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AM M Assignment KD4009 (Component 002 - Lab Report) 2023/24 Module Information Module Title: Digital Electronics and Communications Module Code: KD4009 Module Tutor: Mojtaba Mansour Abadi Assessment set by: Mojtaba

Mansour Abadi Academic Year: 2023-2024 Northumbria University NEWCASTLE Dates and Mechanisms for Assessment Submission and Feedback Date of hand out to students: 02/10/2023 Mechanism to be used to disseminate to students: eLP Date and Time of Submission by Student: 22/01/2024 Mechanism for Submission of Work by Student: eLP Date by which Work, Feedback and Marks will be returned to Students: 02/02/2024 Mechanism(s) for return of assignment work, feedback and marks to students: eLP Assignment Brief Clear statement of the work that students are expected to undertake: Please see the instruction below Further Information Learning Outcomes assessed in this assessment: Assessment Criteria/Mark Scheme: See the guidance below Referencing Style: References are included in IEEE style Expected size of the submission: The report should not exceed 25 pages including all figures and code Assignment weighting: This assignment is worth 40% of the module marks. It is an individual assignment. Academic Integrity Statement: You must adhere to the university regulations on academic conduct. Formal inquiry proceedings will be instigated if there is any suspicion of plagiarism or any other form of misconduct in your work. Refer to the University's Assessment Regulations for Northumbria Awards if you are unclear as to the meaning of these terms. The latest copy is available on the University website. Failure to submit: This coursework is compulsory. The University requires all students to submit assessed coursework by the deadline stated in the assessment brief. Where coursework is submitted without approval after the published hand-in deadline, penalties will be applied as defined in the University of Work. Late Submission Policy on the Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: 1. Knowledge of mathematics will be applied to analyse communication systems and digital circuits, coursework. (AHEP4, C1) will be assessed in the Intellectual Professional skills & abilities: 3. Design methodology will be covered, starting from a set of specifications and design of digital and communication systems. This will be assessed in the coursework. (AHEP4, C5) 1 4. A set of 4 experiments in the semester will allow the students to develop their practical skills. Will be assessed in the coursework. (AHEP4, C12, M12) 4-bit computer (L1, L3, L4) Problem Statement: This report is based on the last Digital Electronics laboratory session. You need to go through the steps and complete the given tasks. Here is a summary of the lab and tasks you need to do. In this exercise we want to simulate a simple 4-bit programmable computer system. Our computer is capable of toggling 4 relay switches on and off based on the given program. The program is stored in a 256x4 ROM component. Each 4-bit cell represents a line of code. The first bit sets the status of the relay (on = 1, off = 0). The second bit is not used (can be ignored). The last two bits are the address of the relay (00 = relay 1, 01 = relay 2, 10 = relay 3, 11 relay 4). = The computer operation starts by reading the ROM content at address 0 (reading cycle). The ROM outputs are interpreted and set the corresponding relays (processing cycle). With each clock cycle, the ROM address increases, and the new settings are applied to the relays. After each clock cycle the command is read from ROM an interpreted by the processing unit. The processing unit (ALU) sets the designated relay status based on the contents of the ROM. These cycles continue till the computer reaches the end of the program which is identified by a stop point. After reaching the end of the code, the address is set to zero and the whole process repeats. The user can set the stop point of the program using 8-bit dip switches. The computer can be reset by a reset switch which restart the reading/processing cycles from address 0. The computer can be stopped and run by a toggle switch (start/stop). Objectives: 1- Create the system block diagram representing the computer with main required block (10%) 2- Add a description on how your solution works and explain the purpose of each block in your diagram (10%) 3- Create the computer circuit schematic in the simulation software: a. Add correct gates and other required logic components and connect them (30%) b. Add comment to your simulation file (5%) c. Use a hierarchy to break down the system into smaller modules (5%) 4- Perform the simulation and show the functionality of the computer by plotting the correct timing diagram: a. Show the reading and processing cycles as well as relay states for at least one memory address (10%) b. Show the function of reset button (10%) c. Show the function of start/stop button (10%) d. Show the function of start/stop point (10%) The report needs to be submitted as a PDF file with each section clearly specified using the numbers given in the objective section.

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You are required to design a sequence detector circuit which detects all non-overlapped instances of the input pattern "10110" in a string of bits coming through an input line X and generates an active high output Y when detected. ) Produce a suitably labeled Moore machine state diagram for this problem. In the design, make sure that there are no missed patterns and explain the choice of number of states, number of bits in the state representation and the choice of the next state transitions in detail. Write a truth table that tabulates the states / transitions of the sequence detector and the output signal. Derive and simplify the Boolean expressions for the next state logic and the output. Sketch and label a schematic diagram that implements your solution using D-type flip flops and your choice of logic gates. Clearly identify the key blocks of the state machine on the diagram. Sketch the timing diagram for the clock, input, current state and output signals for the following input sequence (assume the state machine is reset at the start of the sequence): 10101110110. Assume the input signal is asynchronous and make sure that you correctly align the transitions for the synchronous signals. Discuss the graphs in terms of transitions on the state diagram presented in Part (a). Demonstrate that your state machine correctly identifies the correct input pattern in the input string given.