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1. Tune a PID controller for the following first-order process:

Gain = 1.8

Deadtime = 1.5 minutes

First time constant = 4.0 minutes

Find the PI and PID controller parameters using the four open-loop methods (Ziegler-Nichols, Cohen-

Coon, Cohen-Coon with constraints, and Fertik). For the Fertik method, tune for a setpoint response.

2. Tune a PID controller for the following second-order process:

Gain = 1.0

Deadtime = 3.0 minutes

First time constant = 2.0 minutes

Second time constant = 4.0 minutes

On the next page is a plot from which to determine: T₁, T2, T3, ACV, APV, 8, T, and K.

The method is similar to the example on the Chapter 10 PowerPoint slides pages 10-45 to 10-48, that is,

find the approximate first-order model of the process.

Using the constants obtained above, find the PI controller parameters using the four open loop methods

(Ziegler-Nichols, Cohen-Coon, Cohen-Coon with constraints, and Fertik). For the Fertik method, tune for

a disturbance response.