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4. Solve and plot the following differential equation numerically (employ Matlab's ode45) ÿ(t) + 5ý(t) +6y(t) =4e-t,t > 0 Assume the initial conditions y(0+) = 10, y(0+) =- 2. 5. Solve for the complete response v(t), t > 0, for the following circuit (Let, R1 = 102, R2 = 10, C = 1 F and L=2 H). Assume that the switch has been in position 1 for a very long time. The switch moves into position 2 for all t ≥ 0. Also, determine the steady- state response Uss(t) and the transient response vtr(t). R2 t=0 + cos(t) + J 2V C= ₹10 : D(1) lle L 7

Fig: 1

Most Viewed Questions Of Network Analysis And Synthesis

Take your ID number and sum the first and last digits together. Take this value to replace the variable K in Q3 and Q4. (e.g. if your ID were 30463117, the sum would be 3 + 7 = 10 =K). Q3. An ideal voltage source is connected in the arrangement shown in Fig. Q3, with three resistances and one capacitor (assumed ideal). For time t <0 all voltages and currents in the circuit are zero (including Vin(t)). For t 20 Vin(t)= K Volts. Vin(t) 10 20 ΚΩ (c) 40k0 Vin(t) = 0.2 d 20 ΚΩ IB Fig Q3 (a) Show the differential equation for Vout(t) for this circuit can be derived as yout de(t) + 1.5Vout(t) 4μF Vout(t) Show each stage of the calculations (Eq.3.1) [5 Marks] (b) Calculate the time constant of the circuit from the general solution of the differential equation, using (Eq.3.1) [5 Marks] Determine the complete solution for Vout(t) for t20 [5 Marks]

1. (a) Explain how clock synchronisation is achieved in 10BT networks. (b) Discuss two methods by which CSMA/CD improves the SlottedAloha access scheme. (c) Two hosts are connected by an Ethernet full-duplex link. What is the maximum utilisation and under which conditions is achieved?

Consider the simple transformer circuit shown here: (4) Re-draw this circuit as a Fourier transform representation. (4) Write the mesh equation for the primary side of the transformer. (4) Write the mesh equation for the secondary side of the transformer. (4) Show that the Fourier transform of the secondary load voltage is: V O ω = 4 3 jω 8 3 + 8 3 jω - jω 2 (4) From your answer in (d), show that inverse Fourier transform of the secondary load voltage is: v o t = - 4 e - 4t 3 cos 8 3 t +5.657 e - 4t 3 sin 8 3 t V (4) Plot the response in (e) in Matlab.

4. Three-Phase AC Power The input power to a 3-phase AC motor was measured as P = 5kW (the true or active power). If the voltage and current to the motor are 400Volts and 8.6Amp, respectively, calculate: A. the Power Factor of the system, pf B. Reactive Power (Q) in kVAR and C. Apparent Power (S) in kVA. D. the motor efficiency, if the motor output power is 7.5Hp Star & Delta Three-Phase Connections Star connection V 13- Vp Delta connection: Iv [5pts] [5pts] [5pts] [5pts] 13 p Vp

Consider the design project on which you are currently working as the basis for the following instructions and questions. 1. List a specific technical topic about which you have needed more knowledge than what you have gained in the classroom. 2. List and discuss the specific ways (sources, techniques, etc.) that you have gained this knowledge. ("The internet", any online search engine, Wikipedia, and other similar sources do not qualify as valid sources/methods/techniques and will void your answer to this question). 3. Discuss other methods or techniques that you think would be helpful in learning the fundamentals of a new technology. ("The internet", any online search engine, Wikipedia, and other similar sources do not qualify as valid sources/ methods/ techniques and will void your answer to this question). 4. List any specific conferences where you believe you would gain more knowledge and insight into the issues you are facing in your design project. One suggested source for finding these conferences is the IEEE website or other professional societies. 5. Find on the IEEE Learning Network ( a technical topic that you would like to learn (more) about. In a sentence or two, summarize the abstract of the lecture/course. Then explain why this is of interest to you or relevant to your project.

a. The equations below represent the node voltages obtained usingnodal analysis of the circuit shown in Figure(2). Solve the equations using MATLAB. 3 V_{1}-2 V_{3}=12 11 V_{2}-6 V_{3}-5 V_{4}=-90 -15 V_{1}-6 V_{2}+31 V_{3}-10 V_{4}=120 -V_{2}-2 V_{3}+3 V_{4}=36 b. Enter the circuit in Multisim and run the simulation to find thevalues of all node voltages. The results should agree with thoseobtained in (a) 12

5. Consider the circuit of Figure 3 below: a. Enter the circuit into Multisim and determine the voltage across R₁and the current through it. b. Determine the The venin equivalent circuit to the left of terminal A-Busing ONLY Multisim. c. Connect R, to the Thevenin equivalent circuit found in (b) as shown in Figure 3(b). Determine the voltage and current for resistor R₁. It should agree with the results obtained in (a)

1. Basic Sinusoidal Single-Phase Circuit Concepts Find the peak value, the RMS value, the frequency, the periodic time, and the phase angle (in degrees, is it in phase, leading or lagging) of the following alternating quantities: (a) v 90 Sin 400t Volts (b) i 50 Sin(100 t + 0.30 rad) Amperes (c) e = 200 Sin (628.4 t-0.41 rad) Volts Show your solution and summarize your answers using the table shown below. [10pts] A B C RMS Frequency Period Phase Angle in Degrees & Phase Relationship 2. Sinusoidal Waveform Transformation into Phasor Quantities Transform the following time expressions (instantaneous values) of voltage and current to their phasor equivalents; i.e., draw their equivalent phasor diagrams and find the magnitude (in RMS) and direction (in Electrical Degrees). (a) v = 100 Sin (60t +10°) Volts (b) i= 20 Sin (100t -15%) Amps [5pts] [5pts]

a. The loop equations for the circuit shown in Figure 1 are stated below. 12 I_{1}-2 I_{2}-2 I_{3}=0 -2 I_{1}+7 I_{2}-2 I_{4}=-6 -2 I_{1}+7 I_{3}-2 I_{4}=6 -2 I_{2}-2 I_{3}+12 I_{4}=0 Solve the above equations using MATLAB to find all the loopcurrents. b. Enter the circuit in Multisim and run the simulation to find the values of all loop currents. The results should agree with those obtained in (a)

5. Solve for the complete response v(t), t > 0, for the following circuit (Let, R₁ = 10, R₂ = 102, C = 1 F and L = 2 H). Assume that the switch has been in position 1 for a very long time. The switch moves into position 2 for all t≥ 0. Also, determine the steady- state response Vss (t) and the transient response vtr (t). R₁ cos(t) t-0 2V C: 10 R₂ www D(1) LIL(1) ell L