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Write a research paper based on the following scenario. As a cloud architect and engineer, design a secure cloud computing architecture that will support a big data lake platform that collects

data through APIs (millions of events per minute), scripted database queries (thousands of records per second), and file transfers (hundreds of gigabyte files per minute); processes the collected data in collective zones; and makes the data available to business intelligence users, data scientists, and site reliability engineers within a minute after it reaches the platform. The cloud environment cannot be maintained by vendors so the purchasing of proprietary services like AWS and Google Cloud platform is not an option. You need to consider data access based on the previously mentioned roles, the tools that the users will use to access the data, the platform's ability to send data to other systems, and cloud systems. What will your cloud design look like? What tools will you use? How will you provision users to access data on your platform? How will you address the security issues of the cloud to ensure that it is not vulnerable to attacks by hackers. Your paper should be 8 to 12 double-spaced pages (2000 to 3000 words) and should use a 12-point font. Include at least one diagram and six academic and/or engineering sources, three of which should be published within the last three years. Guidelines: - You provide a comprehensive introduction that effectively introduces the purpose and goal of your paper. - You provide a comprehensive and effective description of what your cloud design will look like. - You accurately and thoroughly explain what tools you will use. - You clearly and effectively explain how you will enable users to access data on your platform. - You clearly address the security issues of the cloud to ensure that it is not vulnerable to attacks by hackers. - You effectively fulfill the length requirement for the assignment, thoroughly address all required topics, and fully develop and explore concepts. - You gather and effectively present information from highly reliable sources; you exceed stated requirements in terms of references or meet requirements but treat the references with exceptional skill.

Fig: 1

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