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Make each of the following circuits: For each circuit: 1. Build the circuit with the PhET simulation, found here: Circuit Construction Kit: DC- Virtual Lab.2. Choose a battery for V

in the circuit, and set it for 10 volts.3. Choose the following resistances for each circuit: R1: 33 NR2: 15 NR3: 25 NR4: 65 N Measure for each circuit using the voltmeter and ammeter tools: 1. The voltage across each resistor. 2. The current through every branch of the circuit (including through the power supply).Do not measure the current through any branch that has only a wire, with no battery or resistor (such as between points a and c in the lower-left diagram and between a and d in the lower-right diagram).Calculate for each circuit ...using only the chosen values of V, R1, R2, R3 and R4, and the loop and junction rules(and/or equivalent resistances combined with Ohm's law):1. The voltage across each resistor.2. The current through every branch of the circuit (including through the Do not calculate the current through any branch that has only a wire, with no battery or resistor (such as between points a and c in the lower-left diagram and between a and d in the lower-right diagram).power supply).3. The equivalent resistance of all of the resistors together.You may redraw the circuits in a convenient, equivalent manner to aid in your calculations.Show in detail how you did your calculations. Compare for each circuit:1. your measured values of the currents to the calculated values.2. your measured values of the voltages to the calculated values.3. your calculated equivalent resistance to the ratio V divided by the measured current through the battery.

Fig: 1

Fig: 2

Fig: 3

Fig: 4

Fig: 5

Fig: 6

Fig: 7