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6. Draw the key signature for the following major keys (5 marks).

D flat major

F sharp major

D major

C major


F major

Fig: 1

Most Viewed Questions Of Music

8. Suppose we have an eight-note scale (with first and eighth notes an octave apart) such that the sequence of intervals of adjacent notes contains only the numbers and 1. Is it possible that this scale is a non-trivial cyclic permutation of itself? If so, give an example. If not, explain why not.

Music Blog This module's focus was on music and/as politics as expressed through Reggae, Rasta,and Ruddies. Using Hebdige's article as your critical reference, post a music video from the period and analyze how or why it is representative of this black British phase that you just studied.But do not post a video that has already been posted.Write your critical analysis of the music in about 450-500 words.

7. Choosing an appropriate clef, write on staff paper, and name with subscript, the note which is: (a) a minor third above D₂ (b) a fifth above F (c) a major ninth below C (d) a tritone below E

8. Draw out the following major scales ascending and descending in whole notes, using a key signature (not accidentals) (10 marks). G flat Major C Major 9 A flat Major A Major F Major

7. Identify the following major scales and the scale degree term (ie. tonic, dominant etc.) for the selected note (10 marks). Scale: Scale-step term:_ Scale: Scale-step term: 9:# Scale: Scale-step term: 0 少带。 Scale: Scale-step term: Scale: Scale-step term:_ 0 o

3. Choosing an appropriate clef, write on the staff below, and name with subscript, the note which is: (a) a major third above Es (b) a minor sixth below F's (c) an octave above C₂

4. Identify both the major and the minor key associated with each key signature (10 marks). Major: Minor: Major: Minor: Major: Minor: Major: Minor: Major: Minor:

Using the keyword document, search for books and journal articles using the Copley Library that are relevant to your project topic. Find one book and one journal article relevant to your topic and then provide a bibliographic citation for each using Chicago Manual of Style.

Greetings! If you find you are unable for any reason to attend a live concert, I do have approved videos that I will allow you to watch and then write a report as if you were actually at the concert. Note that if you are going to use one of these alternate online concert videos, I expect a complete report that comments on all aspects of the viewing/listening experience, including comments about the beginning, middle, and end of the concerts. Just as with live concerts, I expect you to watch the entire show. While it is the intention of the assignment to have you attend a live show, I know that it is not always possible. Therefore, I have made these available. Click the link below to stream the approved concert. • Link: The T.A.M.I. Show, 1964

5. Choosing an appropriate clef, write on the staff below the following scales: (a) Major scale (Ionian) starting from A4 (b) Dorian scale starting from G₂ (c) Aeolian scale starting from A4