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3:25 I5G < Grades Assignment Details IoT & Cyber-Physical Systems 001 Develop an Android application to communicate with a Server running on NodeJS. Requirements: 1/ The Android App should have 1 submit button and the TextView. 2/ Whenever the button is pressed, the client will send a request and connect to the server. It should show the client is connected and closed on the sever side. The client will then display the echo message from the server. The example is shown in the figure below. 10:09 MiniLab5 Echo Nam server CONNECT Command Prompt - n x Connection is closed Connection is closed Submit Assignment ame 5 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox 3:25 < Grades Assignment Details IoT & Cyber-Physical Systems 001 I5G + 1 1:1 N 3/ You can use the file for your reference. 4/ Since we use the emulator, you should use the server IP obtained using ipconfig instead of the IP address of the localhost. Submission requirements and documents: 1/ Explain your code in the report. Report following the template Report_template.docx 2/ Upload your folder containing full codes. 3/ Record a video to explain your work. Submit Assignment 5 Dashboard Calendar To Do Notifications Inbox

Most Viewed Questions Of Android App Development

Problem 1: From any of the UI flows related with the scenario, identify any Android UI screen where: 1. One or more user inputs are provided from an Android form. 2. The provided user input form is submitted to the backend REST API for processing as a HTTP POST request. 3. A result from the processed input is displayed back as feedback on the Android UI

About the project we chose to do is an app where actual people cooperate and rate the outfit posted. AI can take place too. because most of the people take alot of time choosing their outfit. age range 18-25 or 26-30. the app is only available through gcc country. People take pictures of their outfits, Rating System, and comments are available. you need to do the INTRODUCTION (100 WORDS) and EMPATHIZE (300 WORDS) total of 400 words. (In APA)

Problem 2: From any of the UI flows related with the scenario, identify any Android UI screen where: 1. An android UI displays a list of results fetched from the backend REST API using HTTP GET request. 2. The search results returned from HTTP GET request are filtered-based on a user input provided from the Android UI

Each student must do an individual demonstration of all code submitted to Assignment 2. Students are required to run their Android and Spring Boot code (for both Problem 1 and Problem 2) in their local machines and demonstrate that the integration works. Using their own code and report submitted during Assignment 2; students must explain how they've used Android/Spring Boot concepts described in the report to solve Problem 1 and Problem 2. Also, students will be asked questions based on code written by them. These questions include, a. Either to explain a selected piece of their own code OR b. to modify a piece of existing code

This assessment consists of two assignments as detailed below: Assignment 1 Purpose The purpose of this first assignment is to design an application to be a mobile app and to install the necessary tools to create the app. Assignment Instructions Step 1: You will install the IDE or plug-in required to convert an application in your chosen language to an Android mobile app. Java: You will install the CodeNameOne plug-in for Eclipse. Use CodeNameOne website ( C#: You will configure your MS Visual Studio environment to include the mobility applications (Xamarin). Web Development: You will install the Apache Cordova framework. After the framework is installed, you can use the Eclipse IDE. This is the Apache Cordova website: ( Videos have been provided for the installation required for each language. Be sure to follow the instructions in the video to ensure that everyone is completing the installation in the same way and to ensure that the correct plug-in or IDE is being installed. Alternatively, you may elect to install Android Studio if you are using the web development approach. Step 2: Document the process. After you have completed your installation, write a 1-page paper in which you discuss your installation experience and any issues you encountered. If you did experience issues, please discuss how the issues were resolved. At the bottom of the paper, include a screenshot that shows evidence of your completed installation./nAfter you have completed your installation, write a 1-page paper in which you discuss your installation experience and any issues you encountered. If you did experience issues, please discuss how the issues were resolved. At the bottom of the paper, include a screenshot that shows evidence of your completed installation. Your paper should include discussion of: 1. Where the installation was found. 2. Time required for download. 3. Time required for install. 4. Any updates required after install, if any. 5. The process of creating a new mobile app project. 6. Any installation issues, if any. 7. The action taken to resolve those issues, if any. Please see the section on Plagiarism below under Minimum Submission Requirements./nAssignment 2 Purpose The purpose of this second assignment is to allow you to demonstrate how to use a particular IDE or plug-in to build a mobile application in the mobile native language of Android. The following plug-ins will be used based on the language you have chosen to focus on: Java: CodeName One Eclipse Plug-In C#: Xamarin IDE Web Development: Eclipse using the Apache Cordova framework Assignment Instructions Create an Android application of your choice. For Java, you will create a graphical user interface using the CodeName One Designer tool. For C#, you will create a user interface or active server page using Xamarin; for web development, you will create a webpage using JavaScript (Apache Cordova supports HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript). The mobile app should contain at least one form. The form should contain at least one control/element. The user should be able to interact with the app in some simple way that causes a noticeable change in the display. Take two screenshots for submission. One showing the state of the app's display before interaction from the user and one showing the display after the user has invoked a change in the display. (Hint: The change could be anything such as a button that changes color or text when clicked or a message displayed in a text box when a button is clicked, etc.)