Need an PPT OF 17-18 Slides plus name and question slides
Student already done dissertation, make ppt based on it.
Make the all slide white
write the full name for my report
my name and number like the report
Students' desired points must be included.
Write what is the main benefit from serep, sensors etc, filters
What is the different between expansion and reduction?!
Add the table and five mode shape from the report
Add the last table for filter
Add the four results from the filter
What is the benefit from using serep
What is the benefit from using butter worth filter
Add the the table from lab experiments and ansys
Add the conclusion and research recommendations
Add the experiment photo from the report
What is the benefit from using sensors?!
And what is the benefit from using sensors?!
Don't make it a lot of word it should pictures and word
Where is finite elements designed ?! And structures pic
Fig: 1