Section A.
1. Intel Pentium chips used in Windows PCs need external
chips to store data.
bytes of on-chip data RAM.
2. The ATmega64 has
3. Which of the following is (are) illegal?
[50 marks]
(a) ADD R20, R11 (b) ADD R16, R1 (c) ADD R52, R16
4. What is the status of the C flag after the following code?
LDI R20,0x54
LDI R25, 0xC4
ADD R20, R25
5. True or False. In BREQ instruction, the compiler jumps to location if zero flag is
6. The time delay of following program is
LDI R15, 12
LDI R16, 14
LDI R21, 5
ADD R15, R16
ADD R15, R21
7. Write a short program that make all pins of PORTB one using R19 register.
8. True or False. Parallel communication needs fewer traces and wires than serial
if crystal frequency is 8 MHz:
Fig: 1