet is set at 1500°C and 1 atm. d. (12 pts) Write the appropriate form of the energy balance needed to solve for n1 – the unknown molar flow rate of air. Your answer should have n1 on the left hand side of the equation and all remaining knowns and unknowns on the process flow diagram on the right hand side.

Ammonia gas (A) is diffusing through a uniform tube 0.10 m long containing N₂ gas (B) at 1.0132×105 Pa pressure and 298 K. At point 1, PAI= 1.013 × 104 Pa and at point 2, pÃ2 = 0.507×10+Pa. The diffusivity DAB = 0.230 × 10+ m²/s. (a) Calculate the flux J* (in kmol/s-m²) at steady state. (b) Repeat for J*B (in kmol/s·m²).

Ansell Inc. produces chemical-resistant gloves. Their chemicalpermeation test cell is shown in the illustration to the right. Theglove material is used as a thin membrane separating a liquidcompartment from a gas compartment. Nitrogen gas iscontinuously pumped through the gas side of the chamber to keepthe concentration of liquid vapor that has diffused across themembrane close to zero. Their test liquid is epichlorohydrin, a chemical we have used inour lab to crosslink polymers. According to Ansell, gloves made ofa neoprene-natural rubber blend (0.67 mm thick, density of 1.18g/cm3) are rated as "Good" in terms of permeation rate, whichmeans that the steady state permeation rate is no more than 90ug/cm2-min (or 1.6 x 10-8 mol/cm2-s).(E a) A typical value of a diffusion coefficient of a small organic molecule in a polymer is 5 x 10-7 cm2/s. Calculate thepartition coefficient HA of epichlorohydrin in neoprene-natural rubber using this value of DAB. b) Diffusion coefficients of molecules in most polymers are much higher than in other solids. Hence manipulation of HAlsa promising way to reduce permeation rates in polymeric gloves. Does the value of Ha found in part a) suggest that Ansell has successfully developed a material that will do a “good" jobof protecting your hands from epichlorohydrin? Explain your reasoning briefly. c) Sketch the steady-state molar concentration profile of epichlorohydrin in the neoprene rubber from the liquid phase,through the rubber and into the gas phase. That is, sketch the mass transfer equivalent of WRF Fig 16.2 for steady-state heat conduction as shown below. Only a qualitatively reasonable sketch is expected (no calculations are necessary), but draw it in terms of molarconcentration for each phase (liquid/solid/gas). Note that the density of the liquid and rubber phases are equal.

A plate of iron is exposed to a carburizing (carbon-rich) atmosphere on one side and a decarburizing (carbon-deficient) atmosphere on the other side at 700C°. If a condition of steady state is achieved, calculate the diffusion flux of carbon through the plate if the concentrations of carbon at positions of 5 and 10 mm (5x10³ and 10² m) beneath the carburizing surface are 1.2 and 0.8 kg/m³, respectively. Assume a diffusion coefficient of 3 x 10¹ m²/s at this temperature.

1. Multistage Distillation Separation and VLE Consider the VLE conditions for a binary mixture of 2-propanol and 2-butanol. This process has a feed flow rate of 600 mol/s, where the feed enters as a mixture of vapor (110 mol V in feed) and liquid (490 mol L in feed), and an initial feed concentration of 65% 2-propanol and 2-butanol. The reflux ratio is given as R = 1, and a target top concentration of 98% 2- propanol and a bottoms concentration of 12% 2-propanol. a. Draw a PFD for this process. Construct xy-, Txy, and Pxy diagrams for this system, assuming either a constant T = 80 °C or a constant P = 760 mmHg. Reference Antoine's coefficients from the Table provided with HW2. b. Solve for the distillate and bottoms flow rates. c. Assume that the ratio of streams in the rectifying section of the column are defined by L/V = 0.5, while streams in the stripping section of the column are defined by L'/V' = 2.6, where the vapor returning to the column following the partial reboiler and V':B split is 50 mol/s (V"). Graphically determine the theoretical number of stages required by plotting this information on an x-y plot, including the q-line, TOL, and BOL d. Calculate the heat duty for the condenser (total) and reboiler (partial), assuming no heat loss (Que="0). The heat of vaporization for 2-propanol is ~39.85 kJ/mol and for 2-butanol is ~40.8 kJ/mol.

The Coronavirus pandemic has witnessed an increase in the use of disinfectants, such as household bleach. This is an aqueous alkaline solution of sodium chloride (NaCI) and sodium hypochlorite (NaCIO), and is a powerful Acidic solutions of hypochlorous acid (HCIO) are made when chlorine gas(Cl2) dissolves in water. Reaction of the chlorine with water is considered to be fast. Write down the reaction between chlorine and water.

The Coronavirus pandemic has witnessed an increase in the use of disinfectants, such as household bleach. This is an aqueous alkaline solution of sodium chloride (NaCl) and sodium hypochlorite (NaCIO), and is a powerful oxidising agent. Acidic solutions of hypochlorous acid (HCIO) are made when chlorine gas(Cl2) dissolves in water. Reaction of the chlorine with water is considered to be fast. (a)Write down the reaction between chlorine and water. If the reaction between chlorine gas and water occurs as a single step, explain why the reaction you have written in part (a) can be considered to be overall pseudo-first order.(b) (c)Write down the time-dependent reaction-diffusion equation relevant to this problem in extractive reaction. (d)What is meant by the term steady-state? (e)Using your answers to parts (c) and (d) and showing all of your steps, demonstrate that the steady-state concentration profile of chlorine in water is given by equation (5): \frac{c}{c_{\mathfrak{\theta}}}=\exp \left(-x \sqrt{\frac{k_{-}}{D}}\right) where: c is the concentration of chlorine in water, co is the concentration of chlorine in water at the water/gas interface. x is the distance in the water from the water/gas interface, k, is the pseudo-first order rate constant for the reaction of chlorine with water, and D is the diffusion coefficient of chlorine in water. In experimental studies using a wetted-wall absorption column, themass transfer coefficient for chlorine into water is 200 um s.(f) i. Explain what is meant by the term wetted-wall absorption column, and describe how they differ from packed tower absorption columns. ii. What advantages do wetted-wall columns have over packed towers? iii. Given the diffusion coefficient of chlorine in water is1.25 x 10 cm? s', determine the pseudo-first order rate constant for the reaction between chlorine and water.

Q3. Choose a single answer. Show steps. The diffusivity of Argon in No at 20 °C and 1 atm pressure is 0.194 cm³/s. What would you expect the diffusivity of N: in Ar to be at 50 °C and 2.5 atm? Use the Chapman correlation. Does increasing the temperature or increasing the pressure have more effect on the diffusivity? Please comment A) 0.194 cm³/s B) 0.442 cm³/s C) 0.5 cm³/s D) 0.535 cm³/s E) 0.555 m³/s F) 0.535 m³/s G) 0.442 m³/s H) 0.09 cm³/s ) 0.09 m²/s