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551494 - Chemistry and Biochemistry Environmental Disaster Assignment

You and your team received a call in the night. There has been a major incident at the

ExoChem7 plant in the north of Yorkshire, England. The ExoChem7 plant is a major producer

of saturated hydrocarbons using non-conventional methods of production. The ExoChem7

plant covers two sites, each holding various chemical storages (Tank farm 1-1, Tank farm 1-2

and Tank farm 2), see Figure 1 for a site map.

It is believed that Tank farm 1-1 and Tank farm 1-2 houses liquids and Tank farm 2 held a gas,

these have all been ruptured in the explosion that occurred in Site 2.

The plant managers have left the premises and are not providing the investigation team with

all of the information as to what was used, made and what were the processes used.

Fig: 1