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Gulf state and opinion References included 5 pages 1.5 spacing This is for a world regional geography course

Fig: 1

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Air with a dry bulb temperature of 75 F and a wet bulb temperature of 65 F is at a barometric pressure of 14.2 psia. Using the program PSYCH, find (a) the relative humidity of the air,(b) enthalpy, (c) dew point, (d) humidity ratio, and (e) the mass density of the dry air.

The inside surface temperature of a window in a room is 40 F (4 C) where the air has a temperature of 72 F (22 C) db, 50 percent relative humidity, and a pressure of 14.696 psia (100 kPa)pressure. Will moisture condense on the window glass? 3. Continue problem 3-5. What is the high relative humidity to avoid condensation(10) (10)4. Problem 3-9 of the textbook (change barometric pressure to 14.7Psi and use equations rather than PSYCH to calculate them) (50)

5.The inside surface temperature of a window in a room is 40 F (4 C) where the air has a temperature of 72 F (22 C) db, 50 percent relative humidity, and a pressure of 14.696 psia (100 kPa)pressure. Will moisture condense on the window glass? 3. Continue problem 3-5. What is the high relative humidity to avoid condensation 4. Problem 3-9 of the textbook (change barometric pressure to 14.7Psi and use equations rather than PSYCH to calculate them) (50)

Base flow is a portion of stream flow that is not directly generated from the excess rainfall (i.e.the volume of rainfall available for direct surface runoff and which is not evapotranspired)during a storm event. In other words, base flow describes the flow conditions that would exist in the stream without the contribution of hill slope runoff resulting from the rainfall via fast hill slope runoff delivery mechanisms. What is the baseflow( level in the stream right before the first storm begins (i.e. at the inflection point of the first storm's rising limb)? Based on our hydrology lectures, what are the likely hydrological mechanisms (pathways) that contribute base flow to the Speed River (4 marks)

Surface Water, Rivers and Floods Lab 1. On a worldwide basis, has more water evaporated into the atmosphere from oceans or from land? 2. Approximately what percent of the total water evaporated into the atmosphere comes from the oceans? Percent from oceans = (ocean evaporation ÷ total evaporation) x 100 = _______________ % Notice in the figure that more water evaporates from the oceans than is returned directly to them by precipitation. 3. Since sea level is not dropping, what are the other sources of water for the oceans in addition to precipitation? Over most of Earth, the quantity of precipitation that falls on the land must eventually be accounted for by the sum total of evaporation, transpiration (the release of water vapor by vegetation), runoff, and infiltration. 4. Define each of the following four variables. Evaporation: Transpiration: Runoff: Infiltration: 5. On a worldwide basis, about (37, 58, 79) percent of the precipitation that falls on the land becomes runoff. Select what you think is the correct answer. 6. At high elevations or high latitudes, some of the water that falls on the land does not immediately soak in, run off, evaporate, or transpire. Where is this water being temporarily stored? 7. Based on Figure 2, does urbanization increase or decrease the peak, or maximum, stream flow? 8. What is the effect that urbanization has on the lag time between the time of the rainfall and the time of peak stream discharge? 9. Does total runoff occur over a longer or shorter period of time in an area that has been urbanized? 10. Based on what you have learned from the hydrographs, explain why urban areas often experience flash-flooding during intense rainfalls. 11. Rank the peak flood discharges for Data Set 1 in order of magnitude, starting with 1 for the largest and ending with 11 for the smallest. Write these results in the "Rank" column. 12. Use the formula T = (n+ 1) / m and determine the recurrence interval of each of the 11 floods in Data Set 1. Write the results for each year in the "Recurrence Interval (RI)" column. 13. Plot the discharge and recurrence interval for each of your 11 floods in Data Set 1 using the graph show in Figure 3. Then draw a best-fit straight line, not a dot-to-dot curve, through the data points and extend your line to the right side of the graph. This is your flood frequency curve. 14. Based on your flood frequency curve, what is the predicted discharge for a 100-year flood for Data Set 1? 15. Rank the peak flood discharges for Data Set 2 in order of magnitude, starting with 1 for the largest and ending with 11 for the smallest. Write these results in the "Rank" column. 16. Use the formula T = (n+ 1) / m and determine the recurrence interval of each of the 11 floods in Data Set 2. Write the results for each year in the "Recurrence Interval (RI)" column. 17. Plot the discharge and recurrence interval for each of your 11 floods in Data Set 2 using the graph show in Figure 3. Then draw a best-fit straight line, not a dot-to-dot curve, through the data points and extend your line to the right side of the graph. This is your flood frequency curve. 18. Based on your flood frequency curve, what is the predicted discharge for a 100-year flood for Data Set 2? 19. How do the two predicted discharges for a 100-year flood compare. 20. Suggest possible human activities in the watershed that could have caused the differences in predicted floods that result from the two sets of data.

1. At standard sea level, calculate required moist air properties based on two given properties only using equations and the water saturated temperature and pressure table and then compare your results with psychrometric chart. Do not forget units. a) Calculate specific volume, relative humidity, and enthalpy of moist air with the dry bulb temperature of 85F and humidity ratio of 0.013 lbmv/lbma. (30) b) Calculate relative humidity of moist air with the dry bulb temperature of 85F and dew point of 6OF. (20) c) Calculate humidity ratio of moist air with the dry bulb temperature of 85F and wet bulb temperature of 70F. (20) d) Calculate humidity ratio of moist air with the dry bulb temperature of 75F and enthalpy of 28.01Btu/lbma. (10) e) Calculate humidity ratio of moist air with dry bulb temperature of 75F andrelative humidity of 45.1% (20) Mark all points with the letter (a to e) on the psychrometric chart and compare thecalculated properties with the properties that are obtained from the chart. Giveyour conclusions. (5x7)

What's Where? Descriptive spatial section Include a relevant figure (as per the assigned theme) Include a properly labelled map (modified APA format) All features of the Earth's surface have a spatial distribution. For the feature/concept, describe the: • Absolute and/or relative location; Site (specific details about the feature/concept) and situation (relationship to other features/concepts); • accessibility: connectivity. Why There? Analytical section Analyze the processes acting on the feature/concept. Analyze the interrelationships that affect the feature/concept. Why Care? Implicational section Discuss the importance of the feature/concept. Discuss the relevance of the feature/concept at a particular scale (or more than one scale). What is the action/reaction? • Are there implications for people? • Are there implications for the environment?/nMap As this is a geography class, a map is required to identify the location of the landform being discussed. The map should come from a credible source and show the location that the hazard occurred. The map is called a figure and should be labelled as a "Figure" (ie. Figure 2) and include a descriptive caption that includes what the map is depicting and the map credit. Definitions It is important to demonstrate your understanding of the terms (landform, geomorphology, etc.) as this is what you are writing about using a geographic lens. If you misinterpret what a landform is and discuss geomorphology in general terms etc., then your grade will be negatively impacted. This is why understanding and defining critical terms are important for written assignment.s Other items that might be defined would include the landform you are discussing. For example, if a picture of a volcano was used for "Figure 1," the definition of a volcano should be discussed. The definitions need to come from a scholarly source (NOT a genera dictionary or encyclopaedia), be incorporated into the discussion in a meaningful, coherent manner, and and must be written in your own words (paraphrased). Simply adding a list of definitions without incorporating them in a meaningful way into the discussion would negatively impact your grade. Why there? Explain why the landform occurs in that particular location. Discuss the characteristics of the landform and primary (endogenic) and secondary (endogenic/geomorphic) processes. Is this landform unusual/unique? Are there any patterns? See Table 1 below for suggestions. Why Care? Discuss why it matters. What's the relevance? What are the implications (local, regional or global), why is it important? What's changing? This is where you would include something on the significance of the landform. See Table 1 below for suggestions./nWhen you have an understanding of the landform concept, choose a credible online picture or a picture you have taken yourself of a specific landform (landform examples include but are not limited to: pingo, arrete, delta, alluvial fan, beach ridge, glacial erratic, cirque, esker and the list goes on etc.). The picture of the landform will form the basis of your assignment The overall topic is a landform and each student is required to find a picture (credible online or personal picture) of a specific landform and discuss it through a geographic lens using the What is where? Why there? Why care? framework. What is Where? Describe what type of landform is depicted in the figure (i.e. type of landform, name of landform, date, location (site, situation)) and give context (see Table 1 below for details). Lin your figure and discussion back to the definition of a landform. This section may be 1-2 paragraphs in length and should include a "call out" to a credible picture (Figure 1) (landform you have chosen to discuss), a call out to a map (Figure 2), a description of the location and type of landform (spatial scale and temporal scales), as well define significant terms. Figure In this section, you are identifying the landform by referring to a picture obtained from a credible webpage or a picture you have taken yourself. Credible pictures (figures) wi have an author and date of when it was taken and will come from a credible website. Your discussion in this section must focus on What is where? by indicating what the landform is and referring to it in the text by using a callout (ie. As seen in Figure 1). The picture is labelled as a "Figure" (ie. Figure 1) and must be labelled as such and include a descriptive caption (indicate what is the picture showing, date, location, image credit). CONSULT: Sample Assignment Submission. Choose a figure (picture) that is clear, relevant, credible and adds value to your assignment.

Choose one ocean current from the green box, and 1 or more air masses from each of the orange boxes. Then make a prediction (using the instructions) about how you should prepare for the day's weather. If you are correct you will see an animation of a weather event. Click RESET to clear the map and start over. To complete this assignment, write a few short sentences of what scenario you created on the Weather Lab tool, and what the outcome was. Did you predict the outcome correctly?

There are two parts to the assignment. Part one is the map template I uploaded with the instructions, and the Second part is planning a vacation which you'll read about in the instructions. The map must be done by hand with the exact blank map that I uploaded. Make the paragraphs using easy words I am in grade 9. Make it sound like I wrote it and follow every instruction that I upload. The mapping assignment, and the vacation are two separate parts to the assignment. You still have to do all the mapping drawing stuff on paper and by hand. Also must be using the exact map which is uploaded.

What Makes it Rain - Define and Describe the following. Include Diagrams if it is helpful for you 6. Orographic Precipitation 7. Frontal Precipitation (Warm Fronts & Cold Fronts) 8. Convectional Precipitation 2