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/n/n you should be looking to do with the audit report, so we put together the information below: Introduction - set the scene; what are we looking at, why is this

an issue worth carrying out an audit for? Methods - Imagine you were doing this audit completely yourself, not that we gave you the data. Set out what data was collected in order to carry out the audit, and how you analysed this (note this is not the results of your analysis, but the methods of how to do the analysis). You should probably also set out here what the target is you are aiming for; if you remember we said in the introduction session that a key thing about audits is that you are assessing performance against a set standard, so what is the standard that you are aiming for? Note that we've not told you a set standard you are aiming for, we are looking for you to set a sensible standard. We've given you some clues in the questions we asked you to find answers to: What is the MEAN number of PPI issues over 12 months? • What is the MEAN number of alginate issues in the same period? What is the PERCENTAGE of patients on PPIs who are issued >2 alginate antacids in 12 months? ● Of these points, can you find any indications about how many of these medications patients should be getting prescribed? Are there limits suggested anywhere? Results - This is largely what you generated during the TBL session in answering those 3 questions we gave you. How to present that is up to you. I wouldn't include the entire dataset you were working with as that would just be a massive table which wouldn't be very informative. It may be worth summarising the data by including a table with factors such as the mean and any other points you think may be relevant. Discussion - the results section is where you state what your results are. The discussion is where you consider what your results mean. We asked you analyse the data about PPI and alginate issues over the last 12 months. Relate that to the target you set, how does this compare to the target? Are there any Discussion - the results section is where you state what your results are. The discussion is where you consider what your results mean. We asked you analyse the data about PPI and alginate issues over the last 12 months. Relate that to the target you set, how does this compare to the target? Are there any numbers in your analysis too high, or too low? If so, why might this be? Action plan and recommendations - if you identified any problems through your audit of this data, what recommendations can you make to improve the situation? Use an action plan (e.g. SMART action plan) to set out how you would implement any changes. Make sure you include something on how/why this change would help. Word count - Several people asked if the action plan would be included in the word count. If you include it in the main text, then yes, but keep in mind a SMART action plan can easily be formatted as a table and that figures and tables don't count towards the word count. For references, citations in the text usually do count towards the word count but the reference list at the end doesn't. There is a 10% tolerance on the word count, so with a 1000 word limit you'll only get penalties if you go over 1100 words. References - you probably won't need many include it in the main text, then yes, but keep in mind a SMART action plan can easily be formatted as a table and that figures and tables don't count towards the word count. For references, citations in the text usually do count towards the word count but the reference list at the end doesn't. There is a 10% tolerance on the word count, so with a 1000 word limit you'll only get penalties if you go over 1100 words. References - you probably won't need many references for this, certainly fewer than you used in the report, but you still should cite appropriately. For example, in you introduction when you set out the topic and potential problem, you might refer to some published literature on the topic, or a relevant section of the NICE Guidelines. When considering your action plans, perhaps there might be some published literature to support the actions you're taking, showing that these actions have previously worked elsewhere.

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"Private standards" are [Multi-select] Developed by civil society organizations ) Aligned with World Trade Organisation expectations Based on international consensus processes Developed by industry associations

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YOU MUST COMPLETE THIS ENTIRE CASE (ALL PARTS) AND CASE #2 (BOTH PARTS) IN ORDER TO RECEIVE CREDIT FOR THIS COURSE. NO POINTS WILL BE AWARDED FOR A LATE SUBMISION. REQUIRED TO SUBMIT (18 points): Schedule A Form 8863 (both pages) • Form 8995 Schedule 3 • Form 1040 (both pages) • Note: Forms are provided in the Blackboard folder where you found these instructions. If draft/final form 8995 is not available for 2023, you MUST use the 2022 form, no other year.

2) Parkin Corporation created Sunlight Corporation with a transfer of $800 cash. During Sunlight Corp.'s first year of operations, it generated a net loss of $150 and paid no dividends. During Sunlight Corp.'s second year of operations, it generated net income of $350 and paid dividends of $80 a) Pass Journal Entries in the Book of Parkin Corporation for two years using Equity Method. b) Prepare 'Investment in Sunlight Corporation Account' for two years and show the balance of each year in the Book of Parent Company using Equity Method.

Instructions: • Prepare the 2022 Individual Income Tax Return, including all schedules and additional forms, if any, using the IRS fillable forms listed below or manually written on the tax forms/schedules. Ignore the directions to use tax software noted in the file. However, students may use tax software if one is available. • Scan your completed tax return as a PDF file OR print it as a PDF if using tax software. No other file format is permitted. • Submit the tax return file here by clicking the submit button. You can upload individual forms or a zip file with all the tax forms and schedules. I do not accept tax returns via email. • You have unlimited submissions. However, only the last submission will be graded unless the student notifies me which upload to graded by the due date.

In planning their audit, the lead auditor has determined that it is important to reduceaudit risk. What tactics can they employ? [Multi-select] Increase number of auditors on the team Increase duration of the audit Decrease detection risk Decrease inherent risk