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Your assignment should be no more than 2-3 typewritten pages with a font of no less

than (Arial or comparable) 12 and line spacing of no less than 1.5.


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is an independent executive agency of the

United States federal government tasked with environmental protection matters. It began

operation on December 2, 1970, after President Richard Nixon signed an executive order

creating the agency. The EPA is not a Cabinet department, but the administrator is normally

given cabinet rank. The EPA has its headquarters in Washington, D.C., in regional offices for

each of the agency's ten regions, and 27 laboratories. The agency has extraordinary power to

write rules and regulations, both of which are significant tools the EPA uses to carry out its

mission. These rules and regulations may apply to individuals, businesses, state or local

governments, non-profit institutions, or others. The agency conducts environmental

assessment, research, and education. It has the responsibility of maintaining and enforcing

national standards under a variety of environmental laws, in consultation with state, tribal,

and local governments. It delegates some permitting, monitoring, and enforcement

responsibility to the states and the federally recognized Native American tribes. EPA

enforcement powers include fines, sanctions, and other measures. The agency also works

with industries and all levels of government in a wide variety of voluntary pollution

prevention programs and energy conservation efforts.

West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency (2022) is a case in which a state

adversely affected by an EPA policy brought a lawsuit against the agency. You should

consider reading a summary of this case by accessing Links to an

external site. / Links to an external site., Links to an external site. Links to an external site.

Which will provide you with a good "starting point." You should also use a number of other

credible primary and secondary sources to complete this task.

Your written report should include, in narrative form, the following (in the order

provided): Identifying features of the case (the full name and citation of the case and the

dates the case was argued and decided). The panel considering this case, the majority

and minority factions, and the authors of the various --- majority, dissenting and

concurring --- opinions. The legal issue(s) before the Supreme Court. The facts of the

case (a thorough discussion of what event or series of events prompted the individual(s)

to file the original lawsuit). The Supreme Court's decision AND the reasoning/rationale

for its decision. The current application Supreme Court's decision (including a

discussion of why this decision is/was important). Your response to this assignment

should include the information requested above in six (6) separate, distinguishable

narrative paragraphs. In addition, you should use more sources than the source I

provided to you above.

Fig: 1

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When might a farm operator be liable for damage to a neighbor's crop caused by the mistake of an aerial applicator? a. The farmer is never liable O b. The farmer failed to ensure that the applicator had a current applicator's license O c. The farmer was carrying more insurance than the applicator

Assume that North Carolina subscribes to a negligence theory of liability for crop damage caused by pesticide drift.Assume that Farmer A sprays his crop and drift causes damage to Farmer B. Normally, Farmer B has the burden of pro that A was negligent in causing damage to B's crop. Drawing on your knowledge of common might the burden of proof shift to A to prove that he was not negligent? O a. B can establish that A applied the chemical an hour before the earliest daytime allowed application specified on the pesticide label O b. B can establish that the wind was blowing in his direction on the day of application O c. B can prove that the pest A was targeting has been eradicated from the area

Waters that are not considered WOTUS areregulated by whom? O a. state legislatures by statute b. state courts using common law public trust doctrine O c. a combination of both

The primary authorization source of federal funding for farm conservation incentive programs is what? O a. The Farm Bill b. Surplus Federal Emergency Management Agency disaster funds c. Corporate excise tax on toxic substance manufacture

Under the Internal Revenue Code, landowners may receive a tax deduction equal to the donative value of a conservati easement (i.e. the portion for which they are not paid in cash)Which feature of a conservation easement qualifies such for a tax deduction? a. duration in perpetuity O b. reduction in the land value by over 50% O c. the tract is aesthetically pleasing O d. the cash portion of the conservation easement value must exceed 50%

What is the gist of Chief Justice Mitchell's concurring opinion? a. that because the Court of Appeals was correct in its holding and should have been affirmed O b. that the Court of Appeals was incorrect in upholding the trial court's dismissal of defendant's complaint O c. that the whole exercise of reviewing past cases concerning the visitor status distinction was unnecessary

The name of the agency with exclusive responsibility for developing regulations for pesticide manufacture and use is what? a. The Environmental Protection Agency O b. The Food and Drug Administration O c. The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality O d. The North Carolina State Pesticide Board

is a restriction on land use, designed to protect unique,geological, biological or other features, that may be either for a fixed term or have no termination (i.e. are perpetual)A(n) O a. easement appurtanent O b. general easement O c. zoning restriction O d. conservation easement

If labor is properly classified as agricultural labor under the FLSA primary and secondary "3(f)" definition, which farm business may claim exemption for all employees performing agricultural labor from FLSA minimum wage and overtime requirement and child labor restrictions? a. if the farm employed less than "500 man days" in a quarter within the previous 12 months O b. if a farm employed an immediate family member then all employees are exempt O c. if a farm employed at least "500 man days" within the past year

From the case, match the legal standard of care a landowner owed a visitor to his/her land according to the "old"trichotomy (i.e. the common law rule prior to this case) a landowner must refrain from willful injury and from wantonly and recklessly exposing the visitor to danger a landowner need only refrain from the willful or wanton infliction of injury to the visitor landowner owes a duty to the visitor to use ordinary care to keep his property reasonably safe and towarn of hidden perils or unsafe conditions that could be discovered by reasonable inspection andsupervision.