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33597?X-Blackboard-S3-Bucket-learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos&X-Blackboard-Expiration=1712199600000&X-Blackboard-Signat 1 / 2 1 100% + | INFS3230A Spring 2024 Assignment 4 Using an Online Password Cracker Objective: Given a scenario, use the appropriate tool to assess organizational security. Description: In this assignment, you create a hash on a password and then crack it through an online dictionary attack to demonstrate the speed of cracking passwords that use dictionary words. Assignment Activity: 1. The first step is to use a general-purpose hash algorithm to create a password hash. Use your web browser to go to 2. Under String hash, enter the simple password apple123 in the Text box. 3. Click Hash. 4. Scroll down the page and copy the MD5 hash of this password (also save for your assignment report). 5. Open a new tab on your web browser and go to 6. Paste the MD5 hash of apple123 into the text box below Enter up to 20 non-salted hashes, one per line. 7. Follow the directions to affirm that you are not an automated device. 8. Click Crack Hashes. 9. How long did it take to crack this hash? Save a screenshot of the result for report. 10. Return to the tab. your assignment 11. Under String hash, enter the longer password applesauce1234 in the text box. 12. Click Hash. 13. Scroll down the page and copy the MD5 hash of this password (also save for your assignment report). 14. Return to the tab. 15. Paste the MD5 hash of applesauce1234 into the text box below Enter up to 20 non-salted hashes, one per line. 16. Follow the directions to affirm that you are not an automated device. 17. Click Crack Hashes. 18. How long did it take this online rainbow table to crack the stronger password hash? Save a screenshot for your assignment report. 19. Return to the tab. 20. Under String hash, enter the more-complex password shout-topaz-marker-tepid into the text box. 21. Click Hash. 22. Scroll down the page and copy the MD5 hash of this password (also save for your assignment report). 23. Return to the tab. 24. Paste the MD5 hash of shout-topaz-marker-tepid into the text box below Enter up to 20 non- salted hashes, one per line. 25. Follow the directions to affirm that you are not an automated device. DELL 2/2 100% + 26. Click Crack Hashes. 27. How long did it take to crack this hash? Save a screenshot for your assignment report. 28. What does this tell you about the speed of password cracking tools? What does it tell you about how easy it is for attackers to crack weak passwords? 29. Why would you want to be weary of using an actual password you use in such a tool as an online password cracker? 30. Close all windows. Submission for this Assignment: Create a word/google doc that you will attach to your Blackboard assignment submission. Do not copy/paste directly into Blackboard. Be sure your document contains the following: 1. Your name. 2. Answer all questions asked in the activity. 3. Provide all screenshots requested in the activity. Requirements for this Assignment: 1. Each student is required to complete this assignment's activity and produce an Assignment Report by Sunday, April 7th at 11:59pm. a. 1 point deducted for each day the assignment is late. Assignments more than 3 days late will receive an automatic grade of zero. b. Follow standard APA citation (i.e. any direct quotation of the websites in this assignment activity, textbook, or any other resources). Resource available within START HERE in Blackboard for this class. Grading: This assignment is worth a maximum of 50 pts. All four assignments make up 40% of your Final Grade. DELL