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2. Water (of density p) flows past an impermeable flat plate as shown below, with uniform inlet velocity U₁ and a cubic polynomial exit velocity profile given as: \frac{u}{U_{0}}=2\left(\frac{y}{\delta}\right)-\left(\frac{y}{\delta}\right)^{3} where d is the thickness of the control volume as shown in the adjacent figure. Plate width into the paper is b. Show all steps, indicate what equations you are using. (a) For the CV shown and given the flow conditions, is the flow steady or unsteady? (b) Find an expression for the mass flow rate m₁ at the left end of the CV in terms of given quantities. (c) Find an expression for the mass flow rate ṁ₂ at the right end of the CV in terms of given quantities. (d) For the control volume shown, do you think m₁ and m₂ will be the same? Why or Why not? (e) Find the volume flow rate Q crossing the edge of the control volume at y = 6.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7

Fig: 8

Fig: 9

Fig: 10