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9. Mules are crosses between two species, female horses and male donkeys. They are bred as work animals because they ideally unite the most desirable properties of each parent species. Mules

are viable but not fertile. Explain whether or not their existence poses a challenge to the biological species concept.

Fig: 1

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If Ego (the square) was a heterosexual female residing in a society practicing cross-cousin marriage,how many potential marriage partners would they have in Generation 4? O 3 O 1 O 2

If this kinship diagram came from a patrilineal society practicing Iroqouis kinship terminology, what would Ego call his/her FB? O Father O Uncle O Grandfather O Father's Brother

18. What is an intermembral (IM) Index? What does it tell us about locomotion? IM Index Formula: (Humerus+Radius)/(Femur+Tibia) x100 Bipedalism - 50-80 Quadrupedalism - 80-100, (Knuckle-walking ~100) Brachiation - 100-150 19. Find the IM index of the human. What is its locomotion? 20. Find the IM index of the chimp. What is its locomotion? 21. Find the IM index of the baboon or rhesus monkey. What is its locomotion?

1.Tarsiers are Prosimians. So, how has the tarsier’s classification changed over time? Why? Assign a letter (A, B, C on the image below) to the following evolutionarily significant traits: Loss of a tail: Prehensile tail: Opposable thumbs:

11. Decide if the animal A (Sample 11) is a mammal and what its classification is. How do you know? 12. Look at B (Sample 12). Is this a primate? How do you know? If so, from what family? 13. Look at C (Sample 13). Is it a primate? How do you know? If so, from what family? 14. Look at D (Sample 14. Is it a primate? How do you know? If so, from what family? 15. Look at E (Sample 15). Is it a primate? How do you know? If so, from what family?

Decide if each characteristic is of Strepsirhini, Haplorhini, or both: 2. Large brain size compared to body: 3. Large eyes (nocturnal). Eyes don’t move in sockets but head can turn 180 deg 4. Dental comb: 5. Enclosed eye sockets:

If Ego was a male and this kinship diagram came from a society practicing matrilineal kinship andavunculocal post-marital residence, who would ego inherit property from? MFB O FM O MB LL

If Ego was a male and this kinship diagram came from a society practicing matrilineal kinship and avunculocal post-marital residence, how many potential households could he move into after marriage? O 1 because his father has one brother O O because his mother has no sisters 2 because his mother has 2 brothers O 1 because his father has one sister

Topic: traumatic stress effects on the brain (PTSD of traumatic events such as life after war,natural disasters or psychological events .effects of traumatic stress how trauma and stress affects developing brains . neurobiology of ptsd . treatment of ptsd

3. Irresponsible use of antibiotics as a routine preventive ingredient of animal feeds is a large contributing factor to the development of resistant bacterial strains ("superbugs") that threaten animal and human well-being. Describe in detail all steps of the process that lead to bacterial resistance. Use all applicable microevolutionary terms.