
Required Elements of the Recommendation Report Title Page: Title of the report, author's name, date • Table of Contents: List of all major components of the report and what page each

component begins on. • Executive Summary: Brief overview of the report's main ideas and recommendations. • Current Situation: Analyze the current state of the organization and make the case for why the organization needs to change. Objectives: Explain how implementing this change will benefit the organization, its colleagues, and the community. Deliverables: Provide a timeline showing how and when each stage in the culture change plan will be implemented. • Costs/ROI: Provide cost estimates for implementing these changes. Costs might include hiring additional staff, bringing in outside consultants, purchasing equipment, or renting out an offsite location for training. The return on investment, or ROI, can be thought of more broadly than in revenue terms, but there must be a way to measure the success of this cultural change. Examples might include improved colleague retention, higher client satisfaction scores, or a more positive public image. References: List all sources cited in the text in APA format. ●/nChanging Corporate Culture Project Overview

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Fig: 2