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3. (10 points) Please read the readings and answer the following questions: a. Can we always improve the traffic conditions by building extra roads in our traffic network? Circle your

answer. TRUE or FALSE b. Why did New York City decide to close the 42d Street?

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Most Viewed Questions Of Electrostatics

The energy transferred from the anterior chamber of the eye through the cornea varies considerably depending on whether a contact lens is worm. Treat the eye as a spherical system and assume the system to be at steady state. The convection coefficient ho -6 W/m2-K is unchanged with and without the contact lens in place. The corner and the lens cover one-third of the spherical surface urea. Values of the parameters representing this situation are as follows. If To 21°C determine the rate of heat loss in W from the anterior chamber with the contact lens in place.

2.20 Use the Smith chart to find the following quantities for the transmission line circuit shown in the accompanying figure: (a) The SWR on the line. (b) The reflection coefficient at the load. (c) The load admittance. (d) The input impedance of the line. (e) The distance from the load to the first voltage minimum. (f) The distance from the load to the first voltage maximum.

Hot water at an average temperature of 70°C is flowing through a 15-m section of a cast iron pipe (k- 52 W/m K) whose inner and outer diameters are 4 cm and 4.6 cm, respectively, The outer surface of the pipe is exposed to the cold air at 10°C in the basement, with a heat transfer coefficient of 15 W/m2-K. The heat transfer coefficient at the inner surface of the pipe is 120 W/m2-K. Ignoring radiation determine the rate of heat loss from the hot water in W.

3.28 A vector field is given in cylindrical coordinates by Point P = (2,n,3) is located on the surface of the cylinder described by r = 2. At point P, find: (a) The vector component of E perpendicular to the cylinder. (b) The vector component of E tangential to the cylinder. \mathbf{E}=\hat{\mathbf{r}} r \cos \phi+\hat{\boldsymbol{\phi}} r \sin \phi+\hat{\mathbf{z}} z^{2}

6. For the circuit shown below (10 points each): a. Annotate the circuit after choosing a clockwise current direction around the loop. b. Write the Kirchoff's Voltage law equation starting at node 'd' in a clockwise direction. c. Solve the KVL equation for the current. d. Find the voltage across each resistor, Vab, Vbc and Vcd using Ohm's law. e. Find the voltage at node 'b' if node 'd' is the reference node at zero volts (same as Vod)

5. What happens to the period of a mass-on-a-spring simple harmonic oscillator if the mass is doubled? What happens to the period if the spring constant is reduced by a factor of 3? How does the period depend on the amplitude of the oscillation?

S.6 The plane boundary defined by z = 0 separates air from a block of iron. IfB = 4x – 6ŷ + 82 in air (z > 0), find B, in iron (z < 0), given that u = 5000 H :No surface current is found on the boundary.

3.46The scalar function V is given by \text { (a) Determine } \nabla V \text { in Cartesian coordinates. } V=\frac{2 z}{x^{2}+y^{2}} (b) Convert the result of part (a) from Cartesian to cylindrical coordinates. (c) Convert the expression for V into cylindrical coordinates and then determine VV in those coordinates. Compare the results of parts (b) and (c).

Calculate the theoretical number of moles of copper that should have plated strip.out onto the brass 2. Calculate the theoretical number of moles of copper that should have plated out onto the brass strip.

Suppose you are designing a roof top grid connected PV system for home in Kansas City, MO.Peak sun hour (PSH) for Kansas City in summer, winter and yearly average are 5.5, 3.5 and 4.35hours respectively. Record low and high temperature is -28°C and 44°C respectively.Approximate geographical position: Latitude 39°N and Longitude 95 W. The roof of the house is not an ideal one. It faces 600 towards the south from the east. The roof has rise:run ratio of 3:4. Energy consumption information of the house: Yearly 3600 kWh. Maximum energy consumption was found to be in February, which is 350 kWh and minimum is 225 kWh, found tobe in June. Which PSH you'll choose to design this system and why? What would be the module's azimuth angle What would be the module angle? What is the average monthly load? What is the average monthly load? e. If you are supposed to design the system based on monthly load, which load size youе.should prefer to be in the safer side? (Points 2) f.Based on the answer of previous question (6.e), what will be the daily average load? g.Considering no losses what would be the DC system size (i.e. array size), and what would be its unit? (Points 3) h.Based on the losses listed in the table, what would be actual DC system size? (Points 3) i.You are considering DC to AC ratio 1.1 for the system design. Selected inverter has efficiency 97%. Based on this information calculate the ac rating of the inverter and hence the rated DC input power. (Points 2+23D4) j. Use PVWatts, input necessary information based on this problem, write down the annual energy production, highest and lowest monthly energy production. (Points 3)