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Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Articulate the roles and functions of the information technology professional Scenario Whether you are just beginning your career in information technology or taking the next step in your career path, it is vital to understand the numerous opportunities available to you within this field. In this project, you will be conducting a survey of the information technology field that includes several career options aligned with your interests and begins to sketch out the training and certifications necessary for those roles. Directions The Information Technology Field: Before you explore career options in information technology, it is important to distinguish between the various disciplines that exist within this field. In this section, you will be considering these disciplines, as well as two primary tools for information technology professionals: programming and scripting. IT Disciplines: To begin your report on careers within the information technology field, define the distinction between computer science, information systems, engineering, and information technology. In your description, first define each discipline and then describe how that discipline is related to others within IT. In your definition, address the following: What roles and careers within the IT field are related to these disciplines? What tools and technologies are most applicable to these disciplines? Programming and Scripting: Following your description of the different disciplines within information technology, explain the relationship between programming and scripting and their uses within the IT field. In your explanation, first define scripting and programming, then address the following: What distinguishes a script from a program? How would an IT professional use scripting in their work? How would they use programming? Describe a potential case where an IT professional would use a scripting language in their work. Describe a potential case where an IT professional would use a programming language in their work. Information Technology Careers: Once you have defined the fields available in the world of information technology, it is time to start examining careers. For this section, you will be examining three positions within your chosen area of interest. Careers of Interest: First, identify careers of interest within the IT field. You will choose an appropriate entry-level position, mid-level position, and ultimately the position you will strive to achieve. Then, determine whether each position is most closely aligned with information technology, computer science, information systems, or engineering. In your report, describe the roles and responsibilities of each of these careers. As evidence, ensure that you are submitting the job postings referenced in your report. Tools and Technologies: Next, within each of your identified careers, describe the tools and technologies specific to your chosen IT roles. For each career, identify and describe various tools, including hardware and software, that a professional working in that career would use. Training and Certifications: Finally, identify education, training, and certifications necessary for chosen IT roles. For your identified roles, describe these trainings and certifications, using the information in your identified job postings and descriptions as a reference. For each training and certification, describe its utility in the information technology field and sketch out how an interested person would obtain each certification. Finally, describe the transferable skills within these certifications and how they might prepare you for other careers and fields within the information technology profession. What to Submit To complete this project, you must submit the following: Information Technology Career Report You will create a report describing the information technology field, including distinguishing between the various disciplines within the IT field and identifying at least three careers of interest within the field. This report should be 1000 words. You should also include copies of your selected job postings for your instructor's reference.

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A new restaurant would like to investigate if different age groups of customers prefer different types of food items. Each of their customers is given a food item - a burger or a sandwich. Each customer belongs to either adult or child age group. The customers were then surveyed on whether they enjoyed the food item. The table below gives the percentage of customers in each category.

(a)The product rule (also called the chain rule)states that:P(X1,X2,,Xn)=P(X1)P(X2|X1)P(X3|X1,X2)..P(Xn|X1,X2,,Xn-1)Now,prove the above rule in reverse direction as stated below:P(X1)P(X2 I X1)P(X3 | X1,X2)...P(Xn|X1,X2,...Xn-1)=P(X1,X2,...,Xn)(b)Prove that zeDomain()P(A=B=b)=1,where Domain(A)represents all thevalues that the random variable A can take,and the random variable B is assigned toits value b.

Due to the small size of mobile screens, it is common for users to mistype their words when texting or emailing over phone. Hence, to increase the usability of the apps, it is important to automatically correct or suggest a corrected version of the mistyped words. We can identify the correct word in the following way. For a given mistyped word w, we can generate multiple candidate words that could be correct, and evaluate each candidate c using the Bayes' rule.

Instructions file Prepare a paper detailing how aspects of data analytics and the role it has within businesses; types of data that are commonly analyzed in the organization you work for or one that you are familiar with. Provide an example of data analytics task conducted in Excel. This section of the paper should be a minimum of two full written pages of content. Submission Requirements Review the grading rubric prior to completing this assignment. Complete the questions above, and be sure to Fully answer each area within the assignment details. Write a 2-3 page paper in addition to a title page, reference page, or charts document for each area Follow proper APA formatting. Include at least two outside source within the past 2 years. Needs to do in 700 words Double spaced

Assignment Instructions: Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Describe the technologies, hardware, and software used within the information technology field James Otis tax associates Logo Scenario You are working as a contracted information technology specialist. You have been contacted by James Otis Tax Associates, a small tax preparation company. The company is growing rapidly and is opening a new office. They are focused on hiring and retaining the best in the field, and they believe that one way to do this is to provide every employee with the appropriate tools and technology they need to effectively complete their work. Your company has been asked to provide its expertise in identifying the technology components needed for the computer systems and network for the three employees in the new office. They would also like you to address the security needs of the various employees. Directions The manager at James Otis Tax Associates has asked you to submit a report describing the technology hardware and software needed to build a computer network for the new office. The manager has asked you to describe the computer system for each new employee, including an explanation of the purpose for each selected technology component, and to identify specific software programs that the employees would need. He has also asked you to describe the security measures needed to support the systems. In your explanation, include how your knowledge of human-computer interaction (HCI) impacted your choices for each component. The manager has provided the following employee descriptions: Certified Public Accountant (CPA): The CPA is a senior position at a tax preparation company. The CPA will be not only handling sensitive customer data from personal tax returns but also preparing tax returns for corporate clients. The CPA is also responsible for the personal tax returns filled out by the tax and data-entry specialist employees. Tax Specialist: The tax specialist has the dual role of entering data and verifying that tax returns are correct. This position involves customer interaction in gathering data for minimizing taxes owed or maximizing tax refunds. Data Entry Specialist: This position requires data entry for personal tax returns for customers who walk in the door. Although the data-entry specialist works with sensitive customer data, they do not have access to the tax returns once the returns are submitted to the tax specialist for review. For each employee, you must: Describe all hardware components, including peripherals, needed to create the systems Identify specific software programs (more than one) that would be beneficial to each identified employee. Programs could include: Operating systems Applications such as: Office automation products Security products Describe security measures needed to support this system. Security measures could focus on: Access Administration and user passwords Firewalls Along with each description, explain the purpose of each technology component in each system. In your explanation, include how your knowledge of human-computer interaction (HCI) impacted your choices for components. Finally, choose a network topology that could be used to connect all of the new employees identified by the manager. Create a Visio diagram to identify the networking equipment needed to enable the workflow between the employees. What to Submit To complete this project, you must submit the following: Technology Needs Report Your technology needs report should be 3-5 pages in length (double spaced) APA style. For each of the new employees, you must describe all hardware components needed to create the system, identify specific software programs that the employees would need, and describe security measures needed to support the systems. Along with each description, explain the purpose of each technology component in each system. In your explanation, include how your knowledge of human-computer interaction (HCI) impacted your choices for each component. Network Diagram You have also been asked to include a visual representation of the topology you selected and the network equipment needed to support interactions between these employees. Use Visio to create a 1-page (or 1- slide) diagram that identifies the networking equipment needed to enable the workflow between these employees. Supporting Materials Technology Needs Template Word Document This template can be used as a note-taking or organizational tool. You may submit it along with your report and diagram, but it is not a requirement and it will not be graded. Times New Roman 12 font