English(Essay Writing/Summary)

Questions & Answers

You can take 2 of these three, is up to you. APA style The thesis of my essay is how Covid pandemic influences people behaviour The main topic of this research is to find how people behave or act in a pandemic, specifically in COVID pandemic, so the exact hypothesis could be how the COVID 19 affected people's behaviour and mental health

1. Why is it tempting to use social media platforms for experiments like these? Even though users of Facebook (implicitly) agree with the conditions of use of the web-site, which allows this kind of experimentation, is it ethical to do so? 2. Can you think of situations where this type of experiment (or manipulation, if you like) is justified? 3. How could the emotions or opinions of users of social media platforms (or any other website) be influenced for purposes which you think are undesirable and/or unethical? Can you think of possible examples?

ECD 79 Teaching in a Diverse Society/Anti-Bias Curriculum Assignment Chabot College/Prof Hole Activity 1 1. Title of activity: 2. Describe the activity. What you will be asking the children to do? Include theinstructions you would give the children, how the project would be set up, thesteps involved, the intended outcome or product, and any other information thatdescribes the activity clearly. 3. Age of children activity is intended for:4.How would you introduce it to the children? 5. What props, supplies or materials you will need for this activity? 6. Describe how you would need to set up for this activity. 7. What are your anti-bias leaming objectives for this activity? What do you hopethe children will learn? 8. How does this activity impact all learning domains and promote emotional, soc 1.physical, cognitive, language and/or creative development? (A good activityimpacts more than one, ideally all six.) 9. Explain how this activity is developmentally appropriate, based on what you knowabout child development. Refer to your text for information about how thisactivity is suited to the way children of the age you have selected develop identityand how they understand issues of difference. 10. Which Anti-Bias goal does this activity fulfill? Look back at the goals in your text. 11. How would you document the children's activities and experiences with this story? In other words, how would you record the learning that goes on? 12. How would you describe this activity and the learning to parents, andencouragement family involvement in this project?

Activity 2 1. Title of activity: 2. Describe the activity: What you will be asking the children to do? Include theinstructions you would give the children, how the project would be set up, thesteps involved, the intended outcome or product, and any other information thatdescribes the activity clearly. 3. Age of children activity is intended for _____________________ 4. How would you introduce it to the children? 5. What props, supplies or materials you will need for this activity? 6. Describe how you would need to set up for this activity. 7. What are your anti-bias leaming objectives for this activity? What do you hope the children will learn? 8. How does this activity impact all learning domains and promote emotional, social, physical, cognitive, language and/or creative development? (A good activity impacts more than one, ideally all six.) 9. Explain how this activity is developmentally appropriate, based on what you know about child development. Refer to your text for information about how this activity is suited to the way children of the age you have selected develop identity and how they understand issues of difference. 10. Which Anti-Bias goal does this activity fulfill? Look back at the goals in your text. 11. How would you document the children's activities and experiences with this story? In other words, how would you record the learning that goes on? 12. How would you describe this activity and the learning to parents, and encouragement family involvement in this project?

Write down puzzling or unfamiliar words while you are reading. Later, look up the definitions in either a dictionary or some other source. You may also run across words that stand out somehow in the reading - words that are repeated a lot, used in an unusual way, or are crucial to the meaning of the text. Mark these special words, too, and be ready to share your ideas on their usage to the group.

1) Visiting the High Museum of Art, and carefully examining a specific work of art from its collection (see below for choices) 2) Preparing a 3-5-page visual analysis paper on the object 3) Including 2 citations for the work of art and the museum placard at the end of the paper 4) Including 2 photographs of yourself at the exhibit and in front of the museum, OR including a ticket stub or receipt IF it has a TIME STAMP

Assignment details Topics are: Indigenous people of canada, Chinese head tax and Immigrant children

2. Select two or three works of art that we have discussed in class that interest you especially. What questions come to mind as you consider these works of art? Turning to the readings you have done for the class, please select two or three that you think suggest approaches that are useful in thinking about these works of art. In what ways might the readings help you to answer your questions? What might they miss?

After you have chosen one article that we covered in class, theysayisayblog. one of my Twitter articles (check with me first), the rebuttal to the 1619 Project, one opinion article of your choice (check with me first), or one reading from the 1619 Project, you will create a prewriting plan for your up-and-coming Summary Response Paper.

ASSIGNMENT TWO-AGENCY RESEARCH PROJECT (worth 35% of your grade for CNRO) After having completed the minimum requirements of this project, you will have a usable work binder that you can use and maintain throughout your career. The assignment is in two parts, and is as follows: Part One (due in SESSION 5- worth 15% of the 40%): Create a duo-tang or binder that lists 20 agencies in the community that employee support workers or other paraprofessional social service workers. If you have a particular interest (e.g. you want to work with women, or youth or Aboriginals), your choice of agencies should reflect that preference. Organize these resources under subtitles according to the service offered (addiction, mental health etc.) The entry for each agency should include Agency or program name Addresses Phone and fax numbers Email address (if you can obtain one) Services offered

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