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We need to do 1 design (just one building) on SketchUp 3 to 4 Storey Building (Read brief for more details) Spaces for Building (need to cover this as well) 1. Dance Studios 2. Large Hall for events (accommodate 100 people) 3. Office Spaces 4. Cafe 5. Storage Student note: Some examples are given the design doesn't have to be exactly like that something similar is fine You can draw any of the given building, but it will be 3-4 Storey and a bit different from the actual examples the tutor can make the design based off the example and it just has to be 3-4 Storey that can accommodate the spaces in the description/nArea: The project total area should be at maximum of 2,000 square metres, and must contain at least a minimum of 3 stories of accommodation taking into account the adjacent terraced houses and fitting into the urban context setting in a contemporary manner- The Leicester Dance Centre typology will be studies studied in depth and then challenged from a different angle (e.g. change of habits and ways of life, technology, response to climate change, response to social change, etc.) Brief: The project should accommodate a hall/large room/lecture theatre/etc. to help community activities that accommodates 100 people Part of your design proposal should include the landscape design element Building design should NOT extend more than 3 storeys of habitable space nor should it go 1 storey underground. There should be a clear technical element in your brief The project should have a part where you/students create their own brief • Medium-scale public spaces of entry (public fronting spaces onto the street, or equivalent) • Larger-scale Spaces dances studios/ community activities etc. This space will need to be able to become used as part of the hypothetical festival, as well as used by your specific programme. • Smaller-scale spaces for work/production/ meetings/liaisons/administration/offices etc. ⚫ Spaces for storage (on-line/off-line/physical/ virtual) Ancillary spaces for services/n