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2onstruct a cash flow diagram that represents the amount of money that will be accumulated in7 years from an initial investment of $20,000 now and $3,500 per year for 7 years at an interest rate of8% per year.

Fig: 1

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2. What man a. Organizing b. Staffing 3. Today the concepts of manufacturing stress the need to supply customers with what they want when they want it and to keep inventories at a minimum. a. TOM b. Six Sigma c. JIT d. ISO 9000

7. Material management is concerned with which of the following? a. Purchase of raw materials b. Planning and controlling of semi-finished goods c. Distribution of finished goods. d. All the above organizatio

b. Leader * c. Disseminator d. Entrepreneur 9. The have the chance of earning good dividends in times of prosperity and run the risk of earning nothing in times of adversity. a. Equity shareholders b. Preference shareholders capital

d. Controlling inventory co 2. What management function involves selecting candidates and training personnel? Organizing b. Staffing c. Motivating d. controlling a. ufacturing stress the need to supply customers with imum

d. All the above 8. The manager must create and control change within the organization. This means solving problems, generating new ideas, and implementing them. a. Spokesperson b. Leader * c. Disseminator d. Entrepreneur Y and dividends in times of