Select all
3. Selects Similar
Use the "selall" command
Take a screenshot of selected objects
Use the "selectsimilar" command
4. Group
Use the group command
b. Select your 3 circles
c. Name this group circles
d. Save the file as "lab5a"
6. Block
Select one of your objects
Take a screenshot of selected objects
5. Group Edit
a. Use the groupedit command
b. Remove one of the circles from the group
c. Save the file as "lab5b"
7. Insert
a. Use the block command
Choose a base point and select the two rectangles
c. Name the block rectangles
a. Use the "-insert" command
b. Insert the retangles block
c. Save the file as "lab5c"
8. Xreference
a. Open a new file
b. Use the xreference command
c. Select attach dwg
d. Select your lab file lab5a.dwg
e. Insert the file into your drawings at 0,0 wit a scale of 1 and rotation of 0
f. Save the file as "lab5d"
Fig: 1