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INSTRUCTIONS Overview This case study will help you practice analyzing a patient record, which will assist you in preparing for the final project. This case will focus specifically on musculoskeletal and integumentary drug treatment. Prompt Consider the following scenario: Ms. Craft, age 59, was brought by ambulance to the emergency room because she thought she was dying. She had difficulty breathing, was dizzy if she attempted to sit up, and felt a sense of impending doom. Ms. Craft assumed that she was having a heart attack, and so did the admitting emergency room personnel. But the case was more complicated. Physical examination showed Ms. Craft to have weakness, malaise, warm skin, and hypotension. Ms. Craft said she felt nauseous. A blood glucose value was really high. Cardiac markers did not show that she was having a heart attack, nor did an EKG. When her history was taken, Ms. Craft said she had not seen a doctor in several years and was unaware that she had diabetes. Her respirations were deep and rapid—Kussmaul respirations. In this case, the ER physician diagnosed decompensated diabetes mellitus with metabolic acidosis. These were the medications prescribed: Oxygen by mask Hypertonic IV fluids Insulin orally Hydrochloric acid solution via IV In a short paper, the following critical elements must be addressed: Identify the incorrect medication/drug classification/treatment and explain why it is incorrect. What drug classification would you use instead? Why? Provide an example of a generic medication from each drug classification. How would each of the medications/treatments in the scenario act on the patient's body? Support your answer with relevant resources. What to Submit Your answers to the questions can be in short-answer or bullet-point form when appropriate. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA format for any citations. Need to do it in 250 - 350 words in apa style add intext citations as well

Most Viewed Questions Of Nursing Research And Evidence Based Practice

Autonomy: 1. Does the concept of autonomy impair the dispensation of adequate care? What are some of the issues that may arise when autonomy is understood as "non-interference"? Are there any justifications that can be made for pursuing a course of treatment when it is against the patient's wishes? Do you agree with Ackerman's assertion that "true respect for a patient's autonomy may require the physician to intervene, to deviate from the patient's stated preferences? 2. Discuss the impact of moral relativism on medical practice. Should medical professionals disregard a patient's religious values in the pursuit of treatment? What should doctors do when a patient refuses treatment (either for themselves or their children) on religious grounds? Should the wishes of parents be respected if they, for example, refuse to vaccinate their child on moral or religious grounds?

1. Screening: The purpose of the screening questions is to consider if the paper is worth reading. You need to answer questions 1 and 2 of the CASP tool here. There is no need for references in this section. 2. The research problem and its significance: The task here is to describe the research problem (the reason the researcher is interested in the study) and its significance (why it is important). 3. The research design; The task here is to identify the research approach, which refers to how the study was conducted. What was done? To whom? For what reason? Is the study qualitative or quantitative? What type of study (e.g Phenomenology; ethnography, descriptive study)? Describe the study characteristics (e.g sample size; inclusion criteria, who was excluded, why?). You also need to discuss the appropriateness of the design for the study. For example, in qualitative studies- subjective, experience, understanding. You need to answer questions 3-5,7 of the CASP tool here. Make sure you have included- recruitment, ethics, data collection. 4. Question 6-specific concept-Reflexivity • Was reflexivity considered? Why is it important? You need to answer question 6 of the CASP tool here. 5. Data analysis: In this section, the analysis of the study recordings/transcripts needs to be described and evaluated, using question 8 of the CASP guide. This means providing a step by step overview of the analysis. 6. The findings/results of the study need to be discussed, taking into consideration the clarity of the findings, what they mean and the value of the study. You need to answer questions 9-10 of the CASP tool here. Comparison with other research evidence (journal articles) is important. Relevance to contemporary nursing policy and practice; Finally, you are required to discuss the relevance of the study to contemporary nursing policy and practice; is this a problem in Australia? In the local area (Western Suburbs of Melbourne). This includes the impact the findings may have for nurses. You have to yes or no in Casp tool as well as explain the answers in assignment.

Part A: Referring to the systematic review on the validity and rigor of applying PDSA methodology in healthcare improvement projects (Taylor et al., 2014), Answer the following questions: 1- What is the main literature gap behind the methodology of PDSA in the context of articles published in journals aiming to improve healthcare systems according the review paper? 2- Describe the four stages of PDSA in terms of their content, milestones and how each stage contributes to the overall improvement project. 3- What deficiencies have been unraveled with respect to the use of PDSA?

Question 14 (1 point) Saved According to Thompson, C.J. (2018), for what is the nurse primarily looking when critiquing a report of research? Evidence to refute other research findings. Potential biases which may influence the research results. Congruence with other findings in the professional literature. Outcomes that are congruent with the researchers' expectations.

To Prepare: Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you critically appraised in Module 4, related to your clinical topic of interest and PICOT. Reflect on your current healthcare organization and think about potential opportunities for evidence- based change, using your topic of interest and PICOT as the basis for your reflection. Consider the best method of disseminating the results of your presentation to an audience. The Assignment: (Evidence-Based Project) Part 4: Recommending an Evidence-Based Practice Change Create an 8-to 9-slide narrated PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following: Briefly describe your healthcare organization, including its culture and readiness for change. (You may opt to keep various elements of this anonymous, such as your company name.)

Part B 1- Propose a PDCA improvement project to address a healthcare problem of your choice. Ensure to describe in detail the problem you wish to address and analyze its possible causes using the Fishbone Diagram tool and Pareto chart. Identify the vita few causes (2) and address them with a suitable solution. 2- Explain how you will implement the solution. Indicate how you will know (which measurement?) that an improvement will take place when you implement the project. Describe the data collection plan.

Discuss the key differences between the three major types of qualitative research designs. Use the article you obtained by searching the databses within the library on each design to elaborate your answer. Provide a brief summary of each article, highlighting the appropriateness of the design to the stated purpose of the study.

Appraisal Quantitative Rubric (Marie) Critical Appraisal for Quantitative Work due 7.7 Group project work in groups of 3-4 GUIDELINES FOR THE CRITICAL APPRAISAL OF QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH STUDIES Schultz quant appraisal.pdf 1. What is the study purpose? (5 pts) 2. Describe the background and significance of the study (10pts) 3. Is a theoretical framework identified in the study? If yes, briefly describe. Does the theoretical framework describe and define the concepts of interest? If there is not an explicit framework, is there an implicit framework? If so, describe. (10 pts) 4. What would you recommend for future research on this issue/problem? (Be specific) (10 pts) 5. What did the authors identify as limitations of the study? Were there other limitations that you detected? (10pts) 6. Clarity of writing, APA format adhered to (10 pts) *Read the APA sheet and listen to the audio before turning in your paper. Note: Number your responses to the 9 questions above. Most questions will be answered in a paragraph or two. If you are repeating information you probably answered one of the questions incorrectly. * Tip - Limit your use of direct quotes. It is much better to learn to paraphrase. If you do use a direct quote, enclose it in quotation marks and cite the page number. * Since it is clear you are referring to one article, you only need to cite it once in the beginning and once at the end. Please don't reference every sentence. * Save your paper as your last name(s), and submit it to Blackboard. **Be sure to use basic APA format a (See APA owl Purdue website). PLEASE USE THIS ARTICLE Evaluating the effectiveness of gel pillows for reducing bilateral head flattening in preterm infants: a randomized controlled pilot study, Alyce A. Schultz, Patricia A. Goodwin, Cynthia Jesseman, Heidi G. Toews, Megan Lane, Christine Smith, Applied Nursing Research, Volume 21, Issue 4, 2008, Pages 191-198, ISSN 0897-1897, ( Available online at Applied Nursing Research 21 (2008) 191 - 198 Qualitative Rubric Assignment

Learning Activity #1 for Week 2 1. Look at the TOC of the December issue of Journal of Nursing Research 2. Select 5 articles. DO NOT pick articles that contain the terms "Qualitative" or "Quantative" in the title. 3. Identify whether the research reported is qualitative or quantitative 4. Explain why choose the specific methodology for each title. 5. Try to select both types of articles to help you differentiate between the two types of research 6. Submit your assignment byy 2/8 at 11:59 pm

Using the Rolfe, Freshwater and Jasper (2001) reflection framework, reflect upon what you have learnt about teamwork and working in interdisciplinary teams, including the teamwork skills you need to continue to develop (around 500 words). Use the below prompts as headings to assist your reflection: 1. What did I learn about teamwork and the registered nurse’s role in interdisciplinary teams? 2. So what impact will this learning have on my nursing practice as a student nurse? 3. Now what teamwork skills do I need to further develop and what strategies can I use to develop them?