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Assessment Criteria The work will be assessed by comparison with an approved marking scheme. Fully correct solutions will receive the number of marks indicated. Marks will be reduced for errors in proportion to their severity. You need to indicate the units for all electrical quantities. You need to clearly present the equations used for calculations and the comparison results.

For the following LOW PASS FILTER circuit: Create a 10V Peak AC waveform Run analysis between 20Hz and 20,000Hz

What is the ideal drain voltage in Fig. 11-44b? forA 2N4416 has Ipss = 10 mA and mo= 10 mA and gmo = 4000 μS. What is its gate-source cutoff voltage? What is the value of gmVGS = -1 V?

1) Design equation:an op-amp circuit that solves the following differential A v_{o}^{\prime \prime \prime}+B v_{o}^{\prime \prime}+C v_{o}=D v_{i}^{\prime \prime}+E v_{i}^{\prime}+F v_{i} Where v; and v. are the input and output voltage, respectively. 2) Implement your design circuit in PSPICE or MULTISIM and plot the output voltage for a given input voltage

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