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Use the online NOAA Hysplit model to plot a 120 hour (5 day) back trajectory for mid boundary layer air arriving in Egham on 23rd March 2024 at midday). Instructions for plotting a back trajectory using Hysplit: Access Hysplit using the link above. Compute archive trajectories. Number of trajectory starting locations:1 Trajectory type: Normal Meteorology use GDAS (1 degree) The source location for Egham is: latitude 51.43 N, 0.55 W For the meteorological file you can use 'current7days' In the model parameters choose: backward trajectory model; choose the correct start time (25th March 2024 at 12:00); 120 hour run time; automatic mid boundary layer height. Other options can remain as default, or you can add extra information to your plots. It takes a minute or two to run the model. Save the image to upload to moodle./n NOTE: Question along with the link is given. Use the link to answer the Question, and then share the screen shot (image). traj.php

Most Viewed Questions Of Meteorology

Surface Station Model (9 points): Plot the following weather data, from Republic Airport in Farmingdale, NY at 19:53 Z (3:53 PM EDT) on 03 May 2001, onto the surface station model below. Temperature (T) = 82°F Dew Point Temperature (Td) = 57°F Wind speed = 10 knots Wind direction = Northeast or 45° pressure 1020.3 mb Sea level Pressure change = 2.3 mb Pressure Tendency = SSR Visibility = 8 miles Sky Coverage Total = 0/8 Present weather = None = o Pressure Conversion (2 Points): You must show all of your work in the space provided in order to receive full credit for this problem. Round your final answer so that there is only one digit after the decimal point. Circle your final answer along with its appropriate unit. Conversion Factor: 1 in.of Hg = 33.86395 millibars Convert the pressure of 30.07 inches of mercury into millibar's: Decoding a METAR Report (1Point each): Given the following METAR report: KLGA 170851Z 18010G25KT 1/4SM +RA OVC080 07/07 A2993 RMK P0014 Use the METAR Abbreviations Table to decode the following information from the METAR report above. Be sure to include the proper unit, if necessary, as a part of your answer. Failure to write down the proper unit, when necessary, will cause you to get that problem wrong. Write the letters "N/A" if the requested information was not present in the METAR code. Leaving a question blank will cause you to get that question wrong. 1. Country in which the observation was taken 2. Location at which the observation was taken 3. Day of the month the observation was taken 4. Time of the observation in Eastern Standard Time (EST) 5. Temperature_ 6. Dew-Point Temperature_ 7. Air Pressure 8. Present Weather 9. Wind Direction 10. Sustained Wind Speed_ 11. Wind Gusts 12. Cloud Height: Low 13. Cloud Coverage: Low_ 14. Visibility 15. Amount of liquid precipitation in the last hour Middle Middle High High Code + (no symbol) ACC A02 AO1 AUTO B BKN BL BR CA CB CBMAM сс CG CIG CLR CONS DR DS DSIPTG DSNT DU DZ FC FEW FG FRQ FROPA FT FU FZ G GR GS HZ IC INCRG INTMT KT LTG M MOV N NE NW OCNL Meaning heavy intensity moderate intensity light intensity altocumulus castellans automated w/ precipitation discriminator automated w/o precipitation discriminator fully automated report began broken clouds (5/8-7/8 coverage) blowing mist cloud-air lightning cumulonimbus cloud cumulonimbus mammatus cloud-cloud lightning cloud-ground lightning ceiling clear (no clouds) continuous drifting dust storm dissipating distant widespread dust drizzle east or ended funnel cloud few clouds (0 - 2/8 coverage) fog frequent frontal passage feet smoke freezing gust hail small hail or snow pellets haze ice crystals or in-cloud lightning increasing intermittent knots lightning minus, less than moving north northeast northwest occasional Code OHD OVC OVR PCPN PE/PL PK WND PNO PO PRES PRESFR PRESRR PY RA RVR S SA SCT SE SFC SG SH SK SLP SLPNO SM SN SNINCR SP SQ SS SW TCU TS TSNO TWR UNKN UP UTC V VC VIS VR VRB VV W WND WSHFT Z Meaning overhead overcast (8/8 coverage) over precipitation ice pellets peak wind precipitation amount N/A dust/sand whirls pressure pressure falling rapidly pressure rising rapidly spray rain runway visual range south sand scattered clouds (3/8-4/8 coverage) southeast surface snow grains shower sky clear level pressure sea sea level pressure N/A statute miles snow snow increasing rapidly snow pellets squall sandstorm snow shower or southwest towering cumulus thunderstorm thunderstorm info N/A tower unknown unknown precipitation Universal Time Code variable in the vicinity visibility visual range variable vertical visibility west wind wind shift Zulu Time Isotherms (10 Points): On the following map, draw all possible isotherms as you were taught in lab. Use the proper color, proper increment and label your lines. The little black dots are the exact location of the temperature reading. If you are unable to read the temperature value please ask your instructor for clarification. 05 OCT 2000 Temperatures 48 54 64 46 38 50 34 31 25 26 47 67 24 25 18 49 26 34 28 44 20 49 54 Be 44 47 9 28 20 21 27 3 36 39 33 46 32 44 46 55 53 64 51 70 30 53 57 59 76 73 28 44 61 46 50 61 69 48 52 64 33 56 . 9 66 36 62 48 5 34 54 57 36 66 67 34 69 31 63 66 15 55 64 66 68 487 76 Z سپر Isobars (20 Points): On the following map, decode the pressure values and draw all possible isobars as you were taught in lab. Be sure you use the proper color, proper increment and label your lines. Then find and label one LOW pressure system and two HIGH pressure systems. There maybe another low in Canada, but this low is weaker and not the main low pressure system on the map. Make sure you give the high and low pressure areas their proper symbols with its appropriate color. The little black dots under each pressure value mark the exact location of the pressure reading. If you are unable to read the coded 3-digit pressure value please ask your instructor for clarification. If the pressure value only consists of two numbers then assume the last number is zero. 12 OCT 2000 221 ¹215 206 212 204 13 182 186 215 194 143 157 161 197 188 172 170 164 (65 170 158 183 162 169 171 156 147 191 158 153 154 132 134 133 141 195 150 133 119 137 102 060 972 Pressures 186 128 083 149 OYT 082 129 144 155 153 164 110 101 136 167 202 136 202 148 87 1.99 211 217 200 43 164 175 238 19 20 238 131 249 259 230 241 258 803 101 249 174 134 260 272 263 275 276 082 241 289 250¹ 123 126 247 281 296 261 252 VEI 223 238 265 254 X15 236 241 250 1,59 (70 259 204 1681 195 186 C

Q1. Did an El Niño event occur during the winter of 2015? Q2: Using what we learned in class, what could have caused the crabs to appear along the beaches of California? Q3: What kind of evidence backs up your claim for Q1 and Q2? Include specific data and observations from the graphs & maps you observed using 3-4 sentences.

Degrees Celsius 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 140°E 150°E 160°E 170°E 100% 180 100″E 170 W 160 W 150°W 140 W 130 W 120W 110 W 100 W 90°W Degrees Longitude 140″W Answer the following questions by typing into the text box or uploading your written answers. Use the graphs above, your knowledge from lecture, and any other reputable sources on the internet (NOAA, NASA, or NWS, for example) to answer the three questions below. Q1. Did an El Niño event occur during the winter of 2015? Q2: Using what we learned in class, what could have caused the crabs to appear along the beaches of California? Q3: What kind of evidence backs up your claim for Q1 and Q2? Include specific data and observations from the graphs & maps you observed using 3-4 sentences./ cements ments ons S Button rations Degrees Celsius = ARRA A Degrees Celsius A X 22 R 19 125 E 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 140 E 19 Temperature at the Equator (Normal Year) 165 E 180 140 E 165 W 140″ W Degrees Longitude سیر 150 E 160°E **** *** 170°E 125 W 100 W 180 85 W ** ****** *********** ****** 70″W Degrees Celsius 31 Degrees Longitude 30 ************ 29 Observe the line graph of sea surface temperature data from December 2015 below. Notice how temperature changes along one line of latitude, in this case along the equator, during December 2015. 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 Sea Surface Temperature at the Equator, December 2015 20 19 125°E 140°E 165°E Temperature at the Equator (El Niño Year) 180 170 W 160 W 150 W 140 W 130 W 120 W 110 W 100 W 165°W 140 W 90°W 125 W 100 W 85°W 70°W/nX nts + This Activity was developed using data and scenarios from UCAR and NOAA. You can learn more about El Nino and these datasets here, but you do not need to use this website to complete the activity. Think through the scenario below and answer the questions using data and what know know about ENSO. Degrees Celsius Scenario: It's the winter of 2015. The waters along the coast of California are unusually warm. Huge numbers of pelagic red crabs that are typically common in the warmer waters off the coast of Mexico are now washing up along beaches of California. Have the warmer surface waters in California brought this sub-tropical species northward? Could these observations be the result of an El Niño Event? Your job today is to try to find out - using data. During a normal year, the temperature difference between warm water in the west and cooler water in the east is evident in the slope of the line on Temperature Plot A (on the left). During an El Niño year, the area of high temperature can be seen extending farther to the east than in a typical year, as is shown on Temperature Plot B (on the right). The temperature difference from west to east may also be smaller during an El Niño year. Temperature at the Equator (El Niño Year) 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 125 E 140 E Temperature at the Equator (Normal Year) 165 E 180 16534 Vinay 100AE Degrees Celsius 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 **** □ ✩ P

Look at the diagrams below. They are available on the Moodle website as a separate download. Either print them out, or open them in a program that you can draw lines on and save the diagram. You should be able to do this in paint, powerpoint, word etc. In my opinion it would be easiest to print these, annotate them as described below, photograph with you phone and upload the image. 8 7 8 9 10 12 14 Temperature / °C 9 9 9 9 11 14 18 11 11 14 16 19 12 19 13 18 18 20 19 20 21 18 19 20 21 13 14 20 22 22 22 22 22 14 15 20 24 25 24 23 23 15 16 18 24 25 25 24 23 9.5 9.4 9.3 9.5 9.5 9.4 9.4 9.2 9.4 9.6 9.4 9.6 9.4 Pressure / kPa 9.6 9.4 9.2 9.1 9.5 8.9 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.2 9.5 9.6 9.6 9.7 9.4 9.6 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.4 9.3 9.5 9.6 9.8 9.6 9.9 9.4 9.5 9.7 9.8 9.7 9.9 0.0 Both these southern hemisphere weather maps correspond to the same weather. 9.7 9.6 9.6 9.7 9.9 0.0 0.1 - Draw isotherms every 2°C and identify cold and warm centres, on the left hand temperature plot - Draw isobars every 0.2 kPa and identify high and low pressures, on the right hand pressure plot - Identify the frontal zone and draw the frontal 7 8 9 10 12 14 18 9 9 9 11 14 18 19 11 14 16 19 13 19 18 18 20 19 20 21 20 21 14 20 22 22 22 22 22 15 20 24 25 24 23 23 16 18 24 25 25 24 23 9.4 9.3 9.2 9.3 9.5 9.2 9.5 9.4 9.6 8.9 9.2 9.6 9.4 9.2 9.5 9.1 9.4 9.6 9.4 9.4 9.4 9.6 9.4 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.5 9.6 9.6 9.7 9.6 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.7 9.8 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 0.0 Both these southern hemisphere weather maps correspond to the same weather. 9.7 9.6 9.6 9.7 If you need help look at the instructions on p280-281 Stull or ask. 9.9 0.0 0.1 - Draw isotherms every 2°C and identify cold and warm centres, on the left hand temperature plot - Draw isobars every 0.2 kPa and identify high and low pressures, on the right hand pressure plot - Identify the frontal zone and draw the frontal boundaries in pencil. Frontal zone are regions of tight isotherm packing. - On the warm side of the frontal zone identify if the front is warm (warm moving towards cold) and or cold (cold moving towards warm). The motions can be identified by looking at the pressure field, knowing that winds circle clockwise around lows in the southern hemisphere and then seeing if the warm or cold air is advancing into the other air body.

Suppose we partition the available excess water equally between all hydrometeors (for example, for all liquid water droplets). In this way, we can estimate the average radius R for each droplet due only to condensation (i.e., before collisions between droplets allow some to merge and grow into larger drops): R = 3 Pair TE 4π Pwater n where excess-water mixing ratio re is in kgwater kgair¹, p is density, and n is the number density of hydrometeors (the count of hydrometeors per cubic meter of air). Typical values are R = 2 to 50 μm, which is small compared to the 1000 μm separation between droplets, and is too small to be precipitation. This is an important consideration. Namely, even if we ignore the slowness of the diffusion process, the hydrometeors stop growing by condensation or deposition before they become precipitation. The reason is that there are too many hydrometeors, all competing for water molecules, thus limiting each to grow only a little. Within a cloud, suppose air density is 1 kg m-³/nkgair¹, p is density, and n is the number density of hydrometeors (the count of hydrometeors per cubic meter of air). Typical values are R = 2 to 50 μm, which is small compared to the 1000 μm separation between droplets, and is too small to be precipitation. This is an important consideration. Namely, even if we ignore the slowness of the diffusion process, the hydrometeors stop growing by condensation or deposition before they become precipitation. The reason is that there are too many hydrometeors, all competing for water molecules, thus limiting each to grow only a little. Within a cloud, suppose air density is 1 kg m-³ and the excess water mixing ratio is 2 g kg-¹. Find the final drop radius using the above equation to find the final drop radius for hydrometeor counts of 108 m³ in units of microns. (Pair=1 kg m-³, Pwater =1000 kg m-³) Watch the units, especially with re. Answer:

Over continental regions, the number density (n = count of particles per volume of air) of particles with radius between R-0.5AR and R+0.5AR can be approximated by: n(r) = Answer: CAR R4 for particles larger than 0.2 µm, and for small AR. Constant c depends on the total concentration of particles. This distribution, called the Junge distribution. If c=6×108 μm³ m³ calculate how many CCN there would be between 1.2 and 1.3 μm in 1 m³.

40 P (kPa) 60 r (g/kg) = 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 80- 100 -40 Skew-T Answer: -20 1 5 20 10 20 40 T (°C) Looking at the above sounding of the atmosphere decide where the cloud base is (to nearest 10 kpa)

40 P (kPa) 60 80 r (g/kg) = 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 100 -40 Skew-T Answer: A -20 Ta 0 2 T (°C) LO 5 20 10 20 40 Looking at the above sounding of the atmosphere decide where the cloud base is (to nearest 10 kpa)

40 P (kPa) 60 80 r (g/kg) = 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 100 -40 Skew-T Answer: -20 8- 0 T (°C) 5 сл 20 10 20 40 Looking at the above sounding of the atmosphere decide where the cloud top is (to nearest 10 kpa)