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Perform finite element analysis using SolidWorks Simulation on the attached file:

Plate With Hole 3-1.SLDPRT

Show the Von Mises stress as demonstrated in class.

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Designates problems that introduce ne

EXERCISE 1-Effect of Mesh Size at Hole Location

supported (Fixed/immovable) at its left-end and subject to an axial, tensile force of 370

A rectangular bar with a centrally drilled hole is illustrated in Fig. E3-1. The bar is

kN applied normal to its opposite end. The bar is made from 2018 aluminum alloy.

Open the file: Plate With Hole 3-1.


• Material:



Figure E3-1-Aluminum bar with central hole subject to an axial force. A geometric discontinuity

is present in the form of the 40 mm diameter hole. (All dimensions in mm.)


2018 Alloy aluminum (Use S.I. units)

In the Mesh property manager, select a Ⓒ Standard mesh. High

quality tetrahedral elements are to be used. Use three different

meshes as specified in parts (a, c, and d) below.

• Fixture:

Fixed (Immovable) restraint applied to left end of the model.

External Load: 370 kN applied normal to the right-end causing tension in the bar.

Fig: 1

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