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3. Propose a PDCA improvement project to address a healthcare problem of your choice.

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Most Viewed Questions Of Healthcare Economics

Part 1 Contemplate the following questions as you read Chapters 1 and 2 Ramburs, Health care finance, economics, and policy for Nurses. Answer the below questions in your DB assignment Answer these questions based on chapter 1 and 2 What is health economics and why is it important to nurses? Who pays for health care in the United States? How? What payments are most of your clients in your job? What is the revenue cycle? Explain Actuarial value. How does it affect pt outcomes if a state expanded Medicaid or not? What do we learn by looking at the history of the evolution of the healthcare system in the US? How does it affect us today?/nPart 2 Read pages 130-135 and answer these questions. Answer and include in the DB How do you believe Al will impact nursing care in your practice Does Big data and Al pose ethical questions. Detailed answers please Part 3 Week 1 Discussion Board Assignment This assignment is first emailed to me and then posted to DB afterward. Which course outcomes listed below align with your readings? Below are the outcomes of your course. Answer this question based on the course outcomes In other words which outcomes did you meet or partially meet with your readings and research this week? CONNECTING READINGS TO OUTCOMES This assignment is first emailed to me and then posted to DB afterward. Which course outcomes listed below align with your readings? Course Outcome 1. What is the role of government in the funding of health care? Discuss the revenue cycle process and how these affect the nursing process. 2. Identify healthcare budgets as they impact the healthcare industry. 3. 4. Discuss the influence and impact of health care policy when delivering care. Examine the impact of health care policy, finance, and regulatory environments 5. Discuss and analyze health reform and its impact on the delivery of healthcare. on nursing practice. 6. Integrate principles of communication with the development of health care policy. 7. Recognize and describe the effects of health care policy when delivering care. 8. Analyze health policy, health finances, and issues at the local, state, national, and international levels.

TASK OVERVIEW: stories from 10 Students will pick 10 economics-inspired different chapters from Charles Whelan's Naked Economics and write a reflection paper on how the stories in these ten chapters resonate with their personal experiences. Students will write a paragraph for each of the ten concepts. The focus is your economic story/reflection and the economic concept/principal supporting the reflection. How a particular story in Naked Economics resonates with your own story? You will upload your reflection paper here and post it on an accompanying discussion board. In the discussion board, you will comment on one of your peer's discussions to receive full discussion points. To submit this assignment, students are required to use Turnitin. Students are expected to explain these ten concepts as if they are explaining them to their grandmothers. Therefore it would be helpful to provide examples to make it easy to understand. If the assignment Turnitin score goes over 20 %, the particular student will earn zero for this assignment. Also, a student will lose 10 points for every 5% increase in Turnitin score. The goal of this assignment is to make sure that students explain these concepts in their own words. Therefore, students are expected to stay within a 1-5% Turnitin score. You do NOT need to CITE the book or any other source. Since this assignment does not require any other external citations. TO DO: At least 4 pages as long as 10 economics stories from 10 different chapters are written for a paragraph of the 10 concepts. Double spaced, APA

TASK 2: write a reply The development of information technology (IT) has rapidly changed the world in the last three decades. It has transformed the life and existence of people and businesses. Nowadays, every segment of individuals’ personal and professional life involves the usage of IT from meeting basic personal needs, such as purchasing food, through maintaining social life to working life that includes wide range of IT utilization such as completing basic computer tasks or managing data and digital databases. With the rapid and explosive internet and mobile computing growth, the transfer and communication of healthcare data is easier then ever and it enables participants to use applications that are designed for monitoring patients through wearable devices, manage healthcare service appointments and access to multiple healthcare data (Iyengar et al, 2018). Patients can produce enormous accessible data from using imaging services through blood test results to personalised treatments (Thimbleby, 2013) that increases the concern of privacy and security regarding to patients, healthcare professionals and healthcare providers equally (Iyengar et al, 2018). Any data, which can link to the patient’s identity, is classified as protected health information that is regulated by EU General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR). However, genomic data, which is also great identificatory, is not yet recognised by GDPR (Iyengar et al, 2018). Breach in protecting and secure protected health data can occur due to lack of encryption that makes the data vulnerable and accessible for hackers (Iyengar et al, 2018). Reference Iyengar, A. et al. (2018) Healthcare Informatics and Privacy. IEEE internet computing. [Online] 22 (2), 29–31. Thimbleby H. (2013). Technology and the future of healthcare. Journal of public health research, 2(3), e28.

TASK 1: Write an initial post on topic : Apply your knowledge and discuss how advancing technology is changing the healthcare practice; consider how health information system, telecommunications, confidentiality and information security influenced your practice and personal life. Please explain and provide examples whether technology can be a support or a hindrance to quality of care and patient’s safety.

2. What are the distinctive advantages and disadvantages of Human Centered Design[HCD]? What are the key steps in the process of HCD? How does HCD differ from more conventional approach to innovation and problem solving in business?

TASK 3: write a reply on the question at the end and the whole research I would like to elaborate more on this topic by summing up few advantages of application of technology in healthcare sector. The Digitalization of Health Records: with implementation of Electronic Health Records (EHR), the healthcare institutions are relieved of massive paperwork to maintain patients’ records. The patients and their consultants can easily see the records at the click of button. This led to greater patient care as the EHR guides physician sending automatically to patients’ potential issues such as allergies and intolerance to certain medicine. Researchers can be benefitted with the EHRs as it provides invaluable data helping to advance medical knowledge and treatment development for common health issues. A study at University of Michigan, reported reduced cost of outpatient care by 3% by shifting from paper records to EHRs. The data experts informed multiple benefits as: Reducing healthcare cost, predicting epidemics, avoiding preventable deaths, improving quality of life, reducing healthcare waste, improving efficiency and quality of healthcare, developing new drugs and treatment. Telemedicine or telehealth which is mostly used for remote area is other technology implementation in healthcare. It has applications like live video, store and forward, remote patient monitoring and mobile health. Using health apps for follow-up visits, it improves the probability of follow-up, reducing missing appointments and optimizing patient’s outcome. Can peers shed more light in major advantages of technology applications?

TASK 4: write a reply Technology is continuously advancing, with numerous technological developments; from imaging scanners to intelligent decision aids which improve diagnoses. Technology automates tasks within the patient quality of care which previously had to be carried out by people. Rather than having nurses take time to give injections, infusion pumps can be used as an alternative which allows nurses to have more time to spend on other activities involving patient safety and care. Furthermore, technology allows for the collection of patient data and the quality of patient care. This information gathered can help to discover a variation in treatment and its outcomes, which helps to improve the quality of healthcare provided to patients (Thimbleby, 2013). Compliance with policies and guidelines (e.g., Health Information Technology for Economics and Clinical Health) ensures the privacy of patient information, where systems must be vigilant in how information is secured. Nonetheless, authentication procedures can be time-consuming, reducing the efficiency of healthcare performance. The HIMSS (2015) survey stated negligent insider as the most common security breach (for example walking away without logging off). An example of an unintentional data breach was reported by a healthcare company returning equipment without erasing healthcare data stored. As a result, there was a settlement of more than $1.2 million (Department of Health and Human Services, 2021: 161). Security network information is another risk by having computers linked together within healthcare organisations, resulting in possible exposure of patient information to unauthorised users (e.g., insiders, hackers, or viruses) (Mastrian & McGonigle, 2021:158). Though technological innovation will continue to transform healthcare, network accessibility and human factors will continue to remain limitations, posing security risks (Mastrian & McGonigle, 2021:168). References: Mastrian, K. & McGonigle, D. (2021) Informatics for health professionals: Electronic Security. 2nd Edition. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Available Via the VitalSource Bookshelf. [Date of Access: 14/11/22]. Thimbleby, H.(2013) Technology and the future of healthcare. J Public Health Research 2(3):28. Available From: Technology and the Future of Healthcare - PMC ( doi: 10.4081/jphr.2013.e28

Submit a Word document with the name of the country that you've chosen, and a content outline indicating how you plan to address key elements of the project. The outline will be in Bullet Form showing the areas that will be expanded upon in the Final Paper. The purpose of the Outline is to provide a basis for which research and writing can take place. How to Create Your Outline You want to have formalized your topics and organized them with main points of interest. Title Page Introduction Body of Paper Topic Heading Subtopic 1 Content 1 Content 2 Content 3 Topic Heading Subtopic 2 Content 1 Content 2 Content 3... and so on Conclusion Bibliography: References An outline is very important because it helps you to organize research topics and write your paper. It also helps the flow of your paper (i.e., transitions from one subtitle topic to the next).

InstructionsFamiliarize yourself with the strategies of research andproduce an original five page minimum persuasive researchessay using only the Rasmussen College library to findvaried academic resources/databases. Choose five current,varied (by type), and credible sources to use in writing tosupport your topic which should result in a five page essaythat persuades the reader that your perspective on adebatable topic is the correct position to take. Your APApaper should demonstrate your ability to engage thereader, provide a strong thesis with pattern fordevelopment, incorporate in-text citations as needed,and include a final reference page listing and usingresearch resources as described above. Here is the topicfor your persuasive essay assignment:What do you think will be the most important debatableeconomic or social problem facing your field of work 20years from now? Choose the problem, define it, anddefend your position using credible research from theRasmussen College library databases.

For the Week 2 activity, you selected a health services organization (HQ) and then developed five research questions to gain a better understanding of the financial condition of your chosen HSQ; its budget preparation process; and fiscal planning strategies related to the financial management of the organization. For this assignment, you will provide thorough responses to each question and report your key findings. Instructions Using the HSQ you identified in the Week 2 activity, use the Strayer Library and other reputable sources to locate publicly available financial information that will provide you with the answers to the five questions you developed in Week 2. You will then write a three-page paper in which you include each of the following components: • Develop an introduction to your chosen healthcare organization. o The name of the selected organization and background information, such as its location, size, focus, services provided, demographics of patients served, for-profit or nonprofit status, et cetera. o Indicate whether the organization has a separate finance or business department and, if so, who is responsible for the department. o Any other information that may help explain the chosen organization. For example, is it unique in how its finances are managed? If so, how? • Develop research-based answers to the five previously created questions. . o A response to each of the five questions you created in Week 2. This should include specific information pertaining to the chosen healthcare organization's budget preparation process, fiscal planning strategies, and how the financial condition of the organization is routinely monitored and corrective actions are taken when necessary. Assess any differences and similarities between what you have learned from the textbook, videos, and other readings with what you have learned in your research. This is the section of the paper where you assess any differences between what you have learned in this course and what is reflected in your research. This is also an opportunity to identify connections between cost and quality and explore the interplay of performance improvement, regulatory compliance, provider relationships, and payors, Keep in mind that the background and context of the organization play a role in how these pieces fit together.