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3) Design and Demonstrate in Multisim the following SOP Combinational Boolean Logic Expression using p - Channel MOSFETS and n - Channel MOSFETS. Provide and Complete a Truth Table for All States and Attach Multisim Screen Shots for all States.

[Digital Electronics, William Kleitz, 9th Edition]

[The Fundamental Logic Gate Family pdf]

[Boolean Algebra & Logic Simplification pdf]

[Multisim Logic Converter]

Hint: Use Reduction Techniques to Minimize the Number of Gates. K-Maps or Rules. Include your Reduction.

Z = A'B'C'D + A'B'CD + A'BC'D + A'BCD + AB'C'D + AB'CD

Most Viewed Questions Of Multisim

1) Design equation:an op-amp circuit that solves the following differential A v_{o}^{\prime \prime \prime}+B v_{o}^{\prime \prime}+C v_{o}=D v_{i}^{\prime \prime}+E v_{i}^{\prime}+F v_{i} Where v; and v. are the input and output voltage, respectively. 2) Implement your design circuit in PSPICE or MULTISIM and plot the output voltage for a given input voltage

Assessment Criteria The work will be assessed by comparison with an approved marking scheme. Fully correct solutions will receive the number of marks indicated. Marks will be reduced for errors in proportion to their severity. You need to indicate the units for all electrical quantities. You need to clearly present the equations used for calculations and the comparison results.

1. P-N junction forward bias characteristics Determine the forward bias characteristics of a specific P-N Junction diode. The diagram in figure 1 shows the arrangements for the voltage and current measurements. First, complete the current measurements for the voltage steps given in table 1. V1 XMMI D1 1N4148 Figure 1 Table 1 XMM2 Vd (V) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1 V2 1.00V 0 PR1+ REF1- ld (A) REF1 1N4148 PR2 Mutisim Live-SU_Diode Circuit 1 Plot the data generated in table 1 (preferably using Microsoft Excel). Extrapolate the straight-line part of the graph to intercept the voltage axis and estimate the tum on voltage for the diode tested. Can you estimate the resistance of this diode? How do the results in this experiment align with the theory of the operation of this device?

5. Multisim/Simulink/Etc. Build it all in your favorite simulation program. The input can be you changing a potentiometer, the output can be voltage readings going from LOW to HIGH or LEDs turning on. See the instructions about the .zip file. Include a screenshot of it working and a brief description of what you did. i. Submit file and insert screenshot here

6. AC to DC conversion using a capacitor. Determine the characteristics of a Full Wave rectifier circuit with a capacitor. The diagram in figure 6 shows the arrangement of the circuit. V₂ 1 C1 LOVE Supe V Ves VI 500V OP + Figure 6 ZNA Multisim Live-SU_Bridge 2 a KR 1902) MO V VES V 21 1Q From the readings in the circuit simulation, comment on the output signal observed. What is the DC value of the voltage as seen on the graph? What would happen if the resistance value was increased to 100k? What would happen if the resistance value was 1k0Q and the capacitor value was increased to 10μF? what would happen if the value of C1 was 10μF and R1 was 100kQ?

Instructions: Please place your work in this document. When you are finished, save as → pdf then upload to the correct folder on ELC. Please also include any simulation files where noted. Fuel Tank A float system is used to measure fuel in a gas tank. The float is connected to a gear and the gear is connected to a rotary potentiometer. This is shown in the corresponding figure. Potentiometer shaft 6 teeth 30 teeth 1.21. Empty Full Half Float The rotary potentiometer is linear with a resistance, R=100kn, distributed over a 330° strip (i.e. the potentiometer can rotate 330°). The float is connected to the shaft of a gear with 30 teeth and that in turn rotates the potentiometer through a gear with 6 teeth. The mechanical linkage is set so that when the tank is full, the potentiometer resistance is zero. The float is shown in three positions to show how the resistance changes (increases from zero at full tank). 1. Estimate the cost of a linear rotary potentiometer for this application? Potentiometers come in A, B, and C types. Which one is linear? Is the assumption that it can rotate 330 degrees acceptable? Find a datasheet of a linear potentiometer that would work for this project. i. Answer here

5. Full Wave Bridge rectifier. Determine the characteristics of a Full Wave Bridge rectifier circuit. The diagram in figure 5 shows the arrangement of the circuit. M JU XSCI $10 VI SOOV He INAT Multisim Live-SU_Bridge 1 PRZ V Vas V 140 Figure 5 From the readings in the circuit simulation, what is the average value of the input and output signal? Observe the traces of input and output signals and comment on your results. How do the results in this experiment align with the theory of the operation of this circuit?

2. P-N junction Reverse bias characteristics Determine the reverse bias characteristics of a specific P-N Junction diode. The diagram in figure 2 shows the arrangements for the voltage and current measurements. First, complete the current measurements for the voltage steps given in table 2. V1 XMM1 D1 1N4148 XMM2 Table 2 Vd (V) 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 1 V2 -0.00V Figure 2 PR1+ REFI Id (A) REF1 1N4148 0 PR2 Multisim Live-SU_Diode Circut 2 AL- Plot the data generated in table 2 (preferably using Microsoft Excel) and comment on your observation.

7. Input Characteristics Determine the input characteristics of a Bipolar Junction Transistor. The diagram in figure 7 shows the arrangement of the circuit. VAR XPM1 XM12 VRE Q1 C107 Table 7 VaR (V) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 tilt -VCC 41- Figure 7 Ves (V) 0 VI 0:00V 0 Q1 100A/A Mutisim Live-SU_BJT1 1₂ (A) 0 Hile V2 OV For the X voltage steps in table 7, take X & I readings then plot the data generated (preferably using Microsoft Excel) and comment on the shape of this input characteristic. What is the turn-on voltage for this transistor?

3. Using the data of part B, plot the data and label. Y-axis is Resistance, X-axis is tank level. i. Answer here a. From the mathematics that govern the geometry of the tank, describe why the equation is fundamentally linear or non-linear. i. Answer here b. Find a linear transfer function. Describe the error. Is this a good fit? i. Answer here c. Find a higher order transfer function. Describe the error. Is a higher order fit justified? i. Answer here d. This is a resistive sensor. In Lecture 8 we learned how to linearize it. Would you suggest linearizing the output of the sensor based on the transfer function? i. Answer here