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QUESTION 1 [5 marks]

You are given production values of a range of crops over time in the file: Crop_data.xlsx.

Complete the following tasks using Power BI desktop.

(1) Create a single visual that can identify the value of production ($M) of different crops

over time (use a slicer to select different crops). Provide commentary on the observed

trend in Maize and Sunflower Seeds (2.5 marks).

(2) Display the value of production of crops (SM) by year using a Funnel visual and

comment on the value of production of crops in the year 2021(2.5 marks).

Submit the visuals as a Power BI report file. Interpretation can be done in a Word document.

Fig: 1

Most Viewed Questions Of Business Intelligence

Your Task In response to the following scenario, students will produce a one-page infographic and a 500-750 word supporting paper detailing what would be included in a staff professional development workshop entitled 'Developing Intercultural Competence'.

Assignment 1 - Ethics and Global Strategies in Bl Summer 2023 It must be submitted through the "Assignment 1 - Ethics and Global Strategies in BI" in Assignment Submission Folder provided in the D2L. It is important that you specify your name in the DOCX file. The attachment name should follow the following convention: BUSA532 ASSIGNMENT1 FIRSTNAME LASTNAME.DOCX BI Ethical Case: You are CIO of Facebook, and you want to buy data from Google as soon as possible. However, you don't know the origins of the data and how the data was collected from Google. What should you do? 1. Identity and discuss about the ethical dilemma that you faced (1 point). 2. Stakeholders are directly or indirectly affected by your decisions. Provide at least 3 specific stakeholders affected by the situation. (1 point) 3. Discuss the challenges in addressing the ethical dilemma by identifying at least 2 key issues and their subsequent implications/ramifications (1 point). 4. How would you have responded to the ethical dilemma? Apply at least two ethical models to brainstorm the questions you want to ask (1.5 points). 5. How would you implement solutions to respond to the ethical dilemma? Apply at least two ethical models to brainstorm the solutions (1.5 points). Global Strategy Case: You are CIO of Facebook, and you want to build online video rental service like Amazon Prime or Netflix in China. However, pirated movies are very common in China, and the government lacks regulations to protect intellectual property. What should you do? 1. Develop PEST analysis for Facebook to build the service in China (1.5 points). 2. Recommend at least three strategies for Facebook to build the service (1.5 points). SQL Server Installation: Please follow the instructions in D2L to install all three components of SQL Server (SSMS, SSIS and SSAS) and provide screenshots that you successfully install them (1 point). The following criteria will be used to grade the assignment: Answers are correct, and writing are polished. ********NOTE

Discussion Question # 2: Noting the failure of Charlie's social networking platform to achieve its intended goals of sharing information and building a community of support, what should the researchers have done? Arguably, social networking is not central to the purpose of a diabetes health care system. Should they have simply dropped this functionality, or should they have adopted a stronger role in moderating these forums? What are the tradeoffs of each decision?

Discuss some major issues in implementing business intelligence (BI) as well as the support that artificial intelligence (AI) can provide to business decision makers, including the benefits of automatic and autonomous decision making.

Discussion Question #1: From the outset, the research team was explicitly concerned about inequality in type 2 diabetes care and outcomes. Their aim was not just to improve to improve diabetes treatment in general, but to do so for all. How can they best achieve this? Might Technology different users sometimes require different treatment protocols? Does the research team have a responsibility to single out users who are not receiving the full benefit of Charlie's interventions for special attention and/or treatment?

QUESTION 1 [25 marks] 1. Using the file BOC_Store_Database.xlsx, Desktop which can be published in Power BI Service. construct a Dashboard in Power BI Follow the tasks given below in compiling the Dashboard. a) Using the power query editor in Power BI desktop, clean the data and load it onto Power BI (1 mark). b) Construct a data model in Power BI using star schema architecture (2 marks). c) Using appropriate visualizations, create the Dashboard. The Dashboard should have the data filtering capability including slicing functions. To effectively design a Power BI Dashboard, it's important to focus on a specific area to ensure that the Dashboard serves its intended purpose. (15 marks). (Submit the Dashboard as a Power BI report file) 2. Interpret the visuals presented in the Dashboard (7 marks) (this can be done in a Word document).

QUESTION 2 [5 marks] You work as a data analyst for a consultancy firm that seeks to analyse Olympic sports data. They have provided you with a dataset containing player information (Olympic_data.xlsx), including age. Your task is to first create a Power BI data model that incorporates a new column, categorizing players into different age groups based on their ages, and then produce the following visuals with the capability to distinguish between both summer and winter games. Utilize Power BI to generate a new column named "Age Group" that classifies players into specific age groups according to the following criteria: 0 to 14, 15 to 20, 21 to 25, 26 to 30, 31 to 35, 36 to 45, 46 to 55, greater than 55 (1) Present the distribution of players' ages alongside their respective age groups using a column chart and provide commentary on the observed distribution (2.5 marks). (2) Display the medals won in different age groups-Gold, Silver, and Bronze using a suitable visualization, and provide comments on the findings (2.5 marks). Submit the visuals as a Power BI report file. Interpretation can be done in a Word document.

QUESTION 2 [10 marks] a) Categorize countries into five clusters based on the relationship between total greenhouse gas emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent) and GDP per capita (constant 2015 US$). This analysis will utilize data from the World Bank World Development Indicators database for the year 2018 (File: World Bank Data.xlsx) (5 marks). b) Create a table displaying countries assigned to various clusters (use clusters as a slicer) (2 marks). c) Illustrate these five clusters on a map (3 marks). (Submit the report as a Power BI report file)

Memo 3 Assignment: Privacy Overview In this assignment you are going to write a 2.5 page memo by filling out the various pieces. This memo format is based on a common format I used when working in industry. • The template for MEMO 3 can be found in attachment. A general FAQ can be found in attachment. • Format: docx submission. o This is an option in google docs download. You will be writing a 2.5-page Memo. If you go over 2.5-pages it needs to be in the appendix and referenced in the other text. This should never go over 5 pages! The Scenario: You are a Data Scientist working for a Tech Company. You have been tasked with understanding how to introduce a new Health Care Product on PLATFORM/APP. Pick a health product (for example FB Blood Drive or Amazon's prescriptions through the mail). You need to think carefully about legal (and ethical) privacy. You need to write up a Business/Research plan for explaining how this Health Care Product will affect revenue and how you will measure this effect (i.e., THE APP).

Question 11 Customer churn, also known as customer turnover, occurs when customers cease using the services provided by a company. The data set "Churn_ECA.xlsx" contains information about the telephone company's customers, including demographics, account details, subscribed services, and a binary indicator denoted as "Churn", which indicates whether a customer has left the service within the last month. The accompanying "Glossary" sheet provides descriptions of the variables used in the dataset. Question la Identify one (1) business question that can be addressed by analysing the data. Elaborate on the pertinent data fields and how they can provide insights to address the question. Construct an influence chart relevant to the issue. (Max word count: 150 words)/nQuestion 1b Prepare a tabular summary of the dataset, indicating the data type, key attributes, summary measures, and any relevant data issues, if present. (Max word count: 150 words) Question 1c Use visualization techniques to design a comprehensive dashboard comprising a minimum of three (3) professional graphical charts that convey valuable insights from the dataset. Attach a screenshot of each chart and the complete dashboard. Describe the process of chart and dashboard creation and how the dashboard effectively generates and communicates insights extracted from the data. (Maximum 250 words)