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Problem 1. (a) A first order instrument is described by the following mathematical model: 2 \frac{d y}{d t}+30 y=120 The time constant of the system is 15 seconds. (b) The

following spring-mass-damper system is: * Zero order * 1st Order * 2nd Order * 3rd Order * YES * NO (c) The natural frequency of the above system is: \omega_{\mathrm{n}}=\sqrt{\frac{M}{K}} * YES * NO (d) The damping ratio of the above system is: \zeta=\frac{f_{v}}{2 \sqrt{K M}} * YES *NO (e) A thermometer is an analog device (f) A pressure gauge is a digital device * YES * NO (g) The following signal has a frequency of 10-Hz. * YES * NO (h)A design stage uncertainty analysis is performed when there is a finite set of data available. * TRUE * FALSE

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Fig: 22

Most Viewed Questions Of Geotechnical / Foundation Engineering

A column foundation (Figure P6.9) is 3 m X 2 m in plan.Given: D; = 1.5 m, 6' = 25°, c' = 70 kN/m?. UsingEq. (6.28) and FS[see Eq. (6.24)] the foundation could carry.= 3, determine the net allowable load

A sample of dry coarse-grained soil material of 500 grams was shaken through a nest of sieves andthe following results were obtained. a) Determine the percent of soil passing each sieve. b) Plot the grain size distribution curve c) Determine the uniformity coefficient and the coefficient of curvature. d) Classify the soil.

An eccentrically loaded foundation is shown in Figure P6.11.Use FS of 4 and determine the maximum allowable load that the foundation çan carry, Use Meyerhof's effective area method.

9. Determine the factor of safety for the potential failure surface shown on the next page using the Swedish Slip Circle Method. The scale is in meters (use a ruler). The center of the circle is denoted by the •. The soil'sun drained shear strength is 100 kPa and its unit weight is 20 kN/m³. BE NEAT AND ORGANIZED!

For the design of a shallow foundation, given the following: c^{\prime}=72 \mathrm{kN} / \mathrm{m}^{2} \text { Unit weight, } \gamma=17 \mathrm{kN} / \mathrm{m}^{3} Modulus of elasticity, E, = 1400 kN/m-%3D \text { Poisson's ratio, } \mu_{s}=0.35 Foundation:L= 2 m B = 1 m D, = 1 m Calculate the ultimate bearing capacity. Use Eq. (6.42). \phi^{\prime}=20^{\circ}

2.8 The following six independent length measurements were made (in feet) for a line: 736.352, 736.363, 736.375,736.324, 736.358, and 736.383. Determine: b. The standard deviation of the measurements. c. The error at 3.29a.

A rectangle footing (Length 3.0m x Width 2.0m), subjected to a moment of (50+X) K Nm about an axis parallel to the length in addition to the vertical load 300KN, is located at a depth of 1.5m below the ground surface in sand The ground water level is 0.5m below the ground surface (see Figure 4). \text { Assume for dense sand; }\left(\phi_{p}^{\prime}=30^{\circ}, \gamma_{b u l k}=18 \mathrm{kN} / \mathrm{m}^{3}, \gamma_{s a t}=21 \mathrm{kN} / \mathrm{m}^{3}, N_{q}=18.4, N_{\gamma}=16.06\right) (a) Determine ultimate net bearing capacity of soil (7 marks) (b) Determine the maximum allowable bearing capacity of soil for factor of safety of3.0 (2 marks) (c) What is the maximum serviceable load (vertical) in the foundation to satisfy condițion 'h' above? d) Site investigation revealed that the soil condition can also represent Clay in most of the other areas at the site. What is the suitable foundation width for Length=3m in Clay (short-term) to satisfy the same factor of safety (i.e. 3.0) for the maximum serviceable load calculated in part (c) with the same moment (50+X) kNm about an axis parallel to the length? (Assume for clay, S_{u}=85 \mathrm{kP} a, \gamma_{b u l k}=20 \mathrm{kN} / \mathrm{m}^{3}, \gamma_{s a t}=22 \mathrm{kN} / \mathrm{m}^{3} \text { and water table remains same location }

Solve the following problem. A site is underlain by two layers. The top layer is an 10m thick layer of clay with OCR= 2, friction angle = 36 degrees, and Su = 50 kPa. The bottom layer is a 6m thick layer of sand with OCR = 1, and fiction angle = 38 degrees. Bedrock lies below the sand layer. In fact, assume that the UC test presented in the video (from problem #1) was conducted on a core extracted from our site. The nano CT of that core showed no internal flaws (i.e., no weathering), and a value of X = 2 has been assigned to it. The structural engineer for the project has indicated that each pile must support a downwards load of 850 kN. You have selected to evaluate drilled, rough concrete piles with diameter B = 1m as possible alternatives: a.Alternative #1 (start on a new page; draw the profile with the pile):D = 7m. Find Qult ST and Qult LT. b.Alternative #2 (start on a new page; draw the profile with the pile): D = 11m. Find Quit ST and Qult LT. c. Alternative #3: (start on a new page; draw the profile with the pile): D = 16m (rests on rock). Find Qult.

1. (40 pts) A conventional cantilever retaining wall is constructed as shown in the figure below.The soil behind the wall is homogenous and has the properties shown. a) (5 pts) What is the appropriate lateral earth pressure to be used (at-rest, active, or passive)? Why? ) (15 pts) Draw the lateral pressure diagrams for the wall configuration and loading.Use the Rankine method for calculating the lateral earth pressure coefficient. c) (10 pts) What is the total resultant lateral force (including the surcharge, earthpressure and water pressure)? d) (10 pts) What is the location of this resultant lateral force relative to the base of the wall?

5. Solve the following problem. A smooth, 12m long concrete pile with square cross section and width = 0.35m is driven into an 18m thick sand layer with OCR = 2 and fiction angle = 38 degrees. Determine the settlement required to mobilize 10 percent of the side friction resistance.