
What you need to do: Start by selecting a Tech company that you are writing this for: • Facebook, Inc o Facebook 1. 2. • WhatsApp Instagram o Messenger Amazon Apple

Netflix Google • Microsoft • Other Tech Companies not on this list: • You can choose another company, but you need to write a paragraph about the company. Provide basic information such as size of the company, major products, what their market is etc. If you choose a company not on the list, you cannot assume I or the TAs know anything about the company so you need to be clear that all necessary information needed to evaluate your report is written up. Come up with a TITLE. TL;DR - Too Long Didn't Read - is 3 one line sentences (no returns) that sum up the document for a Director or VP who has maybe 30 seconds for your memo. Write this last. 3. Business Case - This paragraph answers the question of why we are doing this analysis/engineering/research/etc. I.e., What is the motivation for this proposal that is easy, simple and motivating. E.g., Why does the business care about this project. Problem/Research question -- what is the problem or research you are conducting and basics on why it is interesting. This should be a question. 4. 5. Hypothesis(es) - What you think the possible outcomes will be. Usually written up with Null hypothesis and one or two alternative hypotheses. 6. Analytic Plan - This is what steps you are going to take to solve this problem. In this case you are going to use a growth model (you need to explain why you would use a linear or non-linear growth model). The big exercise here is to explain what variables your model would take (e.g. gender, age, etc). You need to mention whether the variable is available (e.g., the company has log of it from the user) or whether it needs to be

Fig: 1